Solving Second Order Differential Equations for Beginners

In summary, to find a general solution to the equation 5y" + 9y' - 9y = 0, one can use the method of undetermined coefficients by plugging in a trial solution y(t) = e^{\lambda t} and solving the resulting polynomial for \lambda. The general solution is a linear combination of these solutions, where each solution is multiplied by a constant. For equations with multiple roots, the linear combination includes additional terms such as t. When solving for initial value problems, it may be necessary to convert fractions to decimals.
  • #1

Homework Statement

How can I find a general solution to this problem:

5y" + 9y' - 9y = 0

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I am confused with second order different equations in it
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  • #2
Usually with this type of equations (homogeneous ordinary differential equations) the easiest way is to plug in a trial solution [itex]y(t) = e^{\lambda t}[/itex], then solve the resulting polynomial for [itex]\lambda[/itex] and make a linear combination to get the general solution.

(For non-homogeneous equations, add to that a particular solution).
  • #3
can't I just integrate twice and get the answer? how can I solve this using the method of undeterminant coefficients
  • #4
-EquinoX- said:
can't I just integrate twice and get the answer? how can I solve this using the method of undeterminant coefficients
No. You can integrate y'' twice, but how are you going to integrate y' and y twice?

CompuChip has given you some good advice. Try it out.
  • #5
I don't get what he meant by make a linear combination
  • #6
Assume that the solution is of the form y = ert. Calculate the first and second derivatives of this function and plug them into your differential equation. After you factor out ert, you will have a quadratic that you can solve for r. (CompuChip used lambda, but the idea is the same.) You should get two values for r--r1 and r2, meaning that y1 = er1t and y2 = er2t are solutions of this DE. The general solution is all possible linear combinations of these two functions. IOW, y = c1er1t + c2er2t.

A linear combination of functions is the sum of multiples of those functions.

  • #7
what if it only has one root, say (y-3)^2, so the only root is y = 3
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  • #8
Then your solutions would be e3t and te3t. Your general solution would be the linear combinations of these two functions.

IOW, yg = c1e3t + c2te3t.
  • #9
if it's y^2 + 25y , then the two roots are y = 0 and y = -25. so yg = c1 + c2e^(-25t).
  • #10
Yes. You can understand why you only get one solution which is non-trivial (i.e. not equal to a constant number everywhere): if r = 0 is a solution to the polynomial, then that means that your equation must have been of the form
a y'' + b y' = 0
so without a term in y.
In that case you can view it as a (simpler) first order equation for v = y':
a v' + b v = 0
which of course only has one independent solution.

In general, if your equation is nth order (i.e. the highest derivative of y that occurs is the nth derivative) you get n independent solutions which you should add (indeed, when you plug in the exponential solution, you get a polynomial of degree n). You should be advised, however, that the roots of the polynomial are not always real, like for example in y'' + y = 0.
  • #11
well if have initial value y(0) = 2 and y'(0)= 5

then what I get is

y' = -25c2e^(-25t)
5 = -25c2
so c2 = -1/5

and c1 is equal to 11/5

is the true? reason I asked is because the stupid webassign won't accept this answer
  • #12
-EquinoX- said:
well if have initial value y(0) = 2 and y'(0)= 5

then what I get is

y' = -25c2e^(-25t)
5 = -25c2
so c2 = -1/5

and c1 is equal to 11/5

is the true? reason I asked is because the stupid webassign won't accept this answer

Are you talking about this initial value problem? (This is a different problem from the one you first posted in this thread.)
y'' + 25y = 0, y(0) = 2, y'(0) = 5

If so, your solution looks fine to me. Maybe the webassign thing is looking for decimal values instead of fractions.
  • #13
Mark44 said:
Are you talking about this initial value problem? (This is a different problem from the one you first posted in this thread.)
y'' + 25y = 0, y(0) = 2, y'(0) = 5

If so, your solution looks fine to me. Maybe the webassign thing is looking for decimal values instead of fractions.

yes this is a different problem, thanks though for confirming and all the help

FAQ: Solving Second Order Differential Equations for Beginners

What is an initial value problem (IVP)?

An initial value problem is a type of mathematical problem that involves finding a solution to a differential equation based on a given set of initial conditions. These initial conditions specify the value of the unknown function at a particular point in the domain.

What are the components of an initial value problem?

An initial value problem consists of a differential equation, a domain or interval of interest, and a set of initial conditions. The differential equation describes the relationship between the unknown function and its derivatives, while the initial conditions specify the values of the unknown function at a particular point in the domain.

How is an initial value problem solved?

An initial value problem is typically solved by using analytical or numerical methods. Analytical methods involve finding an explicit solution to the differential equation, while numerical methods use algorithms to approximate the solution at discrete points in the domain.

What is the importance of initial value problems?

Initial value problems are essential in many areas of science and engineering, as they allow us to model and understand complex phenomena that change over time. They are particularly useful in physics, chemistry, and engineering, where many physical processes can be described by differential equations.

What are some real-world applications of initial value problems?

Initial value problems have numerous applications in various fields, including population dynamics, chemical reactions, electrical circuits, and the motion of objects under the influence of forces. They are also used in computer simulations and prediction models in fields such as meteorology, economics, and epidemiology.
