Solving Lie Algebra Homework: Commutativity of Casimir Operator and Bases

In summary, the Homework Equations state that the Casimir operator commutes with all a. However, I was unable to find a way to prove that this is true.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have the Casimir second order operator:
C= Ʃ gij aiaj
and the Lie Algebra for the bases a:
[as,al]= fpsl ap
where f are the structure factors.

I need to show that C commutes with all a, so that:

Homework Equations

gij = Ʃ fkilfljk

(Jacobi identity for f is known, as well as it's antisymmetry to the lower indices)

The Attempt at a Solution

Well I go and write:
(I am using Einstein's notation so that I won't keep the Sum signs, same indices are being added)
[C,ar]=gij [aiaj,ar]
=gij { ai [aj,ar] + [ai,ar ] aj }
=gij { fpjr aiap + fpir apaj }

Here starts my problem:
I can't show that the above is zero... Any idea?
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  • #2
Hmm...I have usually seen the Casimir operators defined as being elements of the centre of the universal enveloping algebra and then defining the structure constants, but I guess we can go the other direction.

Without doing all the calculations, there are still a few more lines that we could add here that might lead to something fruitful. In particular, it seems to be that [itex] g_{ij} [/itex] is symmetric via its definition in terms of the structure constants. Hence [itex] g_{ij} f^p_{ir} a_p a_j = g_{ij} f^p_{jr} a_p a_i [/itex], unless of course I've completely forgotten how to symbol push. Then you can factor out to get [itex] g_{ij} f^p_{jr} (a_i a_p + a_p a_i) [/itex] and introduce a commutator here to one of the components. Hopefully magic happens and things cancel, though I'm honestly not certain.
  • #3
I have been thinking on it ( now it is just out of curiousity, since the deadtime is over).

I agree with whay you've written and I used it reaching the same result but I can't make a solution out of it.

If it was fijp it would be easier (i would have one symmetric*antisymmetric and I would get zero).
Keep moving from your last result:

gij fjrp (2aiap+ fpis as)

I just used the Lie Algebra equation.

2gij fjrp aiap +gij fjrp fpis as

Changing the sumed indices p-->k for the first term, s-->k for the second

2gij fjrk aiak +gij fjrp fpik ak

So ak can come out:

gij (2 fjrk ai + fjrp fpik ) ak

That's where I reached it...

FAQ: Solving Lie Algebra Homework: Commutativity of Casimir Operator and Bases

What is a Lie Algebra?

A Lie Algebra is a mathematical structure that studies the algebraic properties of vector fields. It is a collection of vector fields on a smooth manifold that can be combined using the operations of addition and scalar multiplication.

What are some applications of Lie Algebra?

Lie Algebras have many applications in physics, especially in the study of symmetries and conservation laws. They are also used in differential geometry, mathematical physics, and in the development of quantum mechanics.

What is the difference between a Lie Algebra and a Lie Group?

A Lie Algebra is a vector space while a Lie Group is a group that is also a smooth manifold. A Lie Algebra is the tangent space of a Lie Group at the identity element. In other words, a Lie Group is a group with a smooth structure while a Lie Algebra is a vector space with a Lie bracket operation.

What is the significance of the Lie Bracket operation in Lie Algebra?

The Lie Bracket operation in Lie Algebra is a way to measure the "failure" of two vector fields to commute. It is defined as the commutator of two vector fields, and it allows us to study the algebraic properties of the vector fields in a Lie Algebra.

How can I learn more about Lie Algebra?

There are many resources available to learn more about Lie Algebra, including textbooks, online courses, and lectures. It is recommended to have a strong background in linear algebra and differential geometry before diving into Lie Algebra. It can also be helpful to work through examples and practice problems to gain a better understanding of the concepts.

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