Solving Prime Number Code Error in C++

In summary: This will not compile because the float y will be truncated to the nearest int. Since x is an unsigned int, it will end up being truncated to 0.
  • #1
I was writing a program to find if a given number is prime or not. I can't figure out what the error is.
/* To check if a number is prime*/

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()
    float a;
    int p,i,f=0;

    if(a % 2==0)          // Shows an error: Cant convert float and int types to binary %
              cout<<"\nNot a prime";
                     if(a%i==0)  //Same error here
          cout<<"\nThe number is a prime";
           cout<<"\nThe number is not a prime";
     return 0;
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  • #2
For starters you are trying to take the square root of an uninitialized number in this statement: p = sqrt(a);

Next, you shouldn't be working with floating point types (float or double) if you're trying to determine whether a number is prime. When we talk about numbers being prime, we are talking about integer numbers, such as 14, 37, and so on, and not about floating point numbers such as 6.2, 9.37, and so on.
  • #3
Thank you. I can't believe I missed that. I am using floats for the range. Another thing, floats some times display values in the exponential format, how can you display the whole number?
  • #4
Your program should not even compile. You should be getting an error message along the lines of ‘Illegal use of Floating Point’.

Don't use float for this problem.
  • #5
Why shouldn't it compile?
  • #6
Because of your use of the modulus operator with a float.
  • #7
Is there a way to store large numbers (> 4 million) as integers?
  • #8
chaoseverlasting said:
Is there a way to store large numbers (> 4 million) as integers?
Microsoft C++ includes a "decimal" class which stores 96 bit (28 decimal digit) integers.

Beyond that, you'd need an extended precision math library, like apfloat, or implement one yourself.

Modulo won't work with floating point numbers in c, instead you have to do it manually like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

static float dividend, divisor, int_quotient, remainder;

int main()
    dividend  = 2.3;
    divisor   = 1.2;
    int_quotient  = floor(dividend/divisor);
    remainder = dividend - (divisor*int_quotient);
    printf("%10.5f\n", remainder);
  • #9
Use uint64_t or int64_t. (Alternately I think most compilers will let you just say "long long" as an alias for int64_t). This will be portable and will raise your ceiling to 2^64 rather than 2^32.

If you need arbitrary magnitude integers you will need an external library as roger suggests. The magic word to look for to find the integer version of such a library is "bignum".
  • #10
I had tried to download such a library before but I couldn't figure out how to make it work. Could someone guide me through the process or direct me to a web resource that could help me out?

Also with the modulo, I don't need the floating point digit, just the integer remainder. Would the modulo just treat the floats as ints?
  • #11
chaoseverlasting said:
Also with the modulo, I don't need the floating point digit, just the integer remainder. Would the modulo just treat the floats as ints?

I'd have to check but I think if you use the % operator on a float it's just a compile error. If you want floating point modulo use the modf() or fmod() functions in math.h. If you want the integer remainder and can discard the floating point part, cast to int and then use %.
  • #12
chaoseverlasting said:
Is there a way to store large numbers (> 4 million) as integers?

I've used the MIRACL library for large integer math and it has worked well. It's free to download and you can use it for free in any non-commercial program.
  • #13
I'm not sure you're aware of this, but floating point doesn't store exact numbers. Consider this program
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
  unsigned int x = 1234567890u; [color=green]// Assume unsigned int is large enough to hold this number[/color]
  float y = x;
  x = y;
  cout << x << endl; [color=green]// Outputs 1234567936[/color]
(I'm assuming an int is a 32-bit data type or bigger. Use uint32_t if you're paranoid)
(I used Microsoft's Visual Studio C++ compiler)

Again, using Microsoft's compiler (and their 64-bit integral type -- use uint64_t if you can, for portability. If you have neither, unsigned long long is probably this type):
int main(){
  unsigned __int64 x = 12345678901234567890;
  double y = x;
  x = y;
  cout << x << endl; [color=green]// Outputs 9223372036854775808[/color]
This last one actually surprises me greatly -- I would have thought it would have had much better precision. I wonder what went wrong?
  • #14
Hurkyl said:
int main(){
  unsigned __int64 x = 12345678901234567890;
  double y = x;
  x = y;
  cout << x << endl; [color=green]// Outputs 9223372036854775808[/color]
This last one actually surprises me greatly -- I would have thought it would have had much better precision. I wonder what went wrong?
Works for me:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdint.h>
int main(){
  uint64_t x = 12345678901234567890ull;
  double y = x;
  x = y;
  std::cout << x << "\n"; [color=green]// Outputs 12345678901234567168[/color]

My guess as to what went wrong: The unqualified constant 12345678901234567890 isn't handled correctly by Microsoft C++. gnu c++ complained about it but still output the correct value. Qualifying the constant as 12345678901234567890ull eliminates the warning.

Also note that the double value is still not quite correct, not surprising. That unsigned long long integer has too many digits to be fully representable in a double.
  • #15
In my test I printed x before I assigned it to y and it printed what I expected. Of course, it's definitely right that it should have printed a truncated value. I wonder if I found an actual bug where the optimizer figured out it could print the constant before it triggered the truncation?

edit nope. Changing the suffix to ull didn't affect anything.
  • #16
Oooh, it converts the number to 263. It seems that this compiler, or maybe my hardware, rounds larger floating point numbers to 263, even if they would fit in a 64-bit integer. :frown:

And shame on me for not instantly recognizing 263. :redface:
  • #17
So I tried running this in the debugger (in VS2008) and looking at the disassembly output.

The culprit appears to be the line x = y; If you print out y before that line, it appears to be a roughly accurate representation of the number you wanted.

The disassembly for x=y is...

004115D1 fld qword ptr [y]
004115D4 call @ILT+540(__ftol2) (411221h)
004115D9 mov dword ptr [x],eax
004115DC mov dword ptr [ebp-8],edx

__ftol2 is of course MS's float to long routine. I wonder-- is it possible that it doesn't understand unsigned numbers?!

Related to Solving Prime Number Code Error in C++

1. How do I check if a number is prime in C++?

In order to check if a number is prime in C++, you can use a loop to iterate through all the numbers between 2 and the number itself. If the number is divisible by any of those numbers, then it is not prime. If it is not divisible by any number, then it is prime. Alternatively, you can use the sqrt function to reduce the number of iterations needed.

2. What is the most efficient way to find all the prime numbers up to a given number in C++?

The most efficient way to find all the prime numbers up to a given number in C++ is by using the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm. This method involves creating a boolean array and marking off all the non-prime numbers until you are left with only the prime numbers.

3. How can I optimize my code to run faster when solving for prime numbers in C++?

There are a few ways to optimize your code for finding prime numbers in C++. One way is to use the bool data type instead of int when creating the Sieve array. Another way is to use bitwise operations instead of division when checking for divisibility. Additionally, you can use multi-threading to split the work among multiple processors for faster computation.

4. What are some common errors to watch out for when solving for prime numbers in C++?

Some common errors to watch out for when solving for prime numbers in C++ include using the wrong data type for variables, forgetting to initialize variables, and not considering edge cases such as 0 and 1 as prime numbers. It is also important to handle integer overflow when dealing with large prime numbers.

5. How can I incorporate prime numbers into my C++ projects?

There are many ways to incorporate prime numbers into your C++ projects. You can use them in encryption algorithms, hashing functions, or in mathematical calculations. You can also use prime numbers in data structures such as hash tables or in algorithms that involve finding factors or divisors of a number.

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