Solving Planar Fluence: Ratio of Electrons per cm2

In summary, the conversation discusses a situation where a broad plane-parallel beam of electrons is incident upon a thin foil at an angle X. The ratio of the flux density below the foil to that with the foil removed is 1.06. The question is raised about the ratio of the number of electrons passing through a plane behind the foil to that with the foil removed. It is believed that the ratio should also be 1.06, but a sketch would be helpful in visualizing the concept. The conversation then shifts to discussing the reason for the increase in flux, which is explained in a textbook as an event that occurs when working with a broad beam. The unity of the particles ratio is also mentioned as being the answer to an exercise
  • #1
Hello everyone,

Suppose a situation where you have a broad plane-parallele beem of electrons which is perpendiculary incident upon a thin foil which scatters the e- for an angle X. I did calculus and the ratio of flux density below the foil respect with the foil remove is 1.06. But, What are the ratio of the number of e- per cm2 passing through a plane just behind (and parallel to) the foil to what with the foil removed? I thing the ratio must be 1.06, also.

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  • #2
A sketch would help.
AgusCF said:
But, What are the ratio of the number of e- per cm2 passing through a plane just behind (and parallel to) the foil to what with the foil removed?
Shouldn't this be the result of an integral over the angular distribution?

Why does your flux increase?
  • #3
As I saw in Introduction to Radiological Physics and Radiation Dosimetry - Attix, these is an event that happens when you are working with a broad beam. Is an excercise from the first chapter (the third excercise). The exercise gives the answers, and I don´t know why is the unity the particles ratio.

FAQ: Solving Planar Fluence: Ratio of Electrons per cm2

1. What is planar fluence?

Planar fluence is a measure of the number of electrons per square centimeter that are incident on a surface. It is often used in the field of radiation therapy to describe the amount of radiation that is delivered to a specific area.

2. How is planar fluence calculated?

Planar fluence is calculated by dividing the total number of electrons by the area of the surface that they are incident upon. This can be represented by the equation: Planar Fluence = Number of Electrons / Surface Area.

3. What is the significance of planar fluence in radiation therapy?

In radiation therapy, planar fluence is an important factor in determining the dosage of radiation that is delivered to a specific area. By knowing the planar fluence, doctors and scientists can calculate the amount of radiation needed to effectively treat a particular area while minimizing exposure to surrounding healthy tissue.

4. How is planar fluence measured?

Planar fluence can be measured using a variety of methods, such as ionization chambers, diodes, or film dosimetry. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, so the choice of measurement method will depend on the specific needs of the experiment or treatment.

5. How does planar fluence affect the accuracy of radiation therapy?

Planar fluence plays a crucial role in the accuracy of radiation therapy. If the planar fluence is not accurately calculated or measured, it can result in under or over-dosing of the target area, leading to potential harm to the patient. Therefore, it is important for scientists and doctors to carefully monitor and control the planar fluence to ensure the success of the treatment.
