Solving Missile Defense Problems with Anti-Ballistic Systems

  • Thread starter sid_galt
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In summary, the problem with making the system efficient is that multiple warheads and decoys are deployed and the anti-ballistic missile must hit the incoming missile in order to detonate the explosive and kill the warheads. A small nuclear bomb could be placed on the anti-ballistic missile to solve the problem. However, this solution would likely complicate the treaty between the U.S. and Russia.
  • #1
A few of the key problems of making the system efficient is properly targeting the incoming missile not to mention the multiple decoys and warheads.

Can this problem be solved by fixing a powerful explosive, possibly a very small nuclear bomb on the anti-ballistic missile such that it explodes whenever the defense missile hits the incoming missile or when it misses its mark killing whatever possible warheads or decoys that are deployed?

What other solutions can be there to this problem?
Engineering news on
  • #2
sid_galt said:
. . . whenever the defense missile hits the incoming missile or when it misses its mark killing whatever possible warheads or decoys that are deployed?
That is the $64 billion question. :biggrin:

There are two phases to ABS problem -

1) Detection

2) Interception

MIRV's complicate the solution.

Basically, for every defense, there is an effective counter-measure that will defeat that defense.
  • #3
sid_galt said:
Can this problem be solved by fixing a powerful explosive, possibly a very small nuclear bomb on the anti-ballistic missile

Ahh... just what we want. A nuclear bomb spreading waste materials all over a large land area (and destroying electrical devised for miles with an electromagnetic pulse) all because our tracking system misidentifies a speeding Leerjet in the wrong airspace as a missile.
  • #4
ohwilleke said:
Ahh... just what we want. A nuclear bomb spreading waste materials all over a large land area (and destroying electrical devised for miles with an electromagnetic pulse) all because our tracking system misidentifies a speeding Leerjet in the wrong airspace as a missile.

I am talking about a very small nuclear bomb (which won't generate much electromagnetic pulse either) which has a much lesser yield than even the Hiroshima bomb but just sufficient to destroy the incoming missiles, its decoys and its multiple warheads. Instead of nuclear bomb one might use any other bomb one but I am not sure any chemical bomb would be sufficiently powerful to be useful.

I don't think it's so easy to misidentify a Leerjet as a missile. A missile has a parabolic trajectory while a Leerjet doesn't.
  • #5
sid_galt said:
I am talking about a very small nuclear bomb which has a much lesser yield than even the Hiroshima bomb
Well, that's a relief!

sid_galt said:
I don't think it's so easy to misidentify a Leerjet as a missile. A missile has a parabolic trajectory while a Leerjet doesn't.

A stone has a parabolic trajectory, a cannonball has a parabolic trajectory, but a missile? Let's think about this one.
  • #6
brewnog said:
A stone has a parabolic trajectory, a cannonball has a parabolic trajectory, but a missile? Let's think about this one.
A nuclear missile spends most of its flight in a ballistic/parabolic trajectory (that's why they call them "ballistic missiles"). But that's not even the main reason why such an error would be improbable - the flight profiles are otherwise as different as flight profiles could be:

-Learjet: 30,000 feet, level, 500 kts.
-ICBM (boost phase): 30,000 feet, climbing at 70 degrees, 4,000 kts (guess)
-ICBM (re-entry phase): 30,000 feet, falling at 80 degrees, 8,000 kts (guess)

Avoiding hitting a learjet is as simple as programming the radar to not even lock onto a target traveling at less than 1000 kts. Currently, the ABM treaty prevents us from tracking objects in space and so AEGIS has the opposite constraint put on it: software restricts it to track only those objects below a certain altitude and speed.

For the OP, using a large explosion to bring down multiple warheads would be problematic: they may not be close enough to each other to bring them down with one shot, even with a nuke. What's more, a nuclear warhead is traveling so fast, it has to be flying toward any explosion (even a nuclear one if you want the blast, not the em radiation you want to destroy the missile) meant to destroy it. If the warhead is moving at say, 8,000 kts and the explosion propagates at 2,000, essentially all the explosion is there for is to create a cloud of debris for the missile to fly through.
  • #7
sid_galt said:
I don't think it's so easy to misidentify a Leerjet as a missile. A missile has a parabolic trajectory while a Leerjet doesn't.

