Solving ODEs: Piecewise Functions and Direction Fields - Homework Help

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In summary, the author's first time working with ODEs found that the equation satisfied for all values of x. They also found a figure that illustrated the direction field and equilibrium point associated with the ODE. Finally, they provided a proof that y is differentiable at c, and that y'(c) = 0.
  • #1
Homework Helper

Homework Statement

So yeah, my first time playing with ODEs, how exciting. So my prof gave us a few suggested exercises and I want to know whether I'm actually doing these properly or not. The question and all relevant things will be included in the picture below :

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

(1a) So! I figured I should probably break this up into cases since I'm dealing with a piecewise function.

Case #1 : Suppose x>c, then y(x) = (x-c)^2 and y' = 2(x-c). Now we check that this satisfies our equation!

y' = 2[itex]\sqrt{y}[/itex]
2(x-c) = 2[itex]\sqrt{(x-c)^2}[/itex]
2(x-c) = 2(x-c)
1 = 1

Case #2 : Suppose x ≤ c, then y(x) = 0 and y' = 0. Now we check that this also satisfies our equation.

y' = 2[itex]\sqrt{y}[/itex]
y' = 2[itex]\sqrt{0}[/itex]
0 = 0

Check and check. ∴ y(x) satisfies our ODE for all x as desired.

Now for the figure, I've never drawn a direction field before, so I got the computer to do it for me for the first time. I know of course that the equilibrium point occurs at y' = 0 ( In this case it turns out after solving we get y = 0 ). Here's a picture of the direction field when we have the IVP y(0) = 0 :

I'm not sure how this demonstrates that we have infinitely many solutions, perhaps someone could elaborate for me?

I'll save my attempt at (1b) for after I know what I'm doing with part (1a).
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  • #2
Your proof for case #1 is fine. Your proof for case #2 is really only valid for x < c. This is because x = c is an endpoint of the intervals where the two pieces of the function are joined. To see what can go wrong, consider f(x) = |x|, which has derivative equal to -1 for negative x, +1 for positive x, but is not differentiable at x = 0.

Therefore you need to provide a proof that y is differentiable at c, and that y'(c) = 0.
  • #3
As for the figure, I'm not much into differential equations, so I'm not sure what it is you have plotted, nor how (or if) it illustrates that the differential equation has infinitely many solutions. Can you explain in words what the plot is depicting?

I'm also not sure why you need a plot in order to conclude that there are infinitely many solutions. If you show that your y(x) is a solution:
[tex]y(x) = \begin{cases}
0 & \text{for }x \leq c \\
(x - c)^2 & \text{for }x > c
then aren't there infinitely many values of [itex]c[/itex] that satisfy [itex]y' = 2\sqrt{y}[/itex] and [itex]y(0) = 0[/itex]?
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  • #4
jbunniii said:
Your proof for case #1 is fine. Your proof for case #2 is really only valid for x < c. This is because x = c is an endpoint of the intervals where the two pieces of the function are joined. To see what can go wrong, consider f(x) = |x|, which has derivative equal to -1 for negative x, +1 for positive x, but is not differentiable at x = 0.

Therefore you need to provide a proof that y is differentiable at c, and that y'(c) = 0.

Ah, so my case #2 is really a case #2 and #3. So let me correct that :

Case #2 : Suppose x < c, then y(x) = 0 and y' = 0. Now we check that this also satisfies our equation.

y' = 2sqrt(y)
y' = 2sqrt(0)
0 = 0

Case #3 : Suppose x = c, then we must show that y is differentiable at c.

y'(c) = [itex]lim_{h→0} \frac{y(c+h) - y(c)}{h} = lim_{h→0} \frac{h^2 - 0}{h} = 0[/itex]

Now would I be able to conclude the exact same thing as in Case 2 or am I misinterpreting what you said?

