Solving Non-Separable ODEs: A Beginner's Guide to Differential Equations

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of differential equations, specifically the concept of separable equations and the substitution method. The participants share their own attempts at solving a specific problem and discuss the reasoning behind the substitution method. They also mention a test for separability in ODEs.
  • #1
I'm almost finished my calculus book (I'm self-teaching) and in the last 2 chapters it's giving a brief intro to differential equations. the second section is for "separable" and I'm stuck on this one halfway through the exercises. It doesn't seem to be separable by any means I can see unless there's some kind of substitution (which he's never mentioned anywhere yet).

my book gives:
[tex](y^2 - x^2)dy + 2xydx = 0[/tex]

the closest I can seem to get it is (1):
[tex]\frac{x^2-y^2}{2xy} = \frac{dx}{dy}[/tex] *or* [tex]\frac{2xy}{x^2-y^2} = \frac{dy}{dx}[/tex]

or (2):
[tex]\frac{1}{2}(\frac{x}{y}-\frac{y}{x}) = \frac{dx}{dy}[/tex]

or even (3):
[tex]y dy - \frac{x^2}{y}dy + 2xdx = 0[/tex]

Now... I have the Schaum's "3000 solved problems in calculus" and in it there's a problem which simplifies into form (1) I have up there and goes on to say it's a "homogeneous" so substitute in y=vx.
Is my problem even a separable one? Excuse my DE newbieness.
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  • #2
This would make more sense in a broader view in which one would recognize it as homogeneous.
you could solve
then realize the sum of the two solutions is the solution of the original problem.
or you could realize
d(x/y) and d(y/x) should be involved, then try to obtain the differential equation in terms of them.
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  • #3
yes, it's homogenous, one way to test is to substitute ax and ay for every x and y, and see if the constants cancel out to give you the original form. In pertinence to the "schaum's" example you mentioned...

[tex]y=vx,~y'=v+v'x [/tex]

[tex]\frac{2xy}{x^2-y^2} = \frac{dy}{dx}[/tex]

[tex] \frac{2x^{2}v}{x^{2}(1-v^{2})} = \frac{dv}{dx}x+v[/tex]

now try separating
  • #4
thanks guys. very strange that my book would do this. he doesn't go over homogeneous for another couple of sections but he goes and gives me a problem on it. at least now that I know what it is I can go about figuring it out.

but anyway...
what is the reasoning behind the substitution of y=vx? and how do you get y' = v + v'x from that?
  • #5
The fact that function is "homogeneous" in x and y really means that it can be written as a function of y/x. For example, [tex]\frac{2xy}{x^2-y^2}[/tex] is homogeneous because it has the same "power" of the variables (2) in both numerator and denominator. If you divide both numerator and denominator by x2, you get [tex]\frac{2\frac{y}{x}}{1- (\frac{y}{x})^2}[/tex]. Let v=y/x and that becomes [tex]\frac{2v}{1-v^2}[/tex].
Taking v= y/x is the same as y= vx. And, of course, if y= vx then y'= v(x)'+ v'x by the product rule. And that is y'= v+ v'x since (x)'= 1.
  • #6
ahh. thank you HallsofIvy. it makes sense to me now.
  • #7
Just in case, there is a test for separability for any ODE in the form dy/dx = F(x,y). In other words, can we write F(x,y) as f(x)g(y). You can google this test.

FAQ: Solving Non-Separable ODEs: A Beginner's Guide to Differential Equations

1. What does it mean for an ODE to be separable?

An ODE is considered separable if it can be written in the form of dy/dx = f(x)g(y), where f(x) depends only on x and g(y) depends only on y. This allows for the integration of each side separately, making it easier to find a solution to the ODE.

2. How do I know if an ODE is separable?

An ODE can be considered separable if it can be rearranged into the form of dy/dx = f(x)g(y). This means that the variables x and y can be separated on opposite sides of the equation.

3. What are the advantages of solving a separable ODE?

The main advantage of solving a separable ODE is that it can often be solved using basic integration techniques, such as integration by substitution or integration by parts. This makes it easier to find a solution compared to more complex ODEs.

4. Can all ODEs be made separable?

No, not all ODEs can be made separable. Some ODEs are inherently non-separable and require more advanced techniques to solve. However, many commonly encountered ODEs can be transformed into separable form.

5. Are there any limitations to using the separable method for solving ODEs?

The separable method can only be used for ODEs that can be written in the form of dy/dx = f(x)g(y). If an ODE cannot be rearranged into this form, then the separable method cannot be used. Additionally, even for separable ODEs, there may be cases where it is difficult or impossible to find an analytical solution using this method.
