Solving Tricky ODE System Homework

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving 3 masses in 1-D connected by springs and a driving force being exerted on the first mass. The goal is to derive the equation of motion for the last mass using the Lagrangian. The equations of motion are given, but the individual positions cannot be solved for. Various attempts using different variables and combinations of equations are made, but a solution is not reached.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have 3 masses in 1-D connected by two springs. A driving force is exerted on the first mass and i need to derive the equation of motion of the last mass. I have worked out the Lagrangian to determine the equations of motion but cannot solve for z.

Homework Equations

The equations are
d^2(x)/dt^2 = A(y + B*cos(omega*t) - x)
d^2(y)/dt^2 = A(z+x-2y)
d^2(x)/dt^2 = A(y-z)

x,y,and z are the positions of the masses in 1-D and A,B are constants

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried general solutions of x= Csin(kt) +Dcos(kt) ect and also x= Ce^(ikt) but could not work it through.
Where am i supposed to start?
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  • #2
Hi s.g.g! :smile:

(try using the X2 tag just above the Reply box :wink:)
s.g.g said:
d^2(x)/dt^2 = A(y + B*cos(omega*t) - x)
d^2(y)/dt^2 = A(z+x-2y)
d^2(x)/dt^2 = A(y-z)

Where am i supposed to start?

(i assume the last one should start d2z/dt2? :wink:)

You seem to have selected unhelpful variables …

variables like (x - y) might make it easier …

and what is d2(x+y+z)/dt2 ? :smile:
  • #3
Sorry, yeah the last equation should be
d^2z/dt2 = A(y-z)

x, y and z are all functions of time.

d^2(x+y+z)/dt^2 = d^2x/dt^2 + d^2y/dt^2 + d^2z/dt^2 isn't it?
  • #4
(please use the X2 tag just above the Reply box :wink:)
s.g.g said:
d^2(x+y+z)/dt^2 = d^2x/dt^2 + d^2y/dt^2 + d^2z/dt^2 isn't it?

Yes! :smile:

and that equals … ? :wink:
  • #5
Ha I'm starting to think the answer is so easy i can't see it.

That equals the LHS of the sum of the equations. So therefor

d2/dt2(x+y+z) = AB*cos (omega*t) after cancelling,

integrating twice with respect to t gives

x(t)+y(t)+z(t) = -(AB/omega2)cos(omega*t) + C

How do i solve this for x(t) y(t) and z(t)?
I know that the masses are originally at rest in their equilibrium position before mass x is subject to a driving force, so I have the initial conditions that
x(0) = x0 , dx(0)/dt=0
y(0) = y0 , dy(0)/dt=0
z(0) = z0 , dz(0)/dt=0
  • #6
Hi s.g.g! :smile:

(have an omega: ω :wink:)
s.g.g said:
x(t)+y(t)+z(t) = -(AB/omega2)cos(omega*t) + C

good so far :smile:

but you haven't yet tried my other suggestion, of using (x - y) etc.

Note that (x+y+z) gives you the physical centre of mass, and you would expect that to have an easy equation …

similarly you would expect the difference of any two of x y and z to have a better physical significance than x y or z on its own, and therefore to have a simpler equation. :wink:
  • #7
I still can't do it, I am trying to compute d2(x-y) /dt2
and letting (x-y) =gamma. But i cannot solve for gamma
  • #8
s.g.g said:
I still can't do it, I am trying to compute d2(x-y) /dt2
and letting (x-y) =gamma. But i cannot solve for gamma

You need to show us how far you got. :smile:

(and did you try other combinations, like (y-z)?)

(and don't use gamma! … use something easy and sensible, like p or q or u! :rolleyes:)
  • #9
Ha sorry:smile:, Heres what iv done.

say y-x=p & z-y=q
d2x/dt2 = d2p/dt2+d2y/dt2,
d2y/dt2 = d2p/dt2+d2x/dt2 = d2q/dt2 + d2z/dt2 &
d2z/dt2= d2q/dt2+d2y/dt2

the original equations then become

but I am then stuck with the same problem. how do i solve for p and q
  • #10
sorry tim, disregard that rubbish last remark. it is completely incorrect.

i say that x-y=p & y-z=q

i then find that
d2p/dt2=Bcos(omega*t) +Aq
& d2q/dt2=A(p-2q)

But same as before, i cannot solve for p and q, what am i missing?
  • #11
s.g.g said:
sorry tim, disregard that rubbish last remark. it is completely incorrect.

i say that x-y=p & y-z=q

i then find that
d2p/dt2=Bcos(omega*t) +Aq
& d2q/dt2=A(p-2q)

But same as before, i cannot solve for p and q, what am i missing?
Differentiate the second equation twice more:
[itex]d^4q/dt^4= A(d^2p/dt^2- 2 d^2q/dt^2)[itex].

Now, from the first equation, [itex]d^2p/dt^2= Bcos(omega t)+ Aq[itex] so you have
[itex]d^4 q/d^4= A(Bcos(omega t)+ Aq)- 2d^2q/dt^2[/itex] or

[itex]d^4q/dt^4+ 2d^2q/dt^2- Aq= ABcos(omega t)[/itex]

Once you have found q, integrate [itex]d^2p/dt^2= Bcos(omegat t) + Aq[/itex] to find p.
  • #12
s.g.g said:
x-y=p & y-z=q

d2p/dt2=Bcos(omega*t) +Aq
& d2q/dt2=A(p-2q)

Assuming this is right (I haven't checked it) …

try looking for an eigenvector (ie. a combination so that d2/dt2(Bp + q) is a multiple of Bp +q)

Related to Solving Tricky ODE System Homework

1. How do I approach solving ODE systems in my homework?

The first step is to carefully read the problem and understand the given initial conditions and boundary conditions. Then, try to identify the type of ODE system (linear, nonlinear, homogeneous, nonhomogeneous, etc.) and the necessary methods to solve it.

2. What are some common methods for solving ODE systems?

Some common methods include the separation of variables, variation of parameters, Laplace transform, and numerical methods such as Euler's method and Runge-Kutta method. The method chosen will depend on the specific ODE system and its characteristics.

3. How can I check if my solution to an ODE system is correct?

One way to check the solution is to substitute it back into the original ODE system and see if it satisfies the equation. Another way is to use initial conditions to determine if the solution matches the given values.

4. How can I handle tricky or complex ODE systems in my homework?

Start by breaking down the problem into smaller, simpler parts. Focus on solving each part individually and then combine the solutions to get the final solution. Also, it's important to carefully double-check your calculations and make sure you understand each step of the solution process.

5. Can I use software or online tools to solve ODE systems for my homework?

While it may be tempting to use software or online tools to solve ODE systems, it's important to understand and be able to solve these problems by hand. These tools can be helpful for checking your work, but they should not be relied on as a substitute for understanding the concepts and methods used in solving ODE systems.

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