Solving Griffiths E&M Integral with Polarization in z-Direction

In summary, the conversation discusses a question about an integral in Griffiths E and M book. The person is stuck with the integral and has chosen z to be in the same direction as the polarization. They mention the integral being a pain and suggest using Mathematica or trig substitutions to solve it. The conversation also briefly mentions using the script r in LaTeX.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This question refers to Griffiths E and M book.

Of course I am stuck with the integral.

I chose z to be in the same direction as the polarization.

The integral is then
[tex]P \int d\Omega r'^2 dr'\frac{\left(\mathbf{r} -\mathbf{r'}\right)\cdot \hat{\mathbf{z}}}{\left(\mathbf{r} -\mathbf{r'}\right)^2}[/tex]

BTW, how do you get the script r that Griffiths uses in latex?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on
  • #2
Your denominator should be [tex]({\bf r-r')}^3[/tex].
  • #3
Yes, the integral is a pain in the neck, but you should notice that it is the same integral as a uniformly charged sphere. I would probably just use mathematica, but if you don't have that luxury then I believe you can use trig substitutions and partial fractions to get it done.

FAQ: Solving Griffiths E&M Integral with Polarization in z-Direction

1. How do I solve the Griffiths E&M integral with polarization in the z-direction?

To solve the Griffiths E&M integral with polarization in the z-direction, you will need to use the appropriate mathematical equations and techniques. This may include using vector calculus, applying boundary conditions, and utilizing appropriate coordinate systems.

2. What are some common challenges when solving this integral?

Some common challenges when solving the Griffiths E&M integral with polarization in the z-direction include determining the appropriate boundary conditions and properly setting up the integral in the correct coordinate system. It is also important to carefully consider the physical parameters and assumptions of the problem.

3. Can this integral be solved analytically or is numerical integration required?

The Griffiths E&M integral with polarization in the z-direction can be solved analytically in certain cases, such as when the problem has symmetrical boundaries or when the polarization is uniform. However, in most cases, numerical integration is required for an accurate solution.

4. Are there any resources or tools that can help with solving this integral?

There are several resources and tools that can assist with solving the Griffiths E&M integral with polarization in the z-direction. These include textbooks and online resources that provide step-by-step solutions and examples, as well as software programs that can perform numerical integration and visualization of the results.

5. How is the solution to this integral used in practical applications?

The solution to the Griffiths E&M integral with polarization in the z-direction is used in various practical applications, such as designing electronic circuits, analyzing electromagnetic fields in materials, and understanding the behavior of particles in accelerators. It is an important tool in the study and application of electromagnetism in various fields.
