Solving Mass Suspension with Spring Constant k & External Force F

In summary, the conversation discusses a mass suspended from a spring with an external force and subject to damping. The extension of the spring at equilibrium is 4.9m. The differential equation for the displacement of the mass below equilibrium is derived using Newton's law of motion. The values of the damping constant for underdamped, critically damped, and overdamped motion are still being determined.
  • #1
Question: A mass of 2kg is suspended from a spring with spring constant k = 4N/m and natural length L = 2m. The mass is also subject to an external downwards force F = 2sin(2t) Newtons. Initially the mass is released at a height 50cm above the equilibrium position. Assume the mass is subject to a damping force proportional to its velocity. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s/s.

(A) Whats is the extension of the spring when it is as equilibrium

0 = mg - T
0 = 2*9.8 -4x
x = 4.9m

(B) Using Newton's law of motion, derive the differential equation for the displacement of the mass y(t) below the equilibrium position. Use the downward direction as the positive direction.

ma = weight + external force - T - air resistance(ky')
i worked this out to be:
y'' + (k/9.8)x' + (4/9.8)x = 2sin(2t)

(C) For what values of the damping constant is the motion: under damped, critically damped, over damped.

This is where I'm stuck, i thought that it might have something to do with the discriminant being = 0, greater then 0 or less then 0. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
forty said:
Using Newton's law of motion, derive the differential equation for the displacement of the mass y(t) below the equilibrium position. Use the downward direction as the positive direction.

ma = weight + external force - T - air resistance(ky')
i worked this out to be:
y'' + (k/9.8)x' + (4/9.8)x = 2sin(2t)
I didn't get that. What happened to g? And what is x here?

(C) For what values of the damping constant is the motion: under damped, critically damped, over damped.

This is where I'm stuck, i thought that it might have something to do with the discriminant being = 0, greater then 0 or less then 0. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
That's strange, I thought the concept of overdamping, underdamping and critical damping applied only to damped and unforced oscillations. The oscillation is clearly forced here.
  • #3
Woah i was doing this at about 2am in the morning and realized what a stuff up I've made here.

for (B)

ma = weight + external force - T - air resistance(ky')
i worked this out to be:
my'' = mg + 2sin(2t) - 4(4.9+y) - ky'
y'' + (k/2)y' + (2)y = 2sin(2t)

thats my new differential equation but i still can't work out how to calculate the values of k that lead to under damped, critically damped, over damped.

FAQ: Solving Mass Suspension with Spring Constant k & External Force F

1. What is the purpose of solving mass suspension with spring constant k and external force F?

The purpose of solving this problem is to determine the displacement and velocity of a suspended mass when it is subjected to an external force and connected to a spring with a specific spring constant. This can help in understanding the behavior of systems that involve springs and external forces, such as car suspensions or shock absorbers.

2. How is the spring constant k related to the stiffness of the spring?

The spring constant, denoted by k, is a measure of the stiffness of the spring. A higher value of k indicates a stiffer spring, which means it will require more force to stretch or compress the spring by a certain distance.

3. What is the equation used to solve for displacement in this problem?

The equation used to solve for displacement in this problem is x = F/k, where x is the displacement of the mass, F is the external force, and k is the spring constant. This equation is derived from Hooke's Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the displacement of the object from its equilibrium position.

4. How does the external force affect the displacement and velocity of the mass?

The external force affects the displacement and velocity of the mass by providing a force that is in addition to the force exerted by the spring. This means that the mass will experience a larger displacement and velocity compared to when only the spring force is acting on it. The direction of the external force also plays a role in determining the direction of the displacement and velocity of the mass.

5. Can this problem be solved for multiple masses and springs?

Yes, this problem can be solved for multiple masses and springs by using the principle of superposition. This principle states that the total force on an object is the sum of the individual forces acting on it. By applying this principle, the displacement and velocity of each mass can be calculated separately and then combined to determine the overall behavior of the system.