Also the graph I posted represents the direction field associated with the ODE as well as its equilibrium point at y = 0.
  • #6
Zondrina said:
Case #3 : Suppose x = c, then we must show that y is differentiable at c.

y'(c) = [itex]lim_{h→0} \frac{y(c+h) - y(c)}{h} = lim_{h→0} \frac{h^2 - 0}{h} = 0[/itex]
You have to be slightly careful here. The expression [itex](h^2 - 0)/h[/itex] is only correct for positive [itex]h[/itex]. So what you have shown is
[tex]\lim_{h \rightarrow 0^+}\frac{y(c+h) - y(c)}{h} = 0[/tex]
You also need to show that
[tex]\lim_{h \rightarrow 0^-}\frac{y(c+h) - y(c)}{h} = 0[/tex]
in order to conclude that
[tex]\lim_{h \rightarrow 0}\frac{y(c+h) - y(c)}{h} = 0[/tex]
Of course, this is obviously true for this function, but you definitely need to check the limits from both sides because for some functions they won't match, so the function won't be differentiable.
  • #7
Zondrina said:
Also, here's a much better image of what's going on at the initial point y(0) = 0

So what is this plot telling me? How does it show that there are infinitely many solutions? I am not being pedantic here, I don't know what I am looking at. Explain in words what a direction field is, and why it demonstrates what you are trying to show.
  • #8
jbunniii said:
You have to be slightly careful here. The expression [itex](h^2 - 0)/h[/itex] is only correct for positive [itex]h[/itex]. So what you have shown is
[tex]\lim_{h \rightarrow 0^+}\frac{y(c+h) - y(c)}{h} = 0[/tex]
You also need to show that
[tex]\lim_{h \rightarrow 0^-}\frac{y(c+h) - y(c)}{h} = 0[/tex]
in order to conclude that
[tex]\lim_{h \rightarrow 0}\frac{y(c+h) - y(c)}{h} = 0[/tex]
Of course, this is obviously true for this function, but you definitely need to check the limits from both sides because for some functions they won't match, so the function won't be differentiable.

Yes of course, fair enough. So for argument sake saving some latex, since the limit would match from both sides, we could conclude that y(c) = 0 = y'(c). Then it would be literally a copy and pasta of the case 2 proof.

So onto the more important matter of the model.

The direction field represents the solutions of the differential equation which vary according to the constant c. So, depending on c, the graph will fit certain portions of the direction field better.
  • #9
Zondrina said:
Yes of course, fair enough. So for argument sake saving some latex, since the limit would match from both sides, we could conclude that y(c) = 0 = y'(c). Then it would be literally a copy and pasta of the case 2 proof.

The direction field represents the solutions of the differential equation which vary according to the constant c. So, depending on c, the graph will fit certain portions of the direction field better.
OK, I'm an analysis guy and not a differential equations guy. I like my proofs to be proofs instead of pictures. When I hear the word "illustrate" I think of it as a synonym for "demonstrate" or "prove", whereas to me, your plot merely SUGGESTS that there may be infinitely many solutions. However, you are in a better position than I am to know what your instructor expects for this question.

If someone asked me to demonstrate that there are infinitely many solutions satisfying [itex]y' = 2\sqrt{y}[/itex] and [itex]y(0) = 0[/itex], I would say: well, we just showed that
y(x) = \begin{cases}
0 & \text{for }x \leq c \\
(x - c)^2 & \text{for }x > c
satisfies [itex]y' = 2\sqrt{y}[/itex] for any [itex]c[/itex]. Furthermore, it also satisfies [itex]y(0) = 0[/itex] for any [itex]c \geq 0[/itex]. This gives us infinitely many solutions.

However, I would probably lose points because there is no picture in my above proof...
  • #10
jbunniii said:

OK, I'm an analysis guy and not a differential equations guy. I like my proofs to be proofs instead of pictures. When I hear the word "illustrate" I think of it as a synonym for "demonstrate" or "prove", whereas to me, your plot merely SUGGESTS that there may be infinitely many solutions. However, you are in a better position than I am to know what your instructor expects for this question.

