Solving Real Vector Space R>3 Bases Problems

  • Thread starter blanik
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In summary, I needed to find a way to express |e1> in terms of the new basis vectors. I tried combining a1, a2 & a3 to form a 3x3 matrix, but that didn't work. I then tried the inverse of the matrix to get |e1>, but that also didn't work. I am closer, but not there yet.
  • #1
I have two homework problems that I am at a loss on where to start. I am going to see the TA tomorrow, but I would like to start on the problems tonight.

The question is (the row vectors I show are actually written as column vectors on the homework):

Consider the real vector space R>3. One basis we can use is called the Standard Basis. This is the basis
B={|e1>=(1 0 0), |e2>=(0 1 0), |e3>=(0 0 1)}
Show that the set of vectors
B'={|a1>=(1 0 -1), |a2>=(1 2 1), |a3>=(0 -3 2)}
is also a basis for R>3. Express each of the vectors of the standard basis in terms of these new basis vectors. (Hint: To check if you are on the right track, you should get that
|e1>=-7/10|a1> + 3/10|a2> + 2/5|a3> = (-7/10 3/10 2/5)
but you need to show this and find the other two.

I need a little help getting started. I tried: B = {i+j,i-j,k} where i+j=|v> and i-j=|w> and i=1/2(v+w) and j=1/2(v-w). I have also tried combing a1, a2 & a3 to be a 3x3 matrix and multiply by each e, but that didn't work either.

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  • #2
In this case it suffices to show that vectors from B' are linearly independent. So, you can construct the determinant which has vector's coordinates as columns (or rows). Which property must have this determinant if a1, a2 and a3 are linearly independent?
Do you know what is matrix for linear transformation? If yes, than the inverse of that will help you to find coordinates of standart basis vectors in new basis.
P.S Hooray! It's my 100th post here! It's great place!
P.P.S. Welcome, Blanik!
  • #3
Thanks! That helped alot. I am much closer, but I am still not coming up the same numbers for his |e1>.

Here is what I did:
If a1,a2 &a3 = matrix A,
then A = 1 1 0
0 2 -3
-1 1 2

The determinant of A = 10
The inverse of A is:
A-1 = (1/10) 7 -2 -3
3 2 3
2 0 2

So, I get |e1> = 7/10
But, the problem says |e1> should be = -7/10
So, mine differs with the first value having the opposite sign and I am off by a factor of two for the last value.

Any suggestions?
  • #4
There are 2 points:
1. Your inverse is incorrect. I believe correct is [tex]1/10\[ \left( \begin{array}{ccc}
7 & -2 & -3 \\
3 & 2 & 3 \\
2 & -2 & 2 \end{array} \right)\][/tex]

B={|e1>=(1 0 0), |e2>=(0 1 0), |e3>=(0 0 1)}
Show that the set of vectors
B'={|a1>=(1 0 -1), |a2>=(1 2 1), |a3>=(0 -3 2)}
is also a basis for R>3. Express each of the vectors of the standard basis in terms of these new basis vectors. (Hint: To check if you are on the right track, you should get that
|e1>=-7/10|a1> + 3/10|a2> + 2/5|a3> = (-7/10 3/10 2/5)

You shouldn't get it if you're on the right track. In standart basis -7/10|a1> + 3/10|a2> + 2/5|a3> doesn't gives e1. I believe you see it. That hint is incorrect
  • #5
I thought that the hint might be wrong... thanks for clarifying. I caught my math error too for the zero value in the inverse matrix.

Thanks so much for your help!

FAQ: Solving Real Vector Space R>3 Bases Problems

1. What is a real vector space?

A real vector space is a mathematical concept that represents a collection of objects called vectors, which can be added and multiplied by a real number. It is a fundamental concept in linear algebra and has many applications in physics, engineering, and computer science.

2. What does it mean to solve a real vector space R>3 bases problem?

Solving a real vector space R>3 bases problem involves finding a set of vectors that can span the entire space and can be used to represent any vector within that space. This set of vectors is known as a basis, and it helps to simplify computations and solve complex problems in vector spaces.

3. How do I determine if a set of vectors is a basis for a real vector space R>3?

A set of vectors is a basis for a real vector space R>3 if it satisfies two conditions: (1) the vectors are linearly independent, meaning that no vector can be expressed as a linear combination of the others, and (2) the vectors span the entire space, meaning that any vector in the space can be represented as a linear combination of the basis vectors.

4. Can I use any set of vectors as a basis for a real vector space R>3?

No, not every set of vectors can be a basis for a real vector space R>3. The vectors must be linearly independent and span the entire space to be considered a valid basis. Also, the number of basis vectors must be equal to the dimension of the vector space, which in this case is R>3.

5. How do I solve a real vector space R>3 bases problem?

To solve a real vector space R>3 bases problem, you need to find a set of vectors that satisfies the two conditions of being linearly independent and spanning the entire space. This can be done by using techniques such as Gaussian elimination, finding the null space of a matrix, or using the Gram-Schmidt process. Once a valid basis is found, you can use it to solve problems and perform computations in the vector space.
