Solving ODEs using Power Series Method

  • Thread starter physicsjock
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    Ode Series
In summary, the person is trying to solve an equation for a2n and a2n+1, but they are having trouble with notation. They get the following solutions: y2={{a}_{o}}-\frac{{{a}_{o}}}{3\cdot 4}{{x}^{4}}+\frac{{{a}_{o}}}{3\cdot 4\cdot 7\cdot 8}{{x}^{8}}-\frac{{{a}_{o}}}{3\cdot 4\cdot 7\cdot 8\cdot 11\cdot 12}{{x}^{12}}+... and y2={{a}
  • #1

I've been trying to solve this ODE using the power series method,

y'' + x^2y = 0,

I end up with (the first sum can start from 0 or 2, i just left it as starting from n=0)

& \sum\limits_{n=0\,}^{\infty }{n(n-1){{a}_{n}}{{x}^{n-2}}+}\sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty }{{{a}_{n}}{{x}^{n+2}}}=0 \\
& \sum\limits_{n=0\,}^{\infty }{n(n-1){{a}_{n}}{{x}^{n}}+}\sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty }{{{a}_{n}}{{x}^{n+4}}}=0 \\
& \sum\limits_{n=0\,}^{\infty }{n(n-1){{a}_{n}}{{x}^{n}}+}\sum\limits_{n=4}^{\infty }{{{a}_{n-4}}{{x}^{n}}}=0 \\
& \sum\limits_{n=0\,}^{\infty }{n(n-1){{a}_{n}}{{x}^{n}}+}\sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty }{{{a}_{n-4}}{{x}^{n}}}-{{a}_{-4}}{{x}^{0}}-{{a}_{-3}}x-{{a}_{-2}}{{x}^{2}}-{{a}_{-1}}{{x}^{3}}=0 \\
& By\,\,Thrm\,\,of\,\,vanishing\,\,coefficients: \\
& {{a}_{-4}}{{x}^{0}}={{a}_{-3}}x={{a}_{-2}}{{x}^{2}}={{a}_{-1}}{{x}^{3}}=0 \\
& -n(n-1){{a}_{n}}={{a}_{n-4}}\,\,\,\,\,n=4,5,6,... \\

but I'm having trouble getting an expression for a2n and a2n+1 since n starts at 4 there's no a2 to write a6 in terms of a0 like I am used to doing,

& n(n-1){{a}_{n}}={{a}_{n-4}} \\
& {{a}_{4}}=\frac{{{a}_{0}}}{4\cdot 3},{{a}_{3}}=\frac{{{a}_{6}}}{6\cdot 5},... \\

Is there something I'm missing?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
y'' + x^2y = 0
So you use Frobenius method expanding around x0=0, because there are no singularities in the finite interval:
The guess is: [itex]\sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty}a_nx^{n+j},\hspace{10pt}a_0\neq 0[/itex]
So insert like you did: [itex] \sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty}a_n(n+j)(n+j-1)x^{n+j-2}+a_nx^{n+j+2}[/itex]
You would like to sum from the same indicies, try taking out the first 4 terms in the 1 term:
So switch the index in the first sequence:
Now you can use linear independence of polynomials like you did before and analyse the inicidial equation.
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  • #3
No, you don't need the "n+ j" precisely because x= 0 is NOT a singular point.
  • #4
Yeah, guess i did the robot here. Sorry. But isn't it right that fuchs theorem would lead to the conclusion that j=0 from the inicidial equation?
  • #5
Thanks for your replies guys,

I worked on it a little more and for my solutions I get:

& {{y}_{1}}(x)={{a}_{o}}-\frac{{{a}_{o}}}{3\cdot 4}{{x}^{4}}+\frac{{{a}_{o}}}{3\cdot 4\cdot 7\cdot 8}{{x}^{8}}-\frac{{{a}_{o}}}{3\cdot 4\cdot 7\cdot 8\cdot 11\cdot 12}{{x}^{12}}+... \\
& {{y}_{2}}(x)={{a}_{1}}x-\frac{{{a}_{1}}}{4\cdot 5}{{x}^{5}}+\frac{{{a}_{1}}}{4\cdot 5\cdot 8\cdot 9}{{x}^{9}}-\frac{{{a}_{1}}}{4\cdot 5\cdot 8\cdot 9\cdot 12\cdot 13}{{x}^{13}}+... \\

Do they look correct?
I've been trying to find a way to write each of them as sums rather then individual terms but I'm finding it a little hard to write an a2n and an a2n+1 which satisfies the two above solutions.

For example in y2 the factorials go like

3!/5!, 3!7!/5!9!, 3!7!11!/5!9!13!

Is there a way that can be written in terms of n?
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FAQ: Solving ODEs using Power Series Method

What is a series solution to an ODE?

A series solution to an ODE (ordinary differential equation) is a method of solving a differential equation by representing the solution as a series of terms. This is particularly useful for nonlinear equations that cannot be solved by traditional methods.

How does a series solution work?

A series solution works by expanding the solution into an infinite series of terms, typically using the Taylor series or power series. This allows for the solution to be approximated to any desired degree of accuracy by truncating the series at a certain point.

When is a series solution appropriate?

A series solution is appropriate when a differential equation cannot be solved by traditional methods, or when an exact solution is not necessary. It is also useful for linear equations with variable coefficients, as well as for systems of differential equations.

What are the advantages of using a series solution?

One advantage of using a series solution is that it allows for the solution to be approximated to any desired degree of accuracy. It also allows for the use of more complex equations that cannot be solved by traditional methods.

Are there any limitations to using a series solution?

One limitation of using a series solution is that it can be time-consuming and tedious to calculate the coefficients of the series. It also may not provide an exact solution, but rather an approximation. Additionally, the series may not converge for certain values of the independent variable, making the solution invalid in those cases.

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