Solving Natural Logarithm Equation ln(x^2 + 1 ) -3lnx=ln2

I learned from algebra 2In summary, the equation ln(x^2 + 1 ) -3lnx=ln2 can be simplified using laws of logarithms to -x^2(x-1)=1. However, the mistake in the solution process was taking the exponential of the entire equation instead of using the property e^{a+b} = e^ae^b. The correct approach is to use the property e^{a+b} = e^ae^b or ln((x^2+1)/x^3) = ln2 before simplifying further. The resulting cubic equation, 2x^3-x^2 -1 = 0, has a solution of x=1, but it
  • #1

Homework Statement

ln(x^2 + 1 ) -3lnx=ln2

Solve for x.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I used laws of logarithms to simplify it down to -x^2(x-1)=1 . I don't think this is the answer I'm under the impression you need x = for the answer. First I brought the 3 up to a exponent and then put everything e^ to get rid of the ln's. Could someone please point me in the right direction.
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  • #2
physstudent1 said:
I used laws of logarithms to simplify it down to -x^2(x-1)=1 .

Show your work on how you arrived at this result and we can help you further (hint: its not correct).
  • #3
sure thing;

I started with ln(x^2+1)-3lnx = ln2

I brought the 3 up so its

then I did


and got

x^2+1 - x^3 = 2
-1 from both sides
x^2-x^3 = 1

  • #4
physstudent1 said:
OK so far. You're mistake is here:
then I did

Can you see what you did wrong or do you need a bit more help?
  • #5
Should I have made it

ln((x^2+1)/(x^3)) = ln2

before doing the e^ ?
  • #6
That works. So does using [itex]e^{a+b} = e^ae^b[/tex]. You did the equivalent of [itex]e^{a+b} = e^a+e^b[/tex], which is incorrect.
  • #7
I'm not sure how to use that to help

but doing it from the way I stated

I put

e^ln((x^2+1)/x^3) = e^ln2

(x^2+1)/x^3 = 2 If this is correct I'm not sure how to do the algebra to get a single x
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  • #8
Multiply both sides by x3. You won't get a single x (its a cubic equation, after all), but only of the three solutions is a real number.
  • #9
Before you started working with exponentials and logarithms, didn't you spend a lot of time solving equations just like (x^2+1)/x^3 = 2?
  • #10
yes I can get it to a cubic expression of 2x^3-x^2 -1 i just didn't htink this was right I thought it was looking for a x = would this be considered the correct answeR?
  • #11
I assume you meant to say you can derive the cubic equation
2x^3-x^2 -1 = 0.​

Again I ask, haven't you spent a lot of time learning how to solve equations exactly like this?
  • #12
the only thing I remeber about solving equations like this is using P's / Q's and testing the 0's however I don't remeber what the P's over Q's were is this the correct direction?


Is the answer x=1 ( and yes I have in precalc and algebra 2 but those were like 2 and 3 years ago and I am a bit rusty on this)
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  • #13
physstudent1 said:
the only thing I remeber about solving equations like this is using P's / Q's and testing the 0's however I don't remeber what the P's over Q's were is this the correct direction?


Is the answer x=1 ( and yes I have in precalc and algebra 2 but those were like 2 and 3 years ago and I am a bit rusty on this)

Plug it in and see what happens.
  • #14
In terms of studying, math resembles foreign languages -- you cannot forget what you've already learned if you want to progress! You shouldn't be afraid to pull out your old textbooks to refresh your memory when necessary.

Anyways, x=1 is, in fact, one of the solutions to that cubic equation. Now that you know one solution, do you remember what to do to find the rest of the solutions?

(And, incidentally, you always need to check that the answers you derive actually satisfy the original equation: some common algebraic techniques can introduce fake solutions)
  • #15
yes I plugged it in and it worked out :); can you keep using synthetic division that is what I used to find the first solution

FAQ: Solving Natural Logarithm Equation ln(x^2 + 1 ) -3lnx=ln2

1. What is a natural logarithm equation?

A natural logarithm equation is a mathematical equation that involves the natural logarithm function, which is denoted by ln. This function is the inverse of the exponential function, and it is used to solve for the power to which a base (usually e) must be raised to obtain a given number. In other words, the natural logarithm of a number x is the value y that satisfies the equation e^y = x.

2. What does ln(x^2 + 1 ) -3lnx=ln2 represent?

This equation represents the solution to a problem involving the natural logarithm function. The left side of the equation is a combination of two natural logarithms, and the right side is a single natural logarithm. The goal is to find the value of x that satisfies the equation, which can be done by using algebraic techniques.

3. How do you solve a natural logarithm equation?

To solve a natural logarithm equation, you can use the properties of logarithms and algebraic techniques. In the equation ln(x^2 + 1 ) -3lnx=ln2, you can use the property of logarithms that states ln(a) - ln(b) = ln(a/b) to combine the two logarithms on the left side. Then, you can use algebra to isolate x and solve for its value.

4. Why is it important to solve natural logarithm equations?

Natural logarithm equations are important in many fields of science, including physics, chemistry, and biology. They allow us to model and solve problems that involve exponential growth or decay, such as population growth, radioactive decay, and chemical reactions. They are also used in many real-world applications, such as finance and engineering.

5. Can you provide an example of solving the equation ln(x^2 + 1 ) -3lnx=ln2?

Sure, let's solve the equation ln(x^2 + 1 ) -3lnx=ln2 for x. First, we use the property of logarithms to combine the two logarithms on the left side: ln((x^2 + 1)/x^3) = ln2. Then, we can take the exponential of both sides (e^ln(x^2 + 1)/x^3 = e^ln2) and simplify to get x^2 + 1 = 2x^3. Finally, we can rearrange the terms and factor to get x^3 - 2x^2 + 1 = 0, which can be solved using algebra or a graphing calculator. The solutions are x = 1 and x = 1/2.

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