Some linear algebra problems i with

In summary: For 6., you can try to write explicitly A^TA.. In summary, we discussed properties of matrices and how they relate to each other. We showed that if AB=AC and det A does not equal 0, then B=C. Additionally, we proved that A is nonsingular if and only if A transpose is nonsingular and that det AB = det BA. We also showed that det AB = 0 if and only if det A=0 or det B=0, and if AB= -BA and n is odd, then A or B is singular. Furthermore, we proved that det A*Atranspose is greater than equal to 0, and that det A*Btranspose = det Atranspose* det B
  • #1
Let A and B be nxn matrices.
1. Suppose that AB=AC and det A does not equal 0. Show that B=C

2. Show that A is nonsingular if and only if A transpose is nonsingular.

3. Show that det AB = det BA.

4. Show that det AB = 0 if and only if det A=0 or det B=0

5. Show that if AB= -BA and n is odd, then A or B is singular.

6. Show that det A*Atranspose is greater than equal to 0

7. Show that det A*Btranspose = det Atranspose* det B

8. Let A be nxn skew-symmetric matrix. If n is odd, show that det A=0

9. Show that 3x3 vandermonde matrix has a determinant equal to (a-b)(b-c)(c-a) The matrix is
[1 1 1
a b c
a^2 b^2 c^2]
Thank you.
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  • #2
1. [tex]AB=AC\Rightarrow A(B-C)=0[/tex]
if A is regular, then there are all pivots nonzero. Then only one way is to satisfy that equation, so [tex]B-C=0\Rightarrow B=C\qquad\square[/tex]
2. Take any matrix in echelon form, with some pivots. If one of them is zero, then also traspose has a zero pivot. Then A is singular and A transpose is singular.
3. [tex]\det A\det B=\det A\det B\Rightarrow\det A\det B=\det B\det A\Rightarrow\det AB=\det BA[/tex]
  • #3
I would really like to see some work on your part. If nothing else it would help to determine what kind of hints would help you. For example, I can see three different ways to do problem 1 but I don't know which way would be best for you.
  • #4
4. Show that det AB = 0 if and only if det A=0 or det B=0
well i know that I have to show two parts for this one
part 1 that assume that det AB=0 then show that det A=0 or B=0
part 2 assume that det A=0 or B=0 then show that det AB = 0
but I have hard time coming up with a good organization and details for this kinds of problem.

5. Show that if AB= -BA and n is odd, then A or B is singular.
i don't have any clue how to start this one... please give me any hints..

6. Show that det A*Atranspose is greater than equal to 0
hmmm i have no clue...
7. Show that det A*Btranspose = det Atranspose* det B

8. Let A be nxn skew-symmetric matrix. If n is odd, show that det A=0

9. Show that 3x3 vandermonde matrix has a determinant equal to (a-b)(b-c)(c-a) The matrix is
[1 1 1
a b c
a^2 b^2 c^2]

when i found the det for this.. I got bc^2+ca^2+ab^2-ba^2-cb^2-ac^2.. i don't know if this is right.. and don't know where to go from there...

I am trying my best and if anyone could give me some type of hints or help me through these problems... that would be great...
  • #5
4. You can use the result of a theorem( i don't know whether they expect you to prove it as well or not)


Now if you suppose that det(AB)=0=> det(A)det(B)=0=>...? and vice-versa

5. is n supposed to be the dimension of the matrices A and B?
  • #6
for num 5. yes n is suppose to be the demention of the matrices, so they are square matrices.
  • #7
Also you can, probbaly use another result:


A^T=A transpoze. This will help you for 6 and 7..

FAQ: Some linear algebra problems i with

What is linear algebra?

Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with linear equations, matrices, and vector spaces. It involves the study of linear transformations and their properties.

What are some common applications of linear algebra?

Linear algebra has many applications in fields such as physics, engineering, computer science, and economics. It is used to solve problems involving systems of linear equations, optimization, data analysis, and image processing.

What are the basic operations in linear algebra?

The basic operations in linear algebra include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of matrices and vectors. Other important operations include finding determinants, computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and performing matrix decompositions.

What are some common challenges in solving linear algebra problems?

One of the most common challenges in solving linear algebra problems is dealing with large matrices and complex systems of equations. Another challenge is understanding the geometric interpretation of linear transformations and their effects on vector spaces.

How can I improve my skills in linear algebra?

To improve your skills in linear algebra, it is important to practice solving problems and understanding the concepts. You can also read textbooks and watch online lectures to gain a deeper understanding of the subject. Additionally, working on real-world applications of linear algebra can also help improve your skills.

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