Solving Laplacian PDE with Separation of Variables

In summary, the given Laplacian with partial derivatives equations has the general solution u = (ax+b)(cy+d) + sum over k of (Ak*sinky + Bk*cosky)*(Ck*exp(kx) + Dk*exp(-kx)). By setting Ck = 0 and choosing k= -\frac{n\pi}{2}, the boundary condition u(x,y)= 0 for |y|= 1 can be satisfied. The coefficients can be determined by integrating between suitable limits, but this process is currently causing difficulties.
  • #1
we are given the laplacian:
(d^2)u/(dx^2) + (d^2)u/(dy^2) = 0 where the derivatives are partial. we have the B.C's
u=0 for (-1<y<1) on x=0
u=0 on the lines y=plus or minus 1 for x>0
u tends to zero as x tends to infinity.

Using separation of variable I get the general solution

u = (ax+b)(cy+d) + sum over k of (Ak*sinky + Bk*cosky)*(Ck*exp(kx) + Dk*exp(-kx))

where a,b,c,d,Ak,Bk,Ck,Dk are constants. We can then say that Ck = 0 from B.C's, and I also think that we can say that a=b=c=d=0 as well (but I am not sure). I'm having trouble imposing the rest of the B.C's. the final solution is
u=sum over m of [Am*cos(m*Pi*y/2)*exp(-(m*Pi*x/2)

thanks very much
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  • #2
Since [itex]cos(\frac{n\pi}{2})= cos(-\frac{n\pi}{2})= 0[/itex] for n any positive integer, you can satisfy the boundary condition u(x,y)= 0 for |y|= 1 by choosing [itex]k= -\frac{n\pi}{2}[/itex]. Of course, the the coefficient of sin(kx) must be 0 for all k for the same reason.
  • #3
Hi, thanks for the clarification. I'm now stuck on the next bit: determining the coefficients. I'm not sure what limits to integrate between, and keep getting all of my coefficients equal to zero.

FAQ: Solving Laplacian PDE with Separation of Variables

1. What is the Laplacian PDE and why is it important in science?

The Laplacian PDE (Partial Differential Equation) is a type of differential equation that involves multiple variables and their partial derivatives. It is important in science because it is used to model a wide range of physical phenomena, from heat transfer to fluid dynamics, making it a valuable tool in understanding and predicting real-world systems.

2. What is Separation of Variables and how is it applied to solve Laplacian PDEs?

Separation of Variables is a technique used to solve partial differential equations by breaking down the solution into simpler, single-variable equations. In the context of Laplacian PDEs, this means assuming that the solution can be expressed as the product of two functions, each of which is dependent on only one variable. This allows us to reduce the PDE to a series of ordinary differential equations which are easier to solve.

3. What are the steps involved in solving a Laplacian PDE with Separation of Variables?

The first step is to express the Laplacian PDE in standard form, with all the derivatives on one side and the remaining terms on the other side. Next, we assume that the solution can be written as the product of two functions, each of which is dependent on only one variable. We then substitute this into the PDE and solve for each individual function. Finally, we combine the two solutions to obtain the complete solution to the Laplacian PDE.

4. Can all Laplacian PDEs be solved using Separation of Variables?

No, not all Laplacian PDEs can be solved using Separation of Variables. This technique is only applicable to a specific type of PDEs known as homogeneous PDEs, where the coefficients of the derivatives are constant. Inhomogeneous PDEs require different methods of solution.

5. What are some real-world applications of solving Laplacian PDEs with Separation of Variables?

Laplacian PDEs with Separation of Variables are commonly used in various fields of science and engineering, such as heat transfer, quantum mechanics, and electromagnetics. They can be used to model and predict the behavior of physical systems, such as the temperature distribution in a heated object or the electric field around a charged particle. Additionally, they are also used in solving boundary value problems in mathematical physics.

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