Solving the Gravitational Field Equations

In summary, Einstein presented the General Theory of Relativity to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in 1915, including a set of Gravitational Field Equations. He did not present a solution to the equations at this time. In 1917, he presented a simplified case and added the cosmological constant, which provided a solution for a static universe. His predictions for the amount of precession of the orbit of Mercury, the bending of light by matter, and time dilation were derived from previous forms of the field equations and were later confirmed by observations. While a full solution to the field equations was not necessary for these predictions, an approximate solution for weak fields was used. The time dilation effect can be predicted from the Principle of Equ
  • #1
I have read that:
In 1915 Einstein presents to the Prussian Academy of Sciences the General Theory of Relativity; it includes a set of Gravitational Field Equations; at this time he does not present any solution to the equations.

In 1917 he considers a greatly simplified case; presents a solution and adds the cosmological constant to give a solution which yields a static universe.

My question:
Where do the following results come from, did he have to solve the equations to conclude the following?
1) The correct prediction of the amount of precession of the orbit of Mercury.
2) The correct prediction of the amount of bending of light by matter.
3) Time passes more slowly in a gravitational field.
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  • #2
genefalk said:
In 1915 Einstein presents to the Prussian Academy of Sciences the General Theory of Relativity; it includes a set of Gravitational Field Equations; at this time he does not present any solution to the equations.

This isn't quite true. What Einstein presented on November 25, 1915 was the final form of the field equations; but he had already published several previous forms of them, and he had already derived predictions for your three items from those previous forms. Those predictions were unchanged for the final form of the field equations (which he kept pursuing for reasons which had nothing to do with these particular predictions). Only the first could be compared with observations at the time, and it was correct. The other two predictions had to wait for observations to catch up; there were no observations that could test them in 1915, or in 1917 for that matter.

In order to derive all of these predictions, Einstein did not need a full solution to the field equations; he only needed an approximate solution for weak fields. That is why he was able to derive those predictions without knowing any full solution (the first such was discovered by Schwarzschild soon after Einstein published the final form of the field equations). But the approximate solution he used to derive the predictions certainly counts as a partial solution.
  • #3
genefalk said:
3) Time passes more slowly in a gravitational field.
This is inaccurate. Time runs more slowly at a lower gravitational potential, but this effect is not related to the field (which is the gradient of the potential). At the center of the earth, there is no gravitational field due to the earth, but the potential is lower and the time runs more slowly than it does higher up.

As far as I know, the time dilation effect can be predicted from the Principle of Equivalence (i.e. that gravity is locally equivalent to acceleration) and does not require Einstein's Field Equations, unlike the other two effects.
  • #4
Jonathan Scott said:
As far as I know, the time dilation effect can be predicted from the Principle of Equivalence (i.e. that gravity is locally equivalent to acceleration)

Only locally. The EP cannot explain time dilation over a large enough change in height that differences in g are observable (since it can't even be applied over a patch of spacetime that large).

Jonathan Scott said:
and does not require Einstein's Field Equations, unlike the other two effects.

This is my understanding as well.

Related to Solving the Gravitational Field Equations

What are the gravitational field equations?

The gravitational field equations are a set of equations developed by Albert Einstein as part of his theory of general relativity. These equations describe the relationship between the curvature of space-time and the distribution of matter and energy.

Why are the gravitational field equations important?

The gravitational field equations are important because they provide a more accurate understanding of the force of gravity than Newton's law of universal gravitation. They have been tested and confirmed through various experiments and observations, and have been used to make predictions about the behavior of massive objects in the universe.

How do you solve the gravitational field equations?

Solving the gravitational field equations involves a complex mathematical process, which typically requires the use of differential equations and tensor calculus. It also involves specifying the distribution of matter and energy in a given space-time, which can be a challenging task in itself.

Can the gravitational field equations be used to explain all gravitational phenomena?

No, the gravitational field equations are not able to fully explain all gravitational phenomena. They do not take into account quantum effects, and they break down in extreme situations such as near black holes or the beginning of the universe. Other theories, such as quantum mechanics, are needed to fully explain these phenomena.

What are some applications of the gravitational field equations?

The gravitational field equations have many practical applications, such as in the field of astronomy where they are used to predict the motion of planets and other celestial bodies. They are also used in GPS systems, as they help correct for the effects of gravitational time dilation on satellite clocks. Additionally, the equations have been used in the development of technologies such as gravitational wave detectors.

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