Solving General Plane Motion Homework - Problem 19

In summary, The teacher has already provided solutions for problem 19 on page 2 of the given link. The formulas v = (omega) X r and a = (alpha) X r + (omega) X { (omega X r) } are used to solve the problem, with the radius of the wheel being 8 inches. However, only the tangential acceleration (a) is used in this case, and the centripetal acceleration is ignored.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The teacher provided the solutions already.

Page 2 Problem 19) the two wheels and a belt

Homework Equations

v = (omega) X r
a = (alpha) X r + (omega) X { (omega X r) }

The Attempt at a Solution

I understand the formulas and all but I don't understand where that (8/12) comes from. . .
in the formula it stands for r. . .but the radius of the wheel is 8,
the fomrula should be
v = w x r
so 12 = w x 8
and therefore w = 3/2
and also for alpha, why is it just alpha x r and not alpha x r + omega x (omega x r) ??
Thank you!
Physics news on
  • #2
Hi _Bd_! :smile:

(have an alpha: α and an omega: ω :wink:)
_Bd_ said:
… the radius of the wheel is 8 …

erm :redface:inches! :biggrin:
why is it just alpha x r and not alpha x r + omega x (omega x r) ??

That's the total acceleration formula …

here, a is only the tangential acceleration, and that double-cross term is the centripetal acceleration :wink:

FAQ: Solving General Plane Motion Homework - Problem 19

What is general plane motion?

General plane motion refers to the movement of an object in a two-dimensional plane, where the object can move in any direction and at varying speeds. It can also involve rotation around a fixed point.

What is Problem 19?

Problem 19 is a specific question or exercise within a set of homework problems related to general plane motion. It may involve applying principles and equations to solve for the motion of an object in a 2D plane.

How do I approach solving Problem 19?

To solve Problem 19, it is important to first understand the given information and what is being asked. Then, use relevant equations and principles, such as Newton's laws of motion, to analyze the motion of the object and determine the solution.

What are some common challenges when solving general plane motion problems?

Some common challenges when solving general plane motion problems include correctly identifying and understanding the given information, selecting the appropriate equations and principles to use, and accurately applying mathematical concepts. It is also important to pay attention to units and be careful with calculations and conversions.

How can I check if my solution to Problem 19 is correct?

One way to check if your solution to Problem 19 is correct is to compare it to the given answer or solution, if available. You can also double-check your calculations and reasoning, and consider if your answer makes sense given the given information and the principles of general plane motion.
