Solving Stokes Theorem Problem: F(x,y,z)

In summary, the problem involves finding the surface integral using Stoke's Theorem, which relates the surface integral to the curl of the vector field. To find the curl, the fundamental vector product is used to find the vector differential of surface area. This is then used to evaluate the surface integral in terms of two parameters, the angles in spherical coordinates.
  • #1
Hi, i can't seem to figure out how stokes theorem works. I've run through a lot of examples but i still am not having any luck. Anyway, some advice on a particular problem would be greatly appreciated.

The problem is: F(x,y,z) = <2y,3z,-2x>. The surface is the part of the unit sphere in the first octant; the normal vector n is directed upward.

I get that the curl of F is <-3,2,-2>. What I tried next was writing the equation for the sphere as z = f(x,y) = sqrt(1-x^2-y^2) and finding from that fx(x,y) and fy(x,y). I then tried evaluating the double integral in cylindrical coordinates over R of (3fx-2fy-2)dA, where R is the region from 0 to pi/2 and r = 0 to r=1. I changed all the x's and y's to their polar equivalents and didn't forget the r in the dA or anything. I got nothing close to the right answer.

I understand that the way i approached it might be flawed, so if you can help in either helping me understand why what i was doing is wrong or if you have a different way of approaching it i would greatly appreciate the help. Thanks
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  • #2
Work you way through the problem systematically. What is Stoke's Theorem?

[tex] \iint_S \nabla \times \vec F \cdot d\vec S [/tex]

What does [tex] d\vec S [/tex] mean?

[tex] d\vec S = \hat n \,\,dS [/tex]

So what do you have now?

[tex] \iint_S \nabla \times \vec F \cdot \hat n \,\,dS [/tex]

Now finding the curl is straightfoward, thus:

[tex] \iint_S \nabla \times \vec F \cdot d\vec S= \iint_S (-3,2,-2) \cdot \hat n \,\, dS [/tex]

What's a general expression for solving a surface integral?

This one works right?
[tex] \iint_S f(x,y,z)\,\,dS = \iint_D f(x,y,g(x,y))\sqrt{\left(\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}\right)^2 + \left( \frac{\partial z}{\partial y} \right)^2}\,\,dA [/tex]

Why does this work?
Well when you take the dot product of two vectors, what do you get? Yup... a scalar. And f(x,y,z) doesn't return a vector right?

So what is the unit vector? And then what happens when you take the dot product? What would f(x,y,z) equal?
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  • #3
so, what exactly does d(vector)S represent? How do I get a vector to dot with curl(vector)F? My particular problem has a circle in 3-space, with z=1. The formula above is for when one is given an equation in form of z=g(x,y).
  • #4
[tex]d\vec{S}[/tex] is an infinitesemal vector normal to the surface with magnitude equal to the area of the parallellogram spanned by two linearly independent tangent vectors of infinitesemal magnitudes.
  • #5
Use the "fundamental vector product": the surface of the unit sphere can be written in terms of 2 parameters, the two angles in spherical coordinates: [itex]x= cos(\theta)sin(\phi)[/itex], [itex]y= sin(\theta)sin(\phi)[/itex], [itex]z= cos(\phi)[/itex].
The derivatives of <x, y, z> with respect to [itex]\theta[/itex] and [itex]\phi[/itex] are the vectors
[tex]<-sin(\theta)sin(\phi), cos(\theta)sin(\phi), 0>[/tex]
[tex]<cos(\theta)cos(\phi), sin(\theta)cos(\phi),-sin(\phi)>[/tex]

The "fundamental vector product" is the cross product of those:
(positive since it is oriented upward).

Finally, the vector differential of surface area is
[tex]<cos(\theta)sin^2(\phi),sin(\theta)sin^2(\phi),sin(\phi)cos(\phi)>d\theta d\phi[/tex]

FAQ: Solving Stokes Theorem Problem: F(x,y,z)

1. What is Stokes Theorem?

Stokes Theorem is a mathematical principle used in vector calculus to relate a surface integral to a line integral over the boundary of the surface. It states that the line integral of a vector field around a closed curve is equal to the surface integral of the curl of the vector field over the surface enclosed by the curve.

2. How do you solve a Stokes Theorem problem?

To solve a Stokes Theorem problem, you first need to identify the vector field and the surface over which the surface and line integrals will be performed. Then, calculate the curl of the vector field and the boundary of the surface. Finally, substitute these values into the formula for Stokes Theorem and solve for the desired integral.

3. What are the key concepts involved in solving a Stokes Theorem problem?

The key concepts involved in solving a Stokes Theorem problem include understanding vector calculus, identifying the vector field and surface, calculating the curl of the vector field, and setting up and solving the integrals using the formula for Stokes Theorem.

4. What are some common mistakes made when solving a Stokes Theorem problem?

Some common mistakes made when solving a Stokes Theorem problem include not identifying the correct vector field or surface, miscalculating the curl of the vector field, and incorrectly setting up the integrals using the formula for Stokes Theorem. It is also important to pay attention to the orientation of the surface and curve, as this can affect the sign of the final result.

5. How can Stokes Theorem be applied in real-world scenarios?

Stokes Theorem has many applications in physics and engineering, particularly in the study of fluid flow and electromagnetism. It can be used to calculate the circulation of a fluid around a closed curve, the flux of a magnetic field through a surface, and the work done by a force along a path. It is also a useful tool in the study of differential forms and their applications in differential geometry.

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