Solving Vector Problems: Find Point C & Divide AB 1:2

  • Thread starter kenewbie
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In summary, to cross the river from point A to point B, Dan must aim for point C, which is 15.49 meters upriver of point B. This will allow him to counteract the 0.5 m/s current and reach point B directly.
  • #1
1) Dan is crossing a river from point A to point B. The distance between the points are 60 meters, and B are straight on the other side of the river from A. The river current is 0.5 meters / second towards the right and Dan's rowing speed is 2 m/s.

Find the point C Dan has to aim for to end up at point B.

I've found the following:
- He will use 30s ( 60m / 2ms ) rowing across the river.
- If he crosses the river directly towards B he will end up 15m (30s * 0.5ms) to the right of B.
- The speed of the boat when rowing directly towards B is ~= 2,06ms ((2^2 + .5^2)^.5)

But I can't seem to formulate a good recipe for finding the point C.

2) Select two points A and B on the X-axis. Find the point P which divides the line segment AB into 1:2, that is so AP : PB = 1 : 2.

Using vectors, show that the X coordinate of the point P can be described by (2A + B) / 3.

I can see that the relationship can be described as "OP = OA + 1/3 AB" or "OP = OB - 2/3AB" but nothing that i can manipulate until i get it into the form (2A + B) / 3.
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  • #2
First (in any vector problem): draw a picture!

Hint: look at the velocity vectors. Set up a coordinate system and draw the vectors vDan (of which you know the magnitude) and vriver (of which you know the magnitude and direction). Since you also know the magnitude and direction of the "real" velocity vector v = vDan + vriver, you should be able to solve for the direction of vDan.
  • #3
For the second question, your start looks right.
Now introduce three vectors P (from the origin to the point P), A (from the origin to the point A) and B (from the origin to the point B) and express your last equality (OP = OA + (1/3) AB) in terms of these vectors.
  • #4

Thanks. I've solved the second problem now, using OA and OB as you suggested instead of OA and AB did the trick.

I am still stuck on the first problem however. I do have a drawing (in fact, I have several :p) but I don't have a scanner. In ascii it looks something like this:

^                      R
|                    ----->
|                   ^   /\
60m                 |   /
|                  D|  / X
|                   | /
v                   |/

A and B are the starting and (attempted) landing position,
D = speed and direction of Dan (before accounting for current)
R = speed and direction of river
X = speed and direction of Dan (when accounting for the current)

I know X, but I don't see how I can translate this into the direction I need towards C. I want the direction I take towards C to effectively cancel the current, but I can't seem to bend my head around how to do it :/

  • #5
try to draw D towards C and X towards D. Suppose D and X make an angle phi.

choose phi so that the upriver component of D is canceled by R.
  • #6
I don't get it :/

X towards D? From where? And the velocity of X is determined by both D and R, so if I move D, then X is invalidated.

  • #7
this is what i think you do...

draw a triangle with 2m/s as the hyp and 0.5m/s as the adjacent. The opisite is the speed he will cross the river ..

now calculate the angle of the triangle. it is about 75 degrees.. .. now u no the angle that he needs to cross at...

draw another triangle with the oppisite side 60 m... and solve for the adjacent... it works out about 15.49 meters.. so he has to aim 15.49 m up river of the intended target
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Related to Solving Vector Problems: Find Point C & Divide AB 1:2

1. How do I find point C in a vector problem?

To find point C, you can use the formula C = (1/3)(2A + B), where A and B are the given points. This formula works for dividing a line segment into any ratio, not just 1:2.

2. Can I use any two points to solve a vector problem?

Yes, as long as the two points are distinct and not collinear (lying on the same line), you can use them to solve a vector problem. However, it is recommended to use points that are easy to work with, such as those with integer coordinates.

3. What is the significance of dividing a line segment in a specific ratio?

Dividing a line segment in a specific ratio allows us to find a point that lies at a specific distance from two given points. This can be useful in many real-world applications, such as finding the midpoint of a line or dividing a piece of land in a certain proportion.

4. What if I need to divide the line segment in a different ratio?

If you need to divide the line segment in a different ratio, you can use the formula C = (m/n)(mA + nB), where m and n are the desired ratio and mA and nB are the coordinates of the given points multiplied by m and n, respectively. This formula works for dividing a line segment into any ratio.

5. Is it necessary to have knowledge of vectors to solve this type of problem?

No, you do not need to have knowledge of vectors to solve this type of problem. However, understanding the concept of vectors can be helpful in visualizing the problem and coming up with a solution. It is recommended to have a basic understanding of vectors before attempting to solve vector problems.