If someone asked me to demonstrate that there are infinitely many solutions satisfying [itex]y' = 2\sqrt{y}[/itex] and [itex]y(0) = 0[/itex], I would say: well, we just showed that
y(x) = \begin{cases}
0 & \text{for }x \leq c \\
(x - c)^2 & \text{for }x > c
satisfies [itex]y' = 2\sqrt{y}[/itex] for any [itex]c[/itex]. Furthermore, it also satisfies [itex]y(0) = 0[/itex] for any [itex]c \geq 0[/itex]. This gives us infinitely many solutions.

However, I would probably lose points because there is no picture in my above proof...

I also prefer the rigor associated with analysis, this is a very new and... not so well defined topic for me.

I see what you're saying, and I see how it associates itself with the model, but I suppose that asking my professor about this would be a better idea.

Part b seems pretty obvious now though.

(1b) So we are given y' = 2sqrt(y), y(0) = b and obviously y'(0) = 1.

y' = 2sqrt(y)
1 = 2sqrt(b)
1/2 = sqrt(b)
1/4 = b

So for (i), we have no solutions if b < 0 and for (ii) If b = 1/4 we have a unique solution.

I think that's it.
  • #11
Zondrina said:
(1b) So we are given y' = 2sqrt(y), y(0) = b and obviously y'(0) = 1.
Why is y'(0) obviously 1?
  • #12
jbunniii said:
Why is y'(0) obviously 1?

Nice and early in the morning, best time to figure this out.

If y(0) = b, then consider :

y'(0) = [itex]lim_{h→0^+} \frac{y(0+h) - y(0)}{h}[/itex]


y'(0) = [itex]lim_{h→0^-} \frac{y(0+h) - y(0)}{h}[/itex]

Is this what you meant?
  • #13
Zondrina said:
Nice and early in the morning, best time to figure this out.

If y(0) = b, then consider :

y'(0) = [itex]lim_{h→0^+} \frac{y(0+h) - y(0)}{h}[/itex]


y'(0) = [itex]lim_{h→0^-} \frac{y(0+h) - y(0)}{h}[/itex]

Is this what you meant?

No, you said we are given y' = 2sqrt(y), and y(0) = b. But why would this imply that y'(0) = 1? I don't think it does.
  • #14
jbunniii said:
No, you said we are given y' = 2sqrt(y), and y(0) = b. But why would this imply that y'(0) = 1? I don't think it does.

Ohh wait a second here, I don't even need to know y'(0) because I have y(x) come to my rescue I believe.
  • #15
My only question is about the algebra then.

So I'm given y' = 2sqrt(y), y(0) = b and I know from part (1a) that y(x) is a general solution to this equation.

So :

For x > c :
b = (0-c)^2
sqrt(b) = c

So we only have a solution if b ≥ 0

For x ≤ c :
b = 0

Thus we would have no solution if b < 0 and a unique solution only if b = 0.
  • #16
Thus we would have no solution if b < 0 and a unique solution only if b = 0.
But didn't you just show in part (a) that there are infinitely many solutions when b = 0?

I agree that there are no solutions if y(0) = b < 0, for in that case y'(0) = 2sqrt(y(0)) = 2sqrt(b) is undefined. (Assuming we're working with real-valued functions.)
  • #17
jbunniii said:
But didn't you just show in part (a) that there are infinitely many solutions when b = 0?

I agree that there are no solutions if y(0) = b < 0, for in that case y'(0) = 2sqrt(y(0)) = 2sqrt(b) is undefined. (Assuming we're working with real-valued functions.)

Okay, so there are no solutions if b < 0 since we need the sqrt to be defined. There are infinitely many solutions when b = 0 because y(0) = 0 = b from part (1a) showed that there are infinite solutions.

