Solving Identities Homework: Proving 1/1+sinx=sec2x - tanx/cosx

  • Thread starter ritagogna
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about a student who needs help proving two identities in grade 12. They have been working on the problem for 2 hours and are stuck. After discussing the problem, they realize that one of the identities should be cos2x instead of cos squared 2x. The expert summarizer advises the student to write out tanx and secx in terms of sinx and cosx, and then multiply the equation to get rid of the denominators. The student then realizes that the correct equation is 1-sinx/cos2x and they are unsure of where to go from there.
  • #1

Homework Statement

hey i really need some ones help i need to prove these 2 identities. I am in grade 12 and I've been working on these questions for almost 2 hours and keep failing pleasezz help
b. 1/1+sinx = sec2x - tanx/cosx

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

So i tried proving the identity and got stuck...
i picked one side which was 1/1+sinx
then i got the conjugate
and this is where i have no idea what to do because i need to make it equal to sec2x-tanx/cosx
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  • #2
By sec2x do you mean sec2x? If so, the equation is [tex]\frac{1}{1+sinx}=sec^2x-\frac{tanx}{cosx}[/tex].

Now, my advice would be to write out tanx and secx in terms of cosx and sinx. Then multiply the equation to get rid of the denominators. Try this and post what you get.
  • #3
ritagogna said:

I take it that you mean:



I'm not sure of how you got this (or even of how to read it!), but it definitely looks wrong. You should multiply across the top and across the bottom in my expression above. Try that, and post what you get.
  • #4
so i worked it out and I am pretty sure its 1- sinx/ cosx
  • #5
Nope, the cosine should be squared.
  • #6
no the equation is exacly what cristo got
  • #7
ok so its 1-sinx over cos2x
  • #8
ritagogna said:
no the equation is exacly what cristo got

No, I'm talking about the part of your solution that I quoted.
  • #9
wait no its 1/cos2x-sinx/cosx
  • #10
ritagogna said:
ok so its 1-sinx over cos2x

Do you mean cos2(x)? If so, then you're right. But if you mean cos(2x), then you're not right.
  • #11
no i mean cos squared 2 x but i still haven't solved the identity and i don't know where to go from here because ill just be making the equation more complicated by converting the identities
  • #12
ritagogna said:
no i mean cos squared 2 x

That's wrong. When you multiply [itex]1+\sin(x)[/itex] by [itex]1-\sin(x)[/itex], you get [itex]1-\sin^2(x)=\cos^2(x)[/itex]. The argument of the cosine is not [itex]2x[/itex].

FAQ: Solving Identities Homework: Proving 1/1+sinx=sec2x - tanx/cosx

What is the purpose of solving identities homework?

The purpose of solving identities homework is to practice using algebraic manipulations and trigonometric identities to simplify expressions and prove that they are equal to each other.

What are the steps involved in solving identities homework?

The general steps for solving identities homework include:

  1. Simplifying each side of the equation using algebraic manipulations
  2. Applying known trigonometric identities to both sides of the equation
  3. Continuing to manipulate and simplify both sides until they are equivalent
  4. Writing a concluding statement to show that the original equation is equivalent to the simplified expression

What is the meaning of the equation 1/1+sinx=sec2x - tanx/cosx?

This equation is an identity, which means that it is true for all values of x. It is a trigonometric identity that shows the relationship between the cosecant, secant, tangent, and cosine functions.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving identities homework?

Some common mistakes to avoid when solving identities homework include:

  • Forgetting to apply the distributive property when simplifying expressions
  • Making arithmetic errors when combining terms
  • Not using parentheses correctly when substituting in values for trigonometric functions
  • Forgetting to check the domain of the original equation and the simplified expression

How can I improve my skills in solving identities homework?

To improve your skills in solving identities homework, it is important to practice regularly and seek help when needed. It can also be helpful to review the properties and rules of algebra and trigonometry, as well as common trigonometric identities. Additionally, trying different approaches and methods to solve equations can help develop problem-solving skills.

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