Solving Momentum Problems: Questions & Answers

  • Thread starter Beowulf
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In summary, the problems discussed involve momentum and the use of various formulas to find mass, initial momentum, change in momentum, and time. The concept of conservation of momentum is also important in solving these problems.
  • #1
I need help with some momentum questions and the formulas i need to use to find the answers.

1. A car weighting 15,680 N and moving at 20 m/s is actd upon by a 6.4 x 10^2 N force until it is brought to a halt.

a. What is the car's mass? 1600Kg?
b. What is its initial momentum?
c. What is the change in car's momentum?
d. How long does the braking force act on the car to bring it to a halt?

2. A cannon on wheels fires a cannonball with a mass of 10 kg at a velocity of 20 m/s, horizontally. The cannon's recoil velocity is 1.5 m/s. What is the cannon's mass?

3. A 35 g bullet moving at 475 m/s strikes a 2.5 kg wooden block. The bullet passes througgh the block , leaving at 275 m/s. The block was at rest when it was hit. How fast is it moving when the bullet leaves?

4. Two campers dock a canoe. One camper steps onto the dock. This camper has a mass of 80 kg and moves forward at 4 m/s. With what speed and direction do the canoe and the other camper move if their combined mass is 110 kg?

5. A 50 g projectile is launched with a horizontal velocity of 647 m/s from a 4.65 kg launcher moving at 2 m/s. What is the velocity of the launcher after the projectile is launched?

6. A 6kg object, A, moving at velocity 3.0 m/s, collides with a 6.0 kg object, B, at rest. After the collision A moves off in a direction 40(degrees) to the left of its original direction. B moves off in a direction 50(degrees) to the righ tof A's original direction.

a. Draw a vector diagram and determine the momenta of object and object B.
b. What is the velocity of each object after the collision?
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Physics news on
  • #2
we are not here to answer your hw, we are here helping you to understand physics, if you just want someone finish it for you , you come to a wrong forum. I will not answer your question unless you point out which part you do not understand...
  • #3
I'm not asking for the answers to my questions. What I'm asking is how to solve those individual questions. For example what formulas to use and if I should be converting from grams to kilograms. Well mostly on how to approach each question since I seem to be completely lost with momentun. I know that it seems I just copied all the questions I had but I've finished some that I understood already and this are the ones that I'm completely lost with.
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  • #4
so surprise no one answer your question till now, usually people reply this types of question within 10 mins, let me give you some hints
[tex]p(momentum)=m(mass)*v(velocity) (1)[/tex]
[tex] \Delta p (change of momentum) = F(force)*t(time) (2)[/tex]
[tex]F(force)=m(mass)*a(accelaration) (3)[/tex]
and most important, the conservation of momentum (if you don't know what this is, go back to your textbook and read, this is the most important part at your stage)

1a, weight is a force which equal to [tex] mg [/tex], don't ask me what g is...
1b, what is the formulas of momentum?
1c, the car finally stop, which means its final momentum is..., and the change of momentum is just the different between final momentum and initial momentum
1d, formulas (2) will help you in this case.

2. use the conservation of momentum.

3. use the conservation law again

4,5 and 6, conservation, conservation,conservation.

Ps. on question 5, change grams into kilograms... 1kg=1000g

FAQ: Solving Momentum Problems: Questions & Answers

1. What is momentum and why is it important in physics?

Momentum is a measure of an object's motion and is defined as the product of its mass and velocity. It is important in physics because it helps us understand how objects move and interact with each other, and is a fundamental concept in laws of motion and conservation of energy.

2. How do you calculate momentum?

Momentum (p) can be calculated by multiplying an object's mass (m) by its velocity (v): p = m x v. The units for momentum are kg*m/s.

3. What is the law of conservation of momentum?

The law of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a system remains constant unless acted upon by an external force. This means that the total momentum of all the objects involved in a collision or interaction will be the same before and after the event, as long as no external forces are present.

4. How do you solve momentum problems involving multiple objects?

To solve momentum problems involving multiple objects, you can use the law of conservation of momentum, which states that the total momentum before a collision or interaction is equal to the total momentum after the event. This allows you to set up equations using the individual momenta of each object and solve for unknown variables.

5. Can momentum be negative?

Yes, momentum can be negative. This usually occurs when an object is moving in the opposite direction of a chosen positive direction. It is important to define a consistent positive direction when calculating momentum in order to avoid confusion.

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