Patriot Missile batteries have mistaken F-16s for missiles causing friendly fire casualties which is what gave me the idea. A cruise missile wouldn't necessarily follow a parabolic trajectory and could easily be designed to carry a nuclear warhead.
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  • #8
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  • #9
ohwilleke said:
A cruise missile wouldn't necessarily follow a parabolic trajectory and could easily be designed to carry a nuclear warhead.

Cruise missiles follow paths similar to N.O.E. flying aircraft. The difference comes in at the end of the flight, near the intended target in the "pop-up" phase. They already do carry tactical nukes.
  • #10
ohwilleke said:
Patriot Missile batteries have mistaken F-16s for missiles causing friendly fire casualties which is what gave me the idea. A cruise missile wouldn't necessarily follow a parabolic trajectory and could easily be designed to carry a nuclear warhead.

F-16's are incredibly fast aircraft. I believe they have a top speed of M2.5. The SCUD-B variation in Iraq (i believe its the B) traveled 300km and i believe i read a report saying coalition forces had 20 minutes from time of launch to impact. I am not sure what the exact math is but its distance traveled was probably 800km or so in around 20 minutes which comes out to 2400km/ hour which is well in the speed-specifications for an F16. ICBM's though make a 10000km trip in about an hour, something only experimental NASA aircraft can really do so your really going ot be hard pressed to find an aircraft going into the upper atmosphere at thousands of miles per hour and mistakenly blow it out of the sky.

As to whoever mentioned the nuclear-tipped defense, the first 'allies' ballsitic missile defense system (joint US-UK venture i believe) was actual nuclear weapons tipped missiles that would come within a few miles of the incoming missiles and detonate
  • #11
FredGarvin said:
Cruise missiles follow paths similar to N.O.E. flying aircraft. The difference comes in at the end of the flight, near the intended target in the "pop-up" phase. They already do carry tactical nukes.

And of course, who teh heck is going to fire a cruise missile at the mainland USA? Unless you develop stealth technology, your not going to get close enough to try it.
  • #12
Canada? :smile:
  • #13
Thats why I've always proposed invading Canada and mexico and cuba... can't be too careful with these people bieng so close :P
  • #14
I believe the US is a signatory to treaties outlawing nuclear explosions in the atmosphere and in space.
  • #15
Wooo resurrected threads :D

The US and British plans to detonate nuclear weapons in the atmosphere to stop incoming missiles was in the early early days of ICBM's and before that treaty was signed.
  • #16
sid galt
I wrote a paper in 1979 presenting a case for a terrestial non-nuclear defense system.This system was designed to utilize existing technology to accomplish several goals.

The first was a system that could not be used against the indigenous population and one that did not present a terrosist target.

The second requirement was to have characteristics of either outright destruction of the target or to knock it away from its' intended target.

The third was a system that could be utilized for the benefit of the community at large in the event of natural disasters.

the fourth was that the system could be sustained using indegeaneous fuels or known as being omnivorous (regarding fuels) alcohol,diesel,jet fuel, peanut oil etc. etc.

the fifth was this defense system would or could be privately owned and operated with and by private citizens from the surrounding communities

the sixth was that system during non emergeny operations would be 'solar powered' with the definition of fermentation as being one form of renewable solar energy.

The system I came up with utilized railroad diesel locomotives with four to six tank cars and four to eight flat bed cars housing 'knetic energy' weapons or otherwise kown as 'rail guns'. There would be several cars for high density electrical energy storage or (super capicators) capable of storing several gigawatts.

Assuming the area to be protected is Los Angeles which is the home for several million people and has perhaps the largest city limits also has an intricate rail systen with rail sidings ideal for permanetly located defense systems.

the city limits for hypotetheticals exceeds one hundred square miles and assuming a defense weapon at every node of a ten by ten matrix the volume and density of the projectiles poured into to the reentry window that mirv's or other offensive weapons 'have' to go through could easily fulfill the above mentioned criteria.

I spent a lot of time trying to implement the idea to no avail, though. Anyway that would be one way to accomplish your goal.

