Solving Gamma Matrices Identity Problems in Particle Physics

In summary: The equation for the helicity operator is ## h= S . \bf{p} ## (where S is a 2x2 matrix), and it commutes with the Dirac Hamiltonian ## H = \gamma^0 ( \gamma^i p^i + m ) ## because of the anticommutation relation between the Gamma matrices:\gamma_\mu p^\mu \gamma_\nu p^\nu = \gamma_\mu p^\mu \gamma^\mu p^2 = 4 p^2 For the first question, you've just been sloppy with your summation indices. If you do what you were trying to
  • #1
Hi all,
I make some
exercises in particle physics but I'm stuck in two problems related to Gamma matrices identities,
First: the Fermion propagator ## \frac {i } { /\!\!\!p - m} = i \frac { /\!\!\!p + m } { p^2 - m^2} ## So how ##/ \!\!\!\!p ^2 = p^2 ## ? Where ## /\!\!\!p = \gamma_\mu p^\mu ##.

I think ##/ \!\!\!\!p ^2 = \gamma_\mu p^\mu \gamma_\nu p^\nu =
\gamma_\mu p^\mu \gamma_\nu g^{\mu\nu} p_\mu = \gamma_\mu \gamma^\mu p^2 = 4 p^2 ##, so I got a factor 4 ! What's wrong here?

Second: It's related to the helicity operator, ## h= S . \bf{p} ## ( where S is 2 by 2 matrix, with ##\sigma^i ## on the diagonal ), that as mentioned in a reference as [arXiv:1006.1718], it commutes with the Dirac Hamiltonian ## H = \gamma^0 ( \gamma^i p^i + m ) ## equ. (3.3), due to Gamma matrices anticommutation relation, but this isn't clear for me at all..

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  • #2
I'm not sure about the second one, but on the first one, you've just been sloppy with your summation indices, and you've used μ as a summation index twice. If you do what you were trying to do correctly, you get:
[tex] \not p \not p = \gamma_\mu p^\mu \gamma_\nu p^\nu = \gamma_\mu p^\mu \gamma_\nu g^{\nu \lambda}p_\lambda = \gamma_\mu p^\mu \gamma^\lambda p_\lambda= ?[/tex]

An easier way to see it is as follows:

[tex]\not p \not p= \frac{1}{2}(\gamma^\mu p_\mu \gamma^\nu p_\nu + \gamma^\nu p_\nu \gamma^\mu p_\mu)= \frac{1}{2}p_\mu p_\nu(\gamma^\mu \gamma^\nu + \gamma^\nu \gamma^\mu) = \frac{1}{2}p_\mu p_\nu 2 g^{\mu \nu} = p_\mu p^\mu = p^2[/tex]
  • #3
For the first question:
##/ \!\!\!\!p ^2 = / \!\!\!\!p ^2## so by simple relabling
## \gamma_\mu p^\mu \gamma_\nu p^\nu = \gamma_\nu p^\nu \gamma_\mu p^\mu ##
now ##/ \!\!\!\!p ^2 = \frac{1}{2}( / \!\!\!\!p ^2 + / \!\!\!\!p ^2) ##
## \gamma_\mu p^\mu \gamma_\nu p^\nu = \frac{1}{2}( \gamma_\mu p^\mu \gamma_\nu p^\nu + \gamma_\nu p^\nu \gamma_\mu p^\mu) = \frac{1}{2}\left\{ \gamma_\mu,\, \gamma_\nu\right\}p^\nu p^\mu##
since ##[p^\nu, p^\mu ] = 0 ##
You should be able to finish the last one or two steps from here.

Edit: I didn't refresh my browser to see someone beat me to it before posting. Oh well.

FAQ: Solving Gamma Matrices Identity Problems in Particle Physics

What are gamma matrices and why are they important in particle physics?

Gamma matrices are mathematical tools used to describe the behavior of particles in quantum field theory. They are important in particle physics because they help us understand the properties and interactions of particles at the subatomic level.

What is the identity problem in relation to gamma matrices and how is it solved?

The identity problem refers to the challenge of finding a set of matrices that satisfy the properties of gamma matrices, such as anti-commutation and tracelessness. This is typically solved by using the Dirac representation, where the gamma matrices are expressed in terms of the Pauli matrices and the identity matrix.

How are gamma matrices used to describe spin in particle physics?

In particle physics, spin is a fundamental property of particles that describes their intrinsic angular momentum. Gamma matrices are used to represent the spin operators in quantum field theory and can be used to calculate the spin of particles in various situations.

What is the role of gamma matrices in the Standard Model of particle physics?

The Standard Model is a theory that describes the fundamental particles and their interactions. Gamma matrices play a crucial role in this model, as they are used to represent the fermions (particles with half-integer spin) and their interactions with the gauge bosons (particles responsible for the fundamental forces).

Are there any practical applications of solving gamma matrices identity problems?

Yes, solving gamma matrices identity problems has many practical applications in particle physics research. For example, it allows us to accurately predict the behavior of particles in high-energy collisions, which is essential for understanding the structure of matter and the fundamental forces of the universe.

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