So (i) is answered and that leaves only one case left, that is when b>0. Though there could be far too many possibilities considering when b>0 for there to be a unique solution?
  • #18
Zondrina said:
So (i) is answered and that leaves only one case left, that is when b>0. Though there could be far too many possibilities considering when b>0 for there to be a unique solution?
Do you have any theorems that can tell you what conditions will guarantee a unique solution?
  • #20
Zondrina said:

I believe that's the only thing I have that's close.

Unfortunately that doesn't apply because your differential equation is not of that form.

Do you have this theorem of Picard:
  • #21
jbunniii said:
Unfortunately that doesn't apply because your differential equation is not of that form.

Do you have this theorem of Picard:

Sadly I do not have this theorem accessible to me at the moment.

What about if :

y' = 2sqrt(y)


y'(0) = 2sqrt(b)


y(0) = 2sqrt(b)x + b

Would this not be unique ^ Since from part a

y'(0) = 0
y(0) = 0

So for b < 0, we have no solutions. For b = 0 we have infinitely many, and then the only unique solution according to the IVP for part b would be y(0) = 2sqrt(b)x + b?
  • #22
Zondrina said:
Sadly I do not have this theorem accessible to me at the moment.

What about if :

y' = 2sqrt(y)


y'(0) = 2sqrt(b)


y(0) = 2sqrt(b)x + b
How did you get that? It doesn't even make any sense - the right side depends on x, but the left side does not.

I'm not sure if you will be able to prove uniqueness without some kind of nontrivial theorem. Perhaps the question wants you to look at the plot and argue that it "suggests" uniqueness when b > 0? I recommend checking with your instructor to see what is intended here.

What you should be able to do, however, is recognize why only one function of the form
[tex]y(x) = \begin{cases}
0 & \text{for }x \leq c \\
(x - c)^2 & \text{for }x > c
can be a solution if y(0) = b > 0, versus infinitely many solutions of this form if y(0) = 0.

But this doesn't prove overall uniqueness because you haven't ruled out that there could be solutions that are not of the form indicated above.
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  • #23
jbunniii said:
How did you get that? It doesn't even make any sense - the right side depends on x, but the left side does not.

I'm not sure if you will be able to prove uniqueness without some kind of nontrivial theorem. Perhaps the question wants you to look at the plot and argue that it "suggests" uniqueness when b > 0? I recommend checking with your instructor to see what is intended here.

I got a bit desperate trying to wrap my head around this, but I suppose asking my professor what is best would be a good idea in this case.
  • #24
Zondrina said:
I got a bit desperate trying to wrap my head around this, but I suppose asking my professor what is best would be a good idea in this case.

Yeah, that's what I would do.

I edited my post above, adding a partial step you can take, but I'm not sure if you have the machinery for a full proof for this problem.

FAQ: Solving ODEs: Piecewise Functions and Direction Fields - Homework Help

What are ordinary differential equations (ODEs)?

ODEs are mathematical equations that involve a function and its derivatives. They are commonly used in physics, engineering, and other sciences to model the behavior of systems that change over time.

What are piecewise functions?

A piecewise function is a function that is defined by different rules or equations for different intervals or "pieces" of the domain. This allows for more flexibility in representing complex relationships between variables.

How do I solve ODEs using piecewise functions?

To solve ODEs using piecewise functions, you will need to break down the problem into smaller, simpler pieces where each piece can be represented by a different function. Then, you can use techniques such as separation of variables, substitution, or integrating factors to solve each piece separately and combine the solutions to get the overall solution.

What are direction fields?

Direction fields are graphical representations of first-order ODEs that show the direction of the solution curves at different points in the plane. They can be used to visualize the behavior of a system and make predictions about the solution without actually solving the equation.

How can I use direction fields to solve ODEs?

Direction fields can be used to find approximate solutions to ODEs by drawing solution curves on the direction field. By starting at a given point and following the direction arrows, you can trace out a curve that represents the solution to the ODE. This method is particularly useful for nonlinear or complex ODEs that cannot be solved analytically.