Refugee from the Nuclear Industry.

frank MR. P
  • #17
Mr. P has anyone , to your knowledge , ever tried to store energy from lightning?
what would we need for such a system?
Very very large capicitors?
how large a cap would we need , theoretically ?
  • #18
willib all seriousness aside I believe Tesla came close to that realization during his Colorado Springs experiments in 1899. In that senerio he was attempting to create a significantly larger potential difference, than naturally exists .beteeen the Ionosphere and ground where literally mankind would be existing inside the diaelectric...Yeah! some pretty awesome thinking there! Of course when J.P. Morgan (Teslas' money source) discovered the real purpose behind Teslas' Wardencliff Project he allowed Tesla to 'hang himself ' knowing that Tesla did not pay attention to revenue generating practices and accounting and by allowing Tesla to become over extended, he essentially let the inventor kill his own project through ego induced ignorance..The threat J.P. Morgan understood that Tesla presented to JP's empire was that Teslas' New' distribution system would be ubiquitous and free or near so except for the cost of an antenna and simple translating devices like a sparkgap resonator.

Capacitors are one way to store electrical energy statically also it would be hard to be in series with lighting bolts to effectively charge the capacitor.also a typical lightning bolt possesses a potential of a few million volts exceeding the dialectric qualities of any known substances to date however, Why couldn't you ,store, for long periods like hours or days , extremely large quantities of electricity dynamically rather than statically by using cryogenically maintained super conducting resonating 'tank 'circuits to provide 'peaking' power to the grid which would reduce other polluting sources and reduce disruptions to the distribution system? huh?
  • #19
lol , i was serious..
although i asked if a capacitor could be used , i knew the answer..
i can't see why not , with todays technology , somone couldent harness a known quantity of voltage and current !. I mean it is not something that is effing magical !
It is a known ! ..
There would be hurdles to overcome , i am sure, like how to distribute that much current.
Possibly it could be distributed to a ' bunch ' of very large capacitors..all connected in parallel.
I believe in my core that it can be done.

Our government could do more research.. I'm sure.
  • #20
Astronuc said:
Basically, for every defense, there is an effective counter-measure that will defeat that defense.
That seems to imply the possibility of a case where no countermeasures are possible. It might be more sensible to say that the known countermeasures are cheaper.
  • #21
Nuclear cruise missiles on submarines

Pengwuino said:
And of course, who teh heck is going to fire a cruise missile at the mainland USA?
China will soon have submarines carrying nuclear-warhead cruise missiles. The United States already has them.

Homepage of the USS GROWLER Submarine Museum SSG-577. ... Armed with Regulus
nuclear cruise missiles, she helped usher in a new era of strategic defense. ...

FAQ: Solving Missile Defense Problems with Anti-Ballistic Systems

1) How do anti-ballistic systems work?

Anti-ballistic systems work by detecting and tracking incoming missiles, then launching interceptor missiles to intercept and destroy them before they can reach their target. These interceptor missiles use sophisticated sensors and guidance systems to accurately hit the incoming missile.

2) What types of anti-ballistic systems are currently in use?

There are two main types of anti-ballistic systems in use today: ground-based systems and sea-based systems. Ground-based systems are located on land and typically use land-based radars and interceptor missiles. Sea-based systems, on the other hand, are located on ships and use ship-based radars and interceptor missiles.

3) What are the limitations of anti-ballistic systems?

Anti-ballistic systems have some limitations, such as their effectiveness against large numbers of simultaneous attacks and their vulnerability to countermeasures. Additionally, their success rate depends on factors such as the speed and trajectory of the incoming missile, as well as environmental conditions.

4) How do scientists improve anti-ballistic systems?

Scientists are constantly researching and developing new technologies to improve anti-ballistic systems. This includes advancements in sensor technology, guidance systems, and interceptor missiles. Additionally, simulations and tests are conducted to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of these systems.

5) Can anti-ballistic systems be used in other defense scenarios?

Yes, anti-ballistic systems can also be used for other defense purposes, such as protecting against ballistic missiles launched from other countries or defending against space debris. They can also be used for non-defense purposes, such as protecting against natural disasters like asteroid impacts.

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