Solving the Hollow Cylinder Equation

In summary, the experiment involves rolling cylinders down an incline plane and finding an equation to determine the time it takes to reach the bottom. The equation for solid cylinders is t=sqrt(3s/a), where s is the distance, a is the acceleration, and v0t=0. However, for hollow cylinders, the equation is t=sqrt(3s/a)(1+k(d/D)^2), where k is a constant and d/D is the ratio of inner and outer diameters. The final equation is t=sqrt(3s/gsinα)(1+k(d/D)^2), with k being 1/6. The goal is to find this equation without using advanced physics like moment of inertia. By using
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi everyone! I did an experiment recently and I've come really far but I have some difficulties with the final equation. In this experiment you have to explain hollow cylinders rolling down an incline without using advanced physics like moment of inertia or something like that. Just simple physics.

I got the equation for solid cylinders:

t=sqrt(3s/a) from s=v0t+(at^2/2) where v0t=0 and I know the acceleration is 2/3gsinα

put them together and you get t=sqrt(3s/a)

But, then the promblems occur... I cannot figure out the equation of the hollow cylinder. I know one variable is d/D^2 (inner/outer diameter), by doing a diagram.

Homework Equations

I already know the equation:
t=sqrt(3s/a)+(1+k(d/D)^2) <----- t=sqrt(3s/a)+[(sqrt(3s/a))x(k2(d/D^2))]
they're the same but you need to shorten the second equation so you can get the first one with k(constant). k should be 1/6.

The Attempt at a Solution

Look at 1. Sorry for my bad english but I really need help with this. Just how to move on. Any tips would be nice. I need to get to this equation: t=sqrt(3s/a)+[(sqrt(3s/a))x(k2(d/D^2))]

Data you might need:
t(s)) | d | D | The time for solid cylinders is constant: 1.7 with
1.95 | 5.4 | 5.8 | the angle 7.11° , that means that :
1.85 | 2.5 | 3.5 | sqrt(3s/a)=1.7=t
1.79 | 3.5 | 5.5|
Physics news on
  • #2
Rolling Cylinders on an incline plane

Homework Statement

I recently did an experiment using a cylinder and letting it roll down an incline plane, frictionless. When I did the experiment it was known to me that the factors involved was gravity, acceleration, inner & outer radius and distance (g, a, r1,r2,s). The goal was to find an equation to explain how long it will take for the cylinder to reach the bottom. for example t=...

The problem is that ther were hollow cylinders too. You cannot use moment of inertia.

Homework Equations

s=v0t+(at^2)/2 is one equation to explain the motion of the solid cylinder. You'll get the equation: t=sqrt(3s/gsin¤). But how should I do when I use hollow cylinders? I know that the relationship (r1/r2) should be used.

The Attempt at a Solution

I explained how I got the equation for solid cylinders on 2). And I know the final equation should be: t = sqrt(3s/gsin¤)(1 + k3 (r1/r2)^2) k3 is a constant. But I don't know why the equation is t = sqrt(3s/gsin¤)(1 + k3 (r1/r2)^2). Can someone explain this to me?
  • #3

"I recently did an experiment using a cylinder and letting it roll down an incline plane, frictionless."

If it is frictionless, then how can it roll?
  • #4
welcome to pf!

hi playg! welcome to pf! :smile:

(try using the X2 and X2 buttons just above the Reply box :wink:)
playg said:
I got the equation for solid cylinders:

t=sqrt(3s/a) from s=v0t+(at^2/2) where v0t=0 and I know the acceleration is 2/3gsinα

… I know the final equation should be: t = sqrt(3s/gsin¤)(1 + k3 (r1/r2)2) k3 is a constant. But I don't know why the equation is t = sqrt(3s/gsin¤)(1 + k3 (r1/r2)2). Can someone explain this to me?

yes, the solid cylinder formula is correct

for a rolling solid cylinder, the acceleration is a constant, 2/3gsinα

for a rolling hollow cylinder, the acceleration is also constant, a different multiple of gsinα

so shouldn't your formula for t have a √ round (1 + k3 (r1/r2)2) ? :wink:

(and how are we to "explain" this without using moment of inertia? :confused:)
  • #5
tiny-tim said:
hi playg! welcome to pf! :smile:

(try using the X2 and X2 buttons just above the Reply box :wink:)

yes, the solid cylinder formula is correct

for a rolling solid cylinder, the acceleration is a constant, 2/3gsinα

for a rolling hollow cylinder, the acceleration is also constant, a different multiple of gsinα

so shouldn't your formula for t have a √ round (1 + k3 (r1/r2)2) ? :wink:
(and how are we to "explain" this without using moment of inertia? :confused:)
What do you mean "different multiple of gsina ? And yeah you can explain this with mOment of inertia But not use the equations, just using simple physics. I know that the equation should be
t(x) = √((3 + (r1/r2)²)x/(gsin(α))).
If you use moment of inertia equations, but the intention of this experiment is not to use it, just simple physics. I can explain it with moment of inertia but not calculate with it.

Im sorry, but my english isn't the best.
Last edited:
  • #6
hi playg! :smile:

(just got up :zzz:)
playg said:
If you use moment of inertia equations, but the intention of this experiment is not to use it, just simple physics. I can explain it with moment of inertia but not calculate with it.

i'm still not sure what you mean :confused:

my guess is that, in the experiment, you're supposed to measure the accelerations (a) for different values of d, and then plot them on a graph with axes chosen to make it easy to find the constant k
  • #7
tiny-tim said:
hi playg! :smile:

(just got up :zzz:)

i'm still not sure what you mean :confused:

my guess is that, in the experiment, you're supposed to measure the accelerations (a) for different values of d, and then plot them on a graph with axes chosen to make it easy to find the constant k
I solved it! The constant should be k=c•(r1/r2)^2 and I got the equation :
t = √((2+2k)x/(gsin(α))) without using moment. Thanks anyway :D

FAQ: Solving the Hollow Cylinder Equation

1. What is the Hollow Cylinder Equation?

The Hollow Cylinder Equation is a mathematical formula used to calculate the volume and surface area of a hollow cylinder. It takes into account the inner and outer radius, as well as the height of the cylinder.

2. How is the Hollow Cylinder Equation solved?

The Hollow Cylinder Equation is solved by using the formula V = πh(R2 - r2) for volume and A = 2πh(R + r) for surface area, where h is the height of the cylinder, R is the outer radius, and r is the inner radius.

3. What are the applications of the Hollow Cylinder Equation?

The Hollow Cylinder Equation is commonly used in engineering and construction to design and calculate the dimensions of pipes, tubes, and other hollow structures. It can also be used in physics to study the behavior of fluids in cylindrical containers.

4. Are there any limitations to the Hollow Cylinder Equation?

Yes, the Hollow Cylinder Equation assumes that the walls of the cylinder are uniform in thickness and density. It also does not take into account any irregularities or deformations in the shape of the cylinder.

5. Can the Hollow Cylinder Equation be applied to other shapes?

No, the Hollow Cylinder Equation is specific to calculating the volume and surface area of a hollow cylinder. Different shapes have their own unique equations for determining their dimensions and properties.

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