Solving Linear Systems with Cramer's Rule

In summary, you made mistakes with signs in calculating det(A1) and det(A2). You also calculated det(A) correctly.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Solve the system:
ax1+3x2+x3= y1
ax2= y2

using cramer's rule for those a such that the det of A is not 0

Homework Equations

x1= det(A1)/det(A)
and A1=

y1 3 1
y2 a 0
y3 a 1

The Attempt at a Solution

By using those equations I got the det(A1) to go ay1+(-3+a)y2-ay3
and the det(A) was a[itex]^{}2[/itex]-5a
and x1=(ay1+(-3+a)y2-ay3)/a[itex]^{}2[/itex]-5a

But that was counted wrong. I don't understand where I went wrong since I have doublechecked my calculations
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  • #2
Hi lina29! :smile:

You appear to have made a few mistakes with signs.
For starters, det(A) is not a2-5a, but -a2+5a.
How did you calculate it?

And your A1 should be (note the -1 in the lower right corner):
y1 3 1
y2 a 0
y3 a -1
  • #3
I'm sorry I typed the equation wrong it was
-5x1+ ax2+x3. Even using -a2+5a as the denominator I got it wrong
  • #4
Ah, but with your correction your det(A) is still wrong.
Can you recalculate it?
  • #5
and when doing x2=(a-5)y2/(-a2+5a) I also got it counted wrong. Is there something I'm missing out?
  • #6
I'm still getting a2-5a. Using the equation a11c11+a12c12+a13c13.

and combining them together I get a2-5a
  • #7
Yes, your det(A) is wrong, so x2 is wrong too.
You appear to have made the same mistake calculating det(A2).
Strangely you did calculate det(A1) properly.
  • #8
Could you explain to me where I'm going wrong?
  • #9
lina29 said:
I'm still getting a2-5a. Using the equation a11c11+a12c12+a13c13.

and combining them together I get a2-5a

I don't know this equation for a determinant, but it is not right.

Here's for instance the formula from wikipedia:
  • #10
Oh, I think your c11,c12,c13 are the determinants of the sub matrices in the lower 2 rows.
In that case you miscalculated c13.
  • #11
c11, c12, and c13 are determinants of the submatrices. In class we were taught to calculate the determinant using cofactors. Using your method though I had det(A2)= (a-5)y2 -ay3 and det(A)=a2+5a
  • #12
lina29 said:
c11, c12, and c13 are determinants of the submatrices. In class we were taught to calculate the determinant using cofactors. Using your method though I had det(A2)= (a-5)y2 -ay3 and det(A)=a2+5a

Yep, I got that at second sight.
See my previous post.

So here you have the right det(A), but you still miscalculated det(A2).
  • #13
Got it! (a+5)y2
Thank you so much!
  • #14
You're welcome! :smile:

Related to Solving Linear Systems with Cramer's Rule

1. What is Cramer's Rule in Linear Algebra?

Cramer's Rule is a method used to solve systems of linear equations. It involves using determinants and cofactors to find the unique solution to a system of equations.

2. How is Cramer's Rule applied in real-world situations?

Cramer's Rule is often used in engineering and science, particularly in fields that involve analyzing systems of equations, such as electrical circuit analysis and structural engineering. It can also be used in economic and business applications, such as solving for supply and demand equilibrium.

3. What are the advantages of using Cramer's Rule in Linear Algebra?

One advantage of Cramer's Rule is that it provides a straightforward and systematic method for solving systems of equations. It also guarantees a unique solution if the system is consistent and independent. Additionally, Cramer's Rule can be easily generalized to solve larger systems of equations.

4. What are the limitations of Cramer's Rule in Linear Algebra?

Cramer's Rule can be computationally intensive, especially for larger systems of equations. It also relies on the assumption that the determinant of the coefficient matrix is non-zero, which may not always be the case. Additionally, Cramer's Rule may not be the most efficient method for solving systems of equations in certain situations.

5. Are there any alternative methods to Cramer's Rule in Linear Algebra?

Yes, there are several alternative methods for solving systems of linear equations, such as Gaussian elimination and matrix inversion. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, and the most appropriate method will depend on the specific problem at hand.
