Solving Parabolic Curve in Excel: Find A with Given X and Y

  • Thread starter marlon
  • Start date
In summary, Marlon suggests first deciding what approximation you want and then using Excel's linear regression function to find the parameter.
  • #1
Hi i have a question on excell...

How can a fit a parabolic curve when all x and y values are given in a column. What i mean is given the equation y = A(x-7)² and ten x with corresponding y values, what is the best apprximation for A ?

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  • #2
if you have all the values, you could just plot it out and have Excel plot out the trendline for you. Right click a data point on the graph, select Add Trendline and select Polynomial (make sure the order is set to 2). Make sure to tell Excel to display the equation on the graph (under the options tab). You should get a second order polynomial which you can re-write to find out what A is.
  • #3
Hi Marlon

first: you decide what you take as best approximation, let's assume chi² deviation w/r to the theoretical curve
second: you put in a cell the unknown parameter(s), with some guess value
third: you calculate in a new cell the chi² value
fourth: you use the excel solver to minimize the chi² by changing the parameter(s)

The xl solver can solve for up to 200 variables, in the standard version.

Another method:
Find out the analytical theory that gives the parameter(s). You can do that by minizing analytically the chi².
You can also find that in many textbooks.
For one parameter this will be quite simple.
For several parameters you come on a system of linear equations that you can solve also in Excel.
(use minverse and mmult functions).
For several parameters, the coefficients of the matrix are some moments of the distribution of the experimental x and y values.

Yet another method:
Your exact problem is actually a linear regression (apparently 1 parameter: A, maybe more).
The variable of the linear regression is not x but (x-7^)² in your example.
Excel offers a very powerful linear regression function called "LINEST".
It will solve your problem and it will provide additional statistical results.

FAQ: Solving Parabolic Curve in Excel: Find A with Given X and Y

How do I input data for a parabolic curve in Excel?

To input data for a parabolic curve in Excel, you will need to create two columns - one for the x-values and one for the corresponding y-values. Make sure that the data is in numerical order and that there are no blank cells in between.

How do I create a parabolic curve in Excel?

To create a parabolic curve in Excel, first select the data points for the curve. Then, go to the "Insert" tab and click on "Recommended Charts". From the options, select "Scatter with Smooth Lines". This will create a parabolic curve based on your data points.

How do I find the value of A in a parabolic curve in Excel?

To find the value of A in a parabolic curve in Excel, you can use the "TREND" function. This function takes in the x-values, y-values, and the order of the polynomial (which would be 2 in this case). It will then return the coefficients, with A being the first coefficient.

Can I change the order of the polynomial in Excel?

Yes, you can change the order of the polynomial in Excel by using the "TREND" function. Simply change the order number to the desired value (e.g. 3 for a cubic curve). Keep in mind that the higher the order, the more complex the curve will be.

How accurate is using Excel to solve a parabolic curve?

The accuracy of using Excel to solve a parabolic curve will depend on the accuracy of your data points and the order of the polynomial. Generally, the higher the order, the more accurate the curve will be. However, it is always recommended to double-check your results and make adjustments if necessary.
