Solving Schrodinger Equation for Finite Potential Barrier

In summary, the conversation is about finding the coefficients in a Schrodinger equation with a finite potential. The problem is similar to one discussed in a forum thread, but with a slight variation in the potential. The solution involves defining two regions and using Schrodinger's equation to find the wave function in each region. The boundary conditions at x = 0 are used to relate the coefficients and solve for A, B, and C. This is known as the single step potential and can be found in most quantum textbooks.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am trying to find the coefficients in a Schrodinger equation approaching a finite potential.
It is a problem similar to this, except a little easier. In my case, though, there is no V1 as shown in the picture at the thread, the potential is at x = 0 and doesn't drop back down, just continues going in the positive x direction. So at x = 0 it just goes straight up vertically, then levels off and keeps going, creating a sort of wall. (hope that is a good enough explanation)

Homework Equations

Schrodingers Equation

The Attempt at a Solution

I have defined the regions as:
Region 1: V(x) = 0 for x < 0
Region 2: V(x) = V0 for x > 0

I have used Schrodinger's Equation to get the wave function for each region:
Region 1:
Psi(x) = Aeik1x + Be-ik1x
With A being the incident wave and B being the reflected wave off of the potential barrier.
I also have K1 = (2mE/h2)1/2

Region 2:
Psi(x) = Ceik2x
With C being for the continuing wave, there is no reflected wave here because region 2 contains the barrier. I also think C would be considered T (transmitted).
I also have K2 = (2m(E-V0)/h2)1/2

So I can say that A + B = C at x = 0 (I think). I can also say that their derivatives are equal at that point, so ik1A - ik2B = ik2C

I also know that 1 = P(R) + P(T)
and R = abs(B2/A2)
and I have written T = 1 - R

I guess I'm supposed to solve B and C in terms of A, I'm almost positive all of the information thus far is correct, unless I just typed something incorrectly.

It's something that I haven't ever seen/done before so I'm absolutely stumped... I even looked at some old physics books from the library trying to get some ideas but am lost. I'm sure it's something really simple... I just need to know where to go from this point in order to solve for A B and C.

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  • #2

so you have 2 equations linking A,B & C due to the boundary conditions (continuous wave function & derivative)

you should be able to solve for B & C in terms of A...
  • #3

Well, it's not too bad. You can relate everything using your two equations at the boundary, and finding an expression for C/A and B/A. These expressions should end up containing k1 and k2.

You can then find a way to relate C/A and B/A to transmission and reflection coefficients.

I'm pretty sure most quantum texts discuss this - try ch. 7 of Liboff's book, or ch. 5 of Shankar's. This would be best classified as the single step potential.

FAQ: Solving Schrodinger Equation for Finite Potential Barrier

What is the Schrodinger equation?

The Schrodinger equation is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes the time evolution of a quantum system. It is used to calculate the probability of finding a particle in a certain location or state.

What is a finite potential barrier?

A finite potential barrier is a region in space where the potential energy of a particle is finite and different from the potential energy in the surrounding region. It creates a barrier that a particle must overcome to pass through.

Why is it important to solve the Schrodinger equation for finite potential barriers?

Solving the Schrodinger equation for finite potential barriers is important because it allows us to understand and predict the behavior of quantum particles in these types of environments. It also has applications in fields such as solid-state physics, where finite potential barriers are commonly encountered.

What methods are used to solve the Schrodinger equation for finite potential barriers?

There are several methods that can be used to solve the Schrodinger equation for finite potential barriers, including the transfer matrix method, WKB approximation, and numerical techniques such as the shooting method and finite difference method.

What are some potential barriers where the Schrodinger equation is commonly used?

The Schrodinger equation is commonly used to study potential barriers in various fields, including semiconductor devices, nuclear physics, and particle physics experiments. It is also used in the study of tunneling phenomena and quantum tunneling devices.
