Solving the Kc of a Chemical Reaction with N2O4

In summary, the Kc, or equilibrium constant, is a numerical value that represents the ratio of products to reactants at equilibrium for a given chemical reaction. It can be solved using the equilibrium expression and can change under different conditions. The Kc provides important information about the direction and extent of a chemical reaction and can be applied in real-world scenarios, such as predicting equilibrium concentrations in pharmaceutical industries.
  • #1
heey i have this chem homework quest :

5 L flask is filled with 0.625 mol of (N2O4) if you know that concentration of (N2O4) at equilibrium = 0.075 M
what is the kc for the rxn ??
2 NO2 → N2O4
Physics news on
  • #2
god almighty... show your work.
  • #3

To solve for the Kc of this chemical reaction, we can use the equilibrium expression: Kc = [N2O4]/[NO2]^2. From the information given, we know that the concentration of N2O4 at equilibrium is 0.075 M. We also know that the initial moles of N2O4 is 0.625 mol and the volume of the flask is 5 L. Using the formula, we can calculate the equilibrium concentration of NO2 to be 0.05 M (0.625 mol / 5 L = 0.125 M, divided by 2 because the stoichiometric coefficient of NO2 is 2). Plugging in the values, we get Kc = (0.075)/(0.05)^2 = 3. This means that at equilibrium, there are 3 times more moles of N2O4 than NO2, which indicates a forward shift in the reaction.

FAQ: Solving the Kc of a Chemical Reaction with N2O4

1. What is the Kc of a chemical reaction with N2O4?

The Kc, also known as the equilibrium constant, is a numerical value that represents the ratio of products to reactants at equilibrium for a given chemical reaction. In the case of N2O4, it is a measure of the equilibrium concentration of the products, NO2, to the reactant, N2O4.

2. How do you solve for the Kc of a chemical reaction with N2O4?

The Kc can be solved using the equilibrium expression, which is the ratio of the product concentrations to the reactant concentrations, each raised to their respective stoichiometric coefficients. The concentrations can be determined experimentally or using the ideal gas law if the reaction takes place in a gaseous state.

3. Can the Kc of a chemical reaction with N2O4 change?

Yes, the Kc can change under different conditions such as temperature, pressure, or the addition of a catalyst. This is because these factors can affect the equilibrium concentrations of the products and reactant, thus altering the value of the equilibrium constant.

4. What is the significance of the Kc in a chemical reaction with N2O4?

The Kc provides important information about the direction and extent of a chemical reaction. If the value of Kc is large, it indicates that the reaction favors the formation of products at equilibrium. On the other hand, a small Kc value suggests that the reaction favors the reactants.

5. How can knowledge of the Kc be applied in real-world scenarios?

The Kc can be used to predict the equilibrium concentrations of products and reactants in a chemical reaction. This information is valuable in industries such as pharmaceuticals, where the yield of a desired product can be optimized by manipulating the reaction conditions to achieve a favorable Kc value.
