What is Hybridization and How Can It Be Calculated Using a Simple Technique?

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In summary, this article discusses how to determine the hybridization around a central atom. Hybridization can be determined by taking into account the total electron pairs around the central atom, and the number of hybridized orbitals is equal to the total number of valence electrons.
  • #1
1. if you want to draw the electron dot structure for say carbon (4 valence electrons) would you draw it with one dot on each side or two on one side, and one on two other sides?

2. can someone give me a link that helps discuss hybridization - i don't really get it and i need help understanding it and trying to figure it out around central atoms. thanks.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
1. You would put one on each side. You have to add one to each side until you're out of valence electrons so everything is balanced. ^_^

2. I'm not really sure what that is...
  • #3
like sp2, sp3, etc...stuff like that.
  • #4
most of it is just standard rules. Try to pick up on the main concepts, such as the pauli exclusion principle and apply it. If you're working with VSEPER note that minimizing electron repulsion is one of the main themes.
  • #5
im pretty good at drawing lewis structures and naming the shapes but i don't quite get how to determine the hybridization around the central atom.
  • #6
It's been a while since I did this but this website gave a decent review on hybridization

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  • #7
for determining hybridization, take into account the total electron pairs around the central atom, they maybe bond pairs, or lone pairs, the number of electron pairs is equal to the total number of hybridized orbitals (using pauli's exclusion principle, an orbital can't have more than 2 electrons with opposite spins)

confused? let's make it all clear with a couple examples

first we take up NH(3) (Ammonia)

Now, the central atom in ammonia is nitrogen, which has five valence electrons, three of them are shared by the hydrogens, and two are left unshared.

So the total number of Electron Pairs? There are 3 bond pairs and a lone pair, which makes the number 4, which means there are four hybridized orbitals.

Which Hybridization has 4 orbitals? sp3.

I hope this helps you, if there are any further questions, ask away.
  • #8
i would like to add to aalmighty...

this a small technique to calculate the hybridzation quickly.

for example take [tex]CH_4[/tex],
add Carbons' 4 valence electrons with the total number of valence electrons in all the hydrogen in the compound and divide by 2 ,


there four hybrid orbital hence it is sp3

similarly you can use this technique for other compounds also but when you have Oxygen or bivalent elements in the second place just ignore them and when you have ions take into consideration the no of electrons lost(cations) or gained(anions) by the chemical species.

here is some table that might help you

if there are 2 hybrid orbitals it is sp hybridized
if there are 3 hybrid orbitals it is sp2 hybridized
if there are 4 hybrid orbitals it is sp3 hybridized
if there are 5 hybrid orbitals it is sp3d hybridized
if there are 6 hybrid orbitals it is sp3d2 hybridized
if there are 7 hybrid orbitals it is sp3d3 hybridized

FAQ: What is Hybridization and How Can It Be Calculated Using a Simple Technique?

What is the periodic table and how is it organized?

The periodic table is a chart that lists all known elements in order of increasing atomic number. It is organized into rows called periods and columns called groups. Elements in the same group have similar properties.

What is an atom and what are its main components?

An atom is the smallest unit of matter that retains the properties of an element. Its main components include a positively charged nucleus made up of protons and neutrons, and negatively charged electrons that orbit the nucleus.

What is the difference between an element and a compound?

An element is a pure substance made up of only one type of atom, while a compound is a substance made up of two or more elements chemically bonded together. Compounds have different properties than the elements that make them up.

What is the difference between a physical and chemical change?

A physical change involves a change in the physical properties of a substance, such as its shape or state, but does not alter its chemical composition. A chemical change, on the other hand, involves a rearrangement of atoms and results in the formation of new substances with different properties.

What is the difference between an acid and a base?

An acid is a substance that releases hydrogen ions in water, while a base is a substance that releases hydroxide ions in water. Acids have a pH less than 7 and taste sour, while bases have a pH greater than 7 and taste bitter. They react with each other to form salts and water in a process called neutralization.

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