Solving the Egg-Throwing Problem: Seeking Help from Clair_A_Net

  • Thread starter clair_a_net
  • Start date
In summary, K. and clair_a_net are discussing a problem where an egg is thrown vertically upward from a tall building. They are trying to find the initial speed of the egg using the equations Xf=Vo*t+Xo and Xf= Xo+Vo*t+(1/2)a*t^2. They both get incorrect answers and are seeking help to determine where they went wrong.
  • #1
K. I was given the problem:

An egg is thrown nearly vertically upward from a point near the cornice of a tall building. It just misses the cornice on the way down and passes a point a distance 50.0 m below its starting point at a time 5.00 s after it leaves the thrower's hand. Air resistance may be ignored.

And I'm trying to find: What is the initial speed of the egg?

so i used the equation Xf=Vo*t+Xo ie: 50+Vo*5+0 getting 10 m/s, but that answer is wrong.

so then i tried Xf= Xo+Vo*t+(1/2)a*t^2 ie 50=0+Vo*5+.5*9.8*5 assuming a=9.8 but that wasn't given. i got 34.5 and that was wrong too. So if anyone has any idea as to what I'm doing wrong or how to get the correct answer let me know.

ps if its after 12pm tonight then the homework was already due so thanks for trying anyways. but i would still like to know what I am doing wrong.
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  • #2
clair_a_net said:

so then i tried Xf= Xo+Vo*t+(1/2)a*t^2 ie 50=0+Vo*5+.5*9.8*5 assuming a=9.8

You have,


which I assume is just a typo (for the power of t = time) and that you actually used


this gives

50 = 5Vo + 122.5
5Vo = -72.5
Vo = -14.5 m/s
  • #3

Hi Clair_a_net,

It looks like you're on the right track with your equations, but there are a few things that may be causing your incorrect answers. First, it's important to make sure your units are consistent throughout the problem. In your first equation, you have the distance as 50.0 m, but in your second equation, you have it as just 50. This may be causing a discrepancy in your calculations.

Additionally, in your second equation, you have the acceleration as 9.8. This is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth, but since air resistance is being ignored, the acceleration should be 0. This may also be contributing to your incorrect answer.

I would suggest going back to your original equation Xf=Vo*t+Xo and making sure all of your units are consistent. Also, try setting the acceleration to 0 and see if that gives you a more accurate answer. If not, there may be another factor that is missing from the problem. It's always a good idea to double check your work and make sure all of your assumptions and calculations are correct.

Hope this helps! Good luck with your assignment.

FAQ: Solving the Egg-Throwing Problem: Seeking Help from Clair_A_Net

What is the "Egg-Throwing Problem" and why is it important to solve?

The "Egg-Throwing Problem" refers to a scenario in which someone is throwing eggs from a rooftop and the goal is to figure out where the eggs are landing. This problem is important because it can cause damage and harm to people and property, and solving it can help prevent these negative consequences.

What is Clair_A_Net and how does it help solve the Egg-Throwing Problem?

Clair_A_Net is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) network that uses advanced algorithms to analyze data and make predictions. It can help solve the Egg-Throwing Problem by processing information about the egg-throwing incidents and using that data to determine where the eggs are most likely to land.

How accurate is Clair_A_Net in predicting the egg-thrower's location?

The accuracy of Clair_A_Net's predictions depends on various factors, such as the quality and quantity of data provided, the complexity of the egg-throwing scenario, and the efficiency of the algorithms used. However, in most cases, it can provide accurate predictions with a high level of confidence.

What are the potential limitations of using Clair_A_Net to solve the Egg-Throwing Problem?

One potential limitation is the availability and reliability of data. If there is not enough data or the data is not accurate, it can affect the accuracy of Clair_A_Net's predictions. Additionally, the technology used in Clair_A_Net may not be able to account for all variables and accurately predict the egg-thrower's location in certain scenarios.

Can Clair_A_Net be used to solve other similar problems?

Yes, Clair_A_Net can be used to solve a wide range of problems that involve data analysis and prediction. Its advanced algorithms can be trained to handle various types of data and make accurate predictions in different scenarios. However, it may require some fine-tuning and customization to address specific problems.

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