Some more advertisements (related to marketing and advertising)

  • Thread starter QuantumTheory
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In summary: Yes, different types of advertisements are created to appeal to different types of buyers. Advertising products to satify the various needs of both the sellers and the... buyers? Yes, different types of advertisements are created to appeal to different types of buyers. Advertising is important to the economy because it helps to disseminate information to the public. TV advertising is a popular medium because it has a low "per view" cost. Different types of advertisements are created to target different target audiences in different channels. The effectiveness of an advertisement is dependent on a number of factors, including the frequency of the advertisement, the length of the advertisement, and the cost of the advertisement. Some advertisements, such as the Superbowl ads
  • #1
Why are advertisements important to the economy?
Why are there advertisements on TV?
Why are there different advertisements relating to difference target audiences in different channels?
When was advertising on TV first made?
Is there anything that effects the frequency of advertisements on TV? (i.e some advertisements seem to appear more than others)
Does the length of the advertisement relate to cost in anyway?
What are the superbowl advertisements and why do people pay so much for them? Why are these advertisements unique?
Does Little Caesars pizza still advertise on TV?
Physics news on
  • #2
ps , thank you
  • #3
Is this a survey or our homework? If its your homework, please provvide on some answers for the questions.
  • #4
iansmith said:
Is this a survey or our homework? If its your homework, please provvide on some answers for the questions.

damn it, no its not homework . It's my fasination with life.questions I've always wanted answered, instead I get the response "Is it homework"?
  • #5
I made up the questions and I don't know the answers to them. See my other questions on the universe
  • #6
Ok i think all but 2 of those questions are incredibly self-explanatory or common sense...
  • #7
Edit: Nevermind I only read the first 2 or so when I said that. They're all stupid.
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  • #8
I'll answer these ones:
QuantumTheory said:
Does the length of the advertisement relate to cost in anyway?
What are the superbowl advertisements and why do people pay so much for them? Why are these advertisements unique?
Does Little Caesars pizza still advertise on TV?
Yes. 30 second adds are more than 15 second adds and less than 60 second ads.
Superbowl ads are ads during the superbowl, people pay a lot because so many people watch the superbowl and they're unique because they're during the superbowl...

Okay screw this, this is definitely homework, it's just stupid.
  • #9
QuantumTheory said:
Why are advertisements important to the economy?
Dissemination of information ---> "I didn't know I needed one of these, now I do."
Why are there advertisements on TV?
Popular medium ---> lower "per view" cost of advertising.
Why are there different advertisements relating to difference target audiences in different channels?
When was advertising on TV first made?
No idea, although it can't be too long after regular TV programs were started.
Is there anything that effects the frequency of advertisements on TV? (i.e some advertisements seem to appear more than others)
Good question.
Does the length of the advertisement relate to cost in anyway?
Sure, it's usually priced on a per "time unit" basis (e.g. per second, per minute).
What are the superbowl advertisements and why do people pay so much for them?
Those are the ads that appear during the broadcasting of superbowl matches. Since viewership is higher (more audience), total amount per time slot is also higher. Think of it as a high-price auction. The winning price will go almost as high as the highest valuation that any advertiser places on that time slot.
Why are these advertisements unique?
So the viewers can remember the product? (Just guessing.)
Does Little Caesars pizza still advertise on TV?
Not sure, haven't seen it for a while now, but then I haven't been watching much TV lately.
  • #10
EnumaElish said:
Dissemination of information ---> "I didn't know I needed one of these, now I do."Popular medium ---> lower "per view" cost of advertising.Effectiveness.No idea, although it can't be too long after regular TV programs were started.Good question.Sure, it's usually priced on a per "time unit" basis (e.g. per second, per minute).Those are the ads that appear during the broadcasting of superbowl matches. Since viewership is higher (more audience), total amount per time slot is also higher. Think of it as a high-price auction. The winning price will go almost as high as the highest valuation that any advertiser places on that time slot. So the viewers can remember the product? (Just guessing.)Not sure, haven't seen it for a while now, but then I haven't been watching much TV lately.

Thank you.
  • #11
My point was, why the hell do they need to advertise on TV or advertise at all? It doesn't make any sense to me. No one really answered this question, and instead of saying "its stupid" and "its my homework' (Which it isnt) people just say this is stupid and don't bother to answer it. Thats just BS. I do thank the one helpful response, though.
  • #12
I am 17, and I couldl not find these answers anywhere. Jeez.
  • #13
QuantumTheory said:
I am 17, and I couldl not find these answers anywhere. Jeez.
This was homework. Puhlease. :rolleyes:

EnumaElish, please do not answer these types of homework questions anymore, we have rules against it. I would have pm'd you, but you have that blocked. I suggest you un-block.
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  • #14
Advertising products to satify the various needs of both the sellers and the buyers.
  • #15
Evo said:
This was homework. Puhlease. :rolleyes:

EnumaElish, please do not answer these types of homework questions anymore, we have rules against it.
Had I known this was HW I wouldn't have; and I will not.
I would have pm'd you, but you have that blocked. I suggest you un-block.
It is no longer blocked. (My PM block is over! I can PM, and pages of it! Evo's Manual for Creative Authors really works! Well worth its price! Highly recommend! :smile: )

Related to Some more advertisements (related to marketing and advertising)

1. What is the purpose of advertisements in marketing?

Advertisements play a crucial role in marketing by promoting a product or service to potential customers and creating brand awareness. They are designed to capture the attention of the target audience and persuade them to make a purchase or take a desired action.

2. How do companies determine the effectiveness of their advertisements?

Companies use various metrics such as sales data, website traffic, and consumer surveys to measure the impact and success of their advertisements. They also track the return on investment (ROI) to determine if the advertisement is generating enough revenue to justify the cost.

3. How have advertisements evolved over time?

Advertisements have evolved significantly over the years, from traditional forms such as print and TV ads to digital ads on social media and search engines. They have also become more targeted and personalized, using data and analytics to reach the right audience at the right time.

4. What are the ethical considerations in advertising?

Some ethical considerations in advertising include truthfulness and transparency in the claims made, respecting the privacy of consumers, and avoiding offensive or discriminatory content. Advertisers also have a responsibility to promote products and services that are safe and beneficial to consumers.

5. How can small businesses effectively use advertisements for marketing?

Small businesses can use advertisements effectively by identifying their target audience, creating a clear and compelling message, and choosing the right platforms to reach their audience. They can also utilize cost-effective methods such as social media advertising and collaborations with other businesses to maximize their reach and impact.

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