Solving Twin Delta Potential: Deriving Hyperbolic Cosine Function

In summary: You're saying that the disconuity of the first derivatives at a and -a is what gives me the equation for psi(a)?That's correct.
  • #1
Hello, how would you derive the solutions of the twin delta function potential:
[tex]V(x) = -g \delta(x+a) + \delta(x -a ) [/tex]

Obviously the solutions outside the potential are Ae^Kx for x less than aand A e^-Kx for x greater than a. But how do you derive the hyperbolic cosine function for the interval between -a and a? Please use symmetry arguments because I need to understand those!
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  • #2
Your potential is even about the origin. What does that tell you about solutions for the wavefunction?
  • #3
That tells me that because the solutions are exponentials and the Schrodinger equation is a second-order DE, the wavefunctions need to be even or odd about the origin. Why does this mean the coefficients need to be the same for the even and odd parts of the function in the interval -a to a?
  • #4
ehrenfest said:
Why does this mean the coefficients need to be the same for the even and odd parts of the function in the interval -a to a?
That follows from continuity at -a and +a (writing psi in the middle as the sum of even and odd parts).
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  • #5

[tex] \psi(x) = C e^{Kx} + D e^{-Kx} [/tex]

in the middle interval. So we apply

[tex]C e^{Ka} + D e^{-Ka} = Ae^{-Ka}[/tex]


[tex]C e^{-Ka} + D e^{Ka} = Ae^{Ka}[/tex].

I do not see why that implies C = D. I guess a related issue I am confused about is how we know the coefficient for the the wavefunction for large positive and negative numbers is the same (A).

EDIT: those two last equation are not supposed to be the same (look at the tex pop up to see that). I think the tex compiler is just being stupid
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  • #6
You don't have to start by assuming they have the same coefficient, A. Let the coefficient in the region x>a, be B. From continuity of the derivatives, you'll find that A/B = C/D = h, say. Use this in the equation for the continuity of [itex]\psi(x)[/itex].
  • #7
Do you mean the disconuity of the first derivatives at a and -a? The equation

[tex]\psi(a^+) - \psi(a^-) = \pm 2mg/\hbar^2 \psi(a) [/tex]


The problem with that is that I do not have a single expression for psi(a), right?

FAQ: Solving Twin Delta Potential: Deriving Hyperbolic Cosine Function

What is the Twin Delta Potential?

The Twin Delta Potential is a mathematical model used in quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of a particle moving in a potential energy field with two identical, infinitely narrow potential barriers. It is also known as the Double Delta Function Potential.

What is the Hyperbolic Cosine Function?

The Hyperbolic Cosine Function, also known as cosh(x), is a mathematical function that is defined as the ratio between the adjacent and hypotenuse sides of a right triangle in a hyperbolic system. It is closely related to the exponential function and is commonly used in solving the Twin Delta Potential.

How is the Hyperbolic Cosine Function derived in solving the Twin Delta Potential?

The Hyperbolic Cosine Function is derived by using the boundary conditions of the Twin Delta Potential and applying the Schrödinger equation. By solving for the wave function, we can obtain the Hyperbolic Cosine Function as the solution for the wave function in the potential region.

What are the applications of solving the Twin Delta Potential using the Hyperbolic Cosine Function?

The solution for the Twin Delta Potential using the Hyperbolic Cosine Function can be applied in various fields such as quantum mechanics, solid state physics, and electrical engineering. It can help in understanding the behavior of particles in potential energy fields with multiple barriers or wells.

What other methods can be used to solve the Twin Delta Potential?

Aside from using the Hyperbolic Cosine Function, other methods such as the WKB approximation and the variational method can also be used to solve the Twin Delta Potential. These methods provide approximations for the wave function, but the Hyperbolic Cosine Function provides a more accurate solution.
