Solving Friedmann Equation for Cosmology

In summary: The density of matter changes as the universe expands. The energy density of the vacuum does not change.
  • #1
:confused: could anyone please help me with this coursework,i am soo confused with maths,thanks

Start with friedmann equation for case for flat universe k=0 with mass density total p =p(m) + p(cosmo constant). how can i derive integral relating scale factor to time in form

$f(a)da = $(8piG/3)^(1/2) where $=integral
then by using change of variable a to s
s = {(p(cos)/p(mo))x(a/a(o))^3}^(1/2)


Then another change of variable s to (THETA) = sinh^-1(s) should be able to calculate integral in A to obtain a relation for t = G(A) WHERE G(A) YOU DERIVE

where p(mo) is density matter at t =0 and a(o) is scale factor at time t=0
^3= to power of three
sinh(s)^-1 does not equal 1 /sinh(s)
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  • #2
Well, first you should write down the correct Friedmann equation.

Note that you need to show some work before we can help you here. Also, if you intend writing long mathematical expressions, it may be worth learning to use the board's [itex]\LaTeX[/itex] feature.
  • #3
thanks cristo, friedmann H^2 = (8piG/3)p + (kc^2)/(a^2)
and i'll consider learning latex
  • #4
Now, you are told that the space is flat, so that should make a change to your Friedmann equation. Write H in terms of the scale factor and its time derivative. You should be able to write rho_m and rho_lambda in terms of the scale factor also.
  • #5
da/{ax(rho_m +rho_lamb)^1/2} = dt(8piG/3)^1/2
is that the answer to first part?
i think that's correct
  • #6
foranlogan5 said:
da/{ax(rho_m +rho_lamb)^1/2} = dt(8piG/3)^1/2
is that the answer to first part?
i think that's correct

I s either [itex]\rho_m[/itex] or [itex]\rho_\Lambda[/itex] a function of [itex]a[/itex]? In order to do the integral, explicit functional forms must be used.
  • #7
could you further that point george,i don't quite understand what you are saying?
  • #8
foranlogan5 said:
could you further that point george,i don't quite understand what you are saying?

As the universe expands, does the density of matter change? What about the energy density of the vacuum? If they do change, in what way? If they do change, you might want to write them in terms of their values now (look at your first post) and [itex]a[/itex].

FAQ: Solving Friedmann Equation for Cosmology

1. What is the Friedmann equation for cosmology?

The Friedmann equation is a set of equations used to describe the evolution of the universe in models of cosmology. It is named after Russian mathematician Alexander Friedmann, who first derived it in the 1920s.

2. What does the Friedmann equation tell us about the universe?

The Friedmann equation helps us understand the expansion and evolution of the universe by relating the rate of expansion to the matter and energy content of the universe. It allows us to make predictions about the past and future behavior of the universe.

3. How is the Friedmann equation solved?

The Friedmann equation is a set of differential equations that can be solved using mathematical methods such as numerical integration or analytical techniques. The solution depends on the assumptions and parameters used in the model of the universe.

4. What are the different forms of the Friedmann equation?

There are three main forms of the Friedmann equation: the matter-dominated universe, the radiation-dominated universe, and the cosmological constant-dominated universe. These forms differ based on the dominant type of matter or energy in the universe at a given time.

5. How does the Friedmann equation relate to the Big Bang theory?

The Friedmann equation is an essential component of the Big Bang theory, which states that the universe began in a hot, dense state and has been expanding ever since. The Friedmann equation helps us understand the dynamics of this expansion and provides evidence for the existence of the Big Bang.
