Solving Vector Addition Without Angle Measurements

In summary, you would need to have the vectors in the symbolic form (a,b,c,d,e,f), or the adjacent angle and hypotenus information (Vector Addition: If you have vector V(a,b,c), and vector B(d,e,f). V + B = (a+d,b+e,c+f) and Vector Subtraction: If you have vector V(a,b,c), and vector B(d,e,f). V - B = (a-d,b-e,c-f). Dot Product: V dot B = a*d+b*e+c*f).
  • #1
In class today we had a brief lesson on vector addition. I understand how to calculate the resultant when given a magnitude and angle measurent for each vector, but my teacher gave me no other examples. I have tons of homework problems that do not give me this information, but I am expected to solve. Can you please give me a brief overview of how to solve a vector addition problem without having angle measurements.
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!
Are you given visual information as to how the vectors you're supposed to add looks like?
In particular, are you supposed to draw how the sum of the two vectors look like?

Have you been given the vectors in the symbolic form:
Vector 1: (a,b) Vector 2 (c,d) where a,b,c,d are numbers?
  • #3
MrsAKG said:
In class today we had a brief lesson on vector addition. I understand how to calculate the resultant when given a magnitude and angle measurent for each vector, but my teacher gave me no other examples. I have tons of homework problems that do not give me this information, but I am expected to solve. Can you please give me a brief overview of how to solve a vector addition problem without having angle measurements.

A vector is basically a right triangle, you hook one triangle on to the end of the other one to add them. Perhaps your teacher, instead of giving you the adjacent angle and hypotenus, gave you two other bits of information?
  • #4
Vector Addition: If you have vector V(a,b,c), and vector B(d,e,f). V + B = (a+d,b+e,c+f)

Vector Subtraction: If you have vector V(a,b,c), and vector B(d,e,f). V - B = (a-d,b-e,c-f)

Dot Product:
V dot B = a*d+b*e+c*f
  • #5
What information ARE you given?

FAQ: Solving Vector Addition Without Angle Measurements

What is vector addition and why is it important in science?

Vector addition is the process of combining two or more vectors to determine the resultant vector. It is important in science because it allows us to analyze and understand the movement and forces of objects in both two and three-dimensional space.

How can vector addition be solved without angle measurements?

Vector addition can be solved without angle measurements by using the head-to-tail method or the parallelogram method. These methods involve drawing the vectors to scale and then using basic geometric principles to determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector.

What are the limitations of using vector addition without angle measurements?

The limitations of using vector addition without angle measurements include the potential for errors in scale drawing, as well as the inability to accurately determine the direction of the resultant vector. This method also does not take into account the vector's components, which may be necessary for more complex problems.

Can vector addition be solved without using geometric methods?

Yes, vector addition can also be solved algebraically using the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometric functions. This method is often preferred for more complex problems as it allows for easier manipulation of equations and does not rely on visual representations.

How is vector addition used in real-world applications?

Vector addition is used in a variety of real-world applications, such as navigation systems, flight paths, and engineering designs. It is also used in physics and mechanics to analyze the motion and forces of objects. Additionally, vector addition is used in computer graphics and video game design to create realistic movements and interactions between objects.

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