Solving Permutation Problems | Tips and Tricks for Success with Homework - Guide

  • Thread starter sutupidmath
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In summary, the conversation discusses two problems related to s-cycles and their properties. The first problem involves finding the smallest positive integer m in which \theta^h and \theta^k are equal when h and k are congruent modulo m. The second problem asks for the smallest integer r in which the set \{(1), \theta , \theta^2,...,\theta^{r-1}\} is closed under multiplication, where \theta is an s-cycle. The conversation also includes a discussion on proving that \theta^s=(1) and clarifying the approach to the first problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Here are two problems that i am striving with:
Let [tex]\theta[/tex] be the s-cycle (123...s).

(i) what is the smallest positive integer m such that [tex] \theta^h=\theta^k[/tex] when

h\equiv k(mod m)?

NOte: This is not actually a homework problem, but since the other one that i am going to write down, is i posted this one here two, because i feel that if i can get this one right, then i can get the next one too.

2. Let [tex] \theta[/tex] be the s-cycle (123...s). what is the smallest integer r such that the set

[tex] \{(1), \theta , \theta^2,...,\theta^{r-1}\}[/tex] is closed under multiplication?

Well, i think the key problem that i am having here is to prove, or show that if

[tex] \theta[/tex] is an s-cycle, then [tex] \theta^s=(1)[/tex] where (1) is the identity permutation in standard form.

I am not sure whether this one comes directly from the def. of an s-cycle or there is a special way of prooving it.

Anyways here are my first thoughts about this last one. i think that it somes directly as a result of the def. of an s-cycle.

Let [tex] \theta =(a_1,a_2,...,a_s)[/tex] be an s- cycle. Then

since [tex] \theta (a_i)=a_{i+1},i=1,2,...,s-1[/tex], and [tex] \theta(a_s)=a_1[/tex]

SO, now the reason that [tex] \theta^s=(1)[/tex] i think is that, if we start operatin with [tex]\theta[/tex] in the firs element of the s-cycle [tex] a_1[/tex] then we get:

[tex]\theta(a_1)=a_2, \theta(a_2)=a_3,=>\theta(\theta(a_1))=\theta^2(a_1)=a_3,...,\theta^{s-1}(a_1)=a_s[/tex] but since [tex] \theta(a_s)=a_1=>\theta^s(a_1)=a_1[/tex]

And similarly with other elements of the cycle.

This way we notice that [tex]\theta[/tex] has to opertate s times in each element of the cycle in order to go back to that same element. Hence i think that this is the reason that

[tex] \theta^s=(1)[/tex] , or am i wrong? Anyways try to clarify this a lill bit for me please.

So, now let's go back to the first problem. If what i just did holds, i mean if the proof is correct, then here it is how i tackled the first problem:

[tex] \theta^h=\theta^k[/tex] when

[tex] h\equiv k(mod m)[/tex]=> we get that

[tex] h-k=nm, n\in Z=>h=k+nm[/tex] hence we get:

[tex] \theta^h=\theta^{k+nm}=\theta^k\theta^{nm}=\theta^k(\theta^m)^n[/tex] so in order for [tex] \theta^h=\theta^k[/tex] we need to have m=s, since then we would get

[tex] \theta^s\theta^k=(1)\theta^k=\theta^k[/tex] Is this even close to the right way of approaching this problem, or i am way off?

SO, any advice?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
So no input on this one?
  • #3
You almost have the right idea. Proving that [itex]\theta^s =1[/itex] isn't enough (your proof is fine, by the way) - you also need to prove that if 0<r<s, then [itex]\theta^r \neq 1[/itex].
  • #4
morphism said:
You almost have the right idea. Proving that [itex]\theta^s =1[/itex] isn't enough (your proof is fine, by the way) - you also need to prove that if 0<r<s, then [itex]\theta^r \neq 1[/itex].

Holy, crap! hehe.. this is exactly what i did! Only that i proved that [tex] \theta^r \neq 1[/tex] for any other r. But basically this is what i did.
I did this after i posted the problem here though, but before i turned in the hw.
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FAQ: Solving Permutation Problems | Tips and Tricks for Success with Homework - Guide

What is a permutation?

A permutation is an arrangement of objects where the order is important. It is a mathematical concept used in various fields, including statistics, computer science, and genetics.

How do you calculate permutations?

The number of permutations can be calculated by multiplying the number of objects by the number of available positions. For example, if there are 4 objects and 3 available positions, the number of permutations would be 4 x 3 = 12.

What is the difference between permutations and combinations?

The main difference between permutations and combinations is that in permutations, the order of the objects matters, while in combinations, the order does not matter. For example, the combination of choosing 3 out of 5 objects would be the same regardless of the order in which they are chosen, while the permutation would be different for each possible order.

What are some real-life applications of permutations?

Permutations are used in various fields, including genetics to determine the possible combinations of genes, in computer science for password generation, and in statistics to analyze data and make predictions.

How do you use permutations in probability?

Permutations are used in probability to calculate the number of possible outcomes in an event. The number of permutations can be divided by the total number of possible outcomes to determine the probability of a specific outcome occurring.
