Solving Modular Arithmetic Problems: How to Explained

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In summary, modular arithmetic is a system of integers that "starts" over at a certain number, called the mod number. It can be compared to the 12 notes on a piano or the hours on a clock. To solve problems involving modular arithmetic, you need to find an x that is equivalent to a given number mod the mod number. This can also be thought of as finding the remainder when dividing a number by the mod number.
  • #1
How do I solve those problems?


Find some x such that x[tex]\equiv[/tex]8 mod (18)

Find the inverse of 12 modulo 41

Solve 2x=7 mod (13)

I know it's easy, but I don't get it.

Let a and be be integers, and let m be a positive integer. Then a [tex]\equiv[/tex] b ( mod m) if and only if a mod m = b mod m

That's the explanation in the book. I'm not getting it. Can somebody please explain this modular arithmetic to me?
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  • #2
Nobody knows? Maybe wrong forum.
  • #3
mod arithmetic is just a system of integers that "starts" over at the mod #. Think about the 12 notes on a piano - c,c#,d,d# etc. once you get to b or 12 it just starts over. so 7 mod 13 could be (assuming you start at 1) 7, 20, 33, 46, etc
  • #4
Or hours on the clock -- they start over after 12. Compare military time with clock time: 20:00 hours is 8 o'clock because the clock time arithmetic is modular:

8 = 20 mod(12)
  • #5

Modular arithmetic is a mathematical tool that is used to solve problems involving remainders. It is particularly useful in number theory, cryptography, and computer science. To solve modular arithmetic problems, you need to understand the concept of congruence and the rules that govern it.

Congruence is a relationship between two numbers that have the same remainder when divided by a given number. In other words, if two numbers, a and b, have the same remainder when divided by m, then we say that a and b are congruent modulo m, denoted as a \equiv b ( mod m). For example, 8 \equiv 26 ( mod 6) because both 8 and 26 have a remainder of 2 when divided by 6.

To solve problems involving modular arithmetic, you can use the following steps:

1. Understand the question: Make sure you understand what the problem is asking for. This will help you determine what information you need to find and what operations you need to perform.

2. Use the definition of congruence: As stated earlier, a \equiv b ( mod m) if and only if a mod m = b mod m. This means that to find the solution to a modular arithmetic problem, you need to find the value of a mod m or b mod m.

3. Apply the rules of congruence: There are several rules that govern congruence, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These rules state that if a \equiv b ( mod m), then a + c \equiv b + c ( mod m), a - c \equiv b - c ( mod m), a \times c \equiv b \times c ( mod m), and a/c \equiv b/c ( mod m). These rules can be used to simplify the problem and find the solution.

Now, let's apply these steps to the problems you mentioned:

1. Find some x such that x\equiv8 mod (18): This question is asking for a number that has a remainder of 8 when divided by 18. Using the definition of congruence, we can say that x mod 18 = 8. To find the solution, we can look for numbers that have a remainder of 8 when divided by 18, such as 26, 44, 62, etc. So, x could be any of these numbers.

2. Find the inverse of 12 modulo

Related to Solving Modular Arithmetic Problems: How to Explained

1. What is modular arithmetic?

Modular arithmetic is a type of mathematical operation that deals with the remainders of numbers when divided by a fixed number, called the modulus. It is often used in cryptography, computer programming, and other fields.

2. How do you solve modular arithmetic problems?

To solve a modular arithmetic problem, you need to use the properties and rules of modular arithmetic. This includes finding the congruence of numbers, using modular inverses, and applying modular arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

3. What are some real-life applications of modular arithmetic?

Modular arithmetic has many practical applications, such as in computer science for generating pseudorandom numbers, in cryptography for encrypting and decrypting messages, and in scheduling and planning problems. It is also used in music theory, game theory, and number theory.

4. What are the benefits of learning modular arithmetic?

Learning modular arithmetic can improve your problem-solving skills, enhance your understanding of numbers and patterns, and provide a foundation for understanding more complex mathematical concepts. It also has many real-world applications, making it a valuable skill to have.

5. Are there any common mistakes to avoid when solving modular arithmetic problems?

One common mistake is not properly reducing numbers to their congruent forms before performing operations. Another mistake is forgetting to use modular inverses when dividing. It is also important to double-check calculations and make sure the result is within the specified modulus. Finally, make sure to follow the correct order of operations, just like in regular arithmetic.

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