Solving Part C of Jerry's Skateboard Problem

  • Thread starter butz3
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In summary, the conversation discusses a 3-part question involving Jerry and his skateboard on a frictionless hill. It includes determining Jerry's speed at the bottom of the hill, the resulting velocity of the skateboard when Jerry jumps off, and the amount of work Jerry does on the skateboard. The conversation also mentions Jerry's mass, the skateboard's mass, and the formula for finding work. The use of the Work-Energy Theorem is suggested as another approach to solving the problem.
  • #1
i need help on how to start to solve part c in a 3 part question. the question reads "Jerry is stationary on his skateboard at the top of the hill shown in the following diagram. he than rolls from rest down the hill. A) assuming that the hill provides a frictionless surface, determine jerry's speed at the bottom of the hill.
B)when Jarry reaches the horizontal surface near the bottom of the hill, he jumps off the skateboard so that he ends up moving 5.8m/s in the orginal direction of the skatebaord. what is the resulting velocity of the skateboard?
C)how much work does jerry do on the skateboard in order to jump off?" the diagram is that jerry is sitting at the top of the hill it sort of looks like this
l \
l \
l \
with 2.2m along the vertical and 5.0m along the horizontal. jerry's mass is 40.0kg and the skatebord's mass is 3.0kg.
for part A) i got jerrys speed as 6.57m/s. part B) i got the velocity of the skatebord as 16.8m/s east. know i know the formula to find work is w=fd. but i don't have a force i guess i could figure that out but what would i use for the distance. or if anybody has a better suggestion on how to solve this problem would be a great help. thanks.
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  • #2
There is more than one way to find the work done. Remember the Work-Energy Theorem. Ask yourself - where does the work Jerry does go?
  • #3

To solve part C of Jerry's skateboard problem, we need to use the concept of work and energy. Work is defined as the product of force and displacement, and it measures the amount of energy transferred when an object is moved by a force. In this case, we need to find the work done by Jerry on the skateboard when he jumps off.

First, we need to understand that when Jerry jumps off the skateboard, he applies a force on the skateboard in the direction opposite to his motion. This force causes the skateboard to move in the opposite direction with a certain velocity. This change in velocity is what we need to consider when calculating the work done.

To find the work done, we can use the formula W = ΔKE, where W is the work done, ΔKE is the change in kinetic energy, and KE is the kinetic energy of the system. In this case, the system consists of Jerry and the skateboard.

We can find the initial kinetic energy of the system by using the formula KE = 1/2 mv^2, where m is the mass of the system and v is the initial velocity. In this case, the initial velocity is the speed of Jerry at the bottom of the hill, which we have calculated in part A (6.57m/s). The mass of the system is the combined mass of Jerry and the skateboard (40.0kg + 3.0kg = 43.0kg). Therefore, the initial kinetic energy of the system is KE = 1/2 (43.0kg)(6.57m/s)^2 = 979.87 J.

To find the final kinetic energy of the system, we need to consider the change in velocity of the skateboard when Jerry jumps off. We know that Jerry ends up moving with a velocity of 5.8m/s in the original direction of the skateboard. This means that the final velocity of the skateboard must be in the opposite direction with a magnitude of 5.8m/s. Using the formula KE = 1/2 mv^2, we can calculate the final kinetic energy of the system as KE = 1/2 (3.0kg)(5.8m/s)^2 = 50.94 J.

Now, we can find the change in kinetic energy by subtracting the final kinetic energy from the initial kinetic energy. ΔKE = 979.87 J - 50.94 J = 928.93 J.


FAQ: Solving Part C of Jerry's Skateboard Problem

What is the problem in Part C of Jerry's Skateboard Problem?

The problem in Part C of Jerry's Skateboard Problem is that Jerry has to calculate the maximum height he can reach on his skateboard after going down a ramp and launching off a jump.

What information is needed to solve Part C of Jerry's Skateboard Problem?

To solve Part C, we need to know the height of the ramp, the distance of the ramp from the jump, the angle of the ramp, and the speed of Jerry's skateboard.

How do you calculate the maximum height in Part C of Jerry's Skateboard Problem?

The maximum height can be calculated using the formula: h = (v^2 * sin^2 θ) / 2g, where h is the maximum height, v is the speed of the skateboard, θ is the angle of the ramp, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2).

What units should be used in the calculation of Part C of Jerry's Skateboard Problem?

The units used in the calculation should be consistent. For example, if the height of the ramp is measured in meters, then the distance of the ramp from the jump should also be in meters and the speed should be in meters per second.

What are the limitations of the calculation in Part C of Jerry's Skateboard Problem?

The calculation assumes that there is no air resistance and that Jerry's skateboard is a point mass. It also does not take into account any energy lost due to friction or imperfections in the ramp or jump. Additionally, the calculation may not be accurate if the ramp is not at a constant angle or if Jerry does not maintain a constant speed throughout the jump.
