Solving Sun Intensity Problem: 685W/m^2 in 6.5 Days

In summary, using the equation intensity = power/area, the time it takes for the sun to emit 153.6 x 10^15 J of energy onto a 20km by 20km region with an intensity of 685W/m^2 is 6.5 days. However, including units in all equations can help identify errors more easily.
  • #1
Sun emits 153.6 x 10^15 J of energy onto a region that is 20km by 20km in area. The intensity of the sun on this region is 685W/m^2. How many days would it take for the sun to put that amount of energy onto the region?

I went intensity = power/area and got to a time of some 44000seconds, however this does not convert to the correct number of days of 6.5days.
Where have I gone wrong?
Physics news on
  • #2
To spot your error we need to see your working. :confused:

Show us your equation involving just one unknown, viz., time

If you include units along with magnitudes in all your equations, you will usually see where you are making mistakes, because you can cancel units just as you can cancel numbers.
  • #3
thanks solved it

Related to Solving Sun Intensity Problem: 685W/m^2 in 6.5 Days

1. What is the "Sun Intensity Problem"?

The "Sun Intensity Problem" refers to the challenge of determining the amount of solar energy (measured in watts per square meter) that reaches the Earth's surface in a given period of time. This can vary depending on factors such as location, time of year, and weather conditions.

2. How is the sun intensity measured?

Sun intensity is typically measured using a device called a pyranometer, which is placed at the Earth's surface to capture the amount of solar radiation that reaches it. This measurement is usually expressed in watts per square meter (W/m^2).

3. What is the significance of the sun intensity problem?

The sun intensity problem is important because it helps us understand the amount of energy available from the sun, which is a renewable resource that can be harnessed for various purposes such as electricity generation, heating, and lighting. It also plays a significant role in climate and weather patterns.

4. How is the sun intensity problem solved?

The sun intensity problem can be solved through various methods, including mathematical models, satellite data, and on-site measurements. These methods allow scientists to estimate the amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth's surface and make predictions for future periods of time.

5. What is the average sun intensity on Earth?

The average sun intensity on Earth is approximately 1,000 watts per square meter (W/m^2). However, this can vary significantly depending on factors such as location, time of year, and weather conditions. For example, the intensity may be higher in equatorial regions and lower in polar regions.
