Some questions about applying to graduate school

In summary: The pGRE score you get is lower than the schools you're applying to.-You don't have a research experience.-You're applying to a lower-ranked school.
  • #1
Hello all,

I realize I may be a bit early for this, but I don't want to screw it up. I'm a junior in undergrad (physics major), and I'd like to begin thinking about graduate school. Usually only one or two graduates from my physics department go on to graduate school, so when I ask my advisors these questions, I typically get an "I don't know". I've been looking around on this forum as well as other physics forums, and been looking at the Applicant Profile threads on Anyway, I have a 4.0 GPA, some research experience (3 publications, 1 in phys rev A), and I'm a Goldwater scholar (and a female, if that matters), so I'd like to think I stand a chance at getting into grad school. Anyway, I have the following questions:

  • For an advanced mathematics class, would an admissions person rather see that I took it pass/fail or should I risk taking it for credit and getting a B?
  • I have a publication in mathematics in an undergraduate research journal from doing math research for a semester. Should I include it on my applications even though it may imply that I give up easily on research projects? (I don't - I found out I couldn't get a math degree so I stopped doing math research)
  • How difficult is it to get an application fee waiver? (my FAFSA information is based on my parents' income, but I am not financially dependent on them)
  • How many graduate schools does the average person apply to? (I have a friend who recently applied to fourteen, and got into only one - I don't want to end up like him)
  • Is it normal to visit places you've been accepted to? If so, how do you juggle visiting places and the workload present in the last few semesters of undergrad?
  • How important is the pGRE? No one at my school has ever gotten above a 715. And I'm looking at the forums and noticing that people are getting 900+ scores and still not getting in anywhere.
  • I am doing an internship this summer at FNAL. I would like to ask my mentor for a LoR but I'm afraid that he will forget about me by the time I go to apply to grad school.
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  • #2
samnorris93 said:
[*] How difficult is it to get an application fee waiver? (my FAFSA information is based on my parents' income, but I am not financially dependent on them)
[*] How many graduate schools does the average person apply to? (I have a friend who recently applied to fourteen, and got into only one - I don't want to end up like him)
[*] Is it normal to visit places you've been accepted to? If so, how do you juggle visiting places and the workload present in the last few semesters of undergrad?
[*] How important is the pGRE? No one at my school has ever gotten above a 715. And I'm looking at the forums and noticing that people are getting 900+ scores and still not getting in anywhere.
[*] I am doing an internship this summer at FNAL. I would like to ask my mentor for a LoR but I'm afraid that he will forget about me by the time I go to apply to grad school.

-Not very likely, I would start saving up ASAP for all the fees, exams, and extra score reports you'll have to get. I'd expect to spend anywhere between $2000-4000 in total (probably on the low end side, since you probably aren't taking the TOEFL nor need as many as 15 applications if you pick your schools with some care).
-Americans with good grades, probably under 5-8. Everyone else 10 and above, I applied to 15.
-Yes. No idea on the 2nd part, as I had already graduated when I visited, but people manage to do it.
-Very, but its relevance is heavily dependent on which school/dept. you apply to. You must've noticed that many of the 990 folks at that forum are applying to fields that are going through budget cuts like HEP and apply almost exclusively to top schools that get 10-15x more applications than spots available. A good fraction also happen to be internationals, which hurts their chances.

Maybe you could be the one at your dept. to one-up that number? I'm the first in my dept. (abroad) to go to a US grad school in several years, and my PGRE score wasn't even that great. Spend months preparing and take the latest practice exam in a realistic scenario ASAP to diagnose where you're at, then hit the problem books like there is no tomorrow. Your priority should be PGRE-prep for the coming 5-6 months. I would put off research completely now, especially since you already have more than enough experience, and no additional experience will help you if you do poorly on the PGRE.

Everything is pulled from Halliday Resnick, to a lesser extent some of Griffiths' books, except the problems are less quantitative and more conceptual. To work on speed (which is 99% of what the PGRE is about), try a book like REA's physics problem solver. And as much as it jives with the teaching philosophy in physics, you better know your equations cold, do not even think about deriving them during the PGRE. As far as you're concerned, r x p ~ hbar.

Do worry too much about the pgre samples from the 80's and 90's, they are very different from the ones being administered now. You'd be better off retaking the latest PGRE sample exam once every month or two under test conditions and you'll get more out of it.

-Ask your mentor about it now, maybe even ask him to write the letter for you while you're still fresh in his memory
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  • #3
samnorris93 said:
[*] How important is the pGRE? No one at my school has ever gotten above a 715.

The problem is not the GRE score. The problem is that your school is not adequately preparing their students for graduate school. Don't confuse cause and effect.

I think you need to think about what your long-term goals are, and whether the school you attend is helping you achieve them or not.
  • #4
Vanadium 50 said:
The problem is not the GRE score. The problem is that your school is not adequately preparing their students for graduate school. Don't confuse cause and effect.

I think you need to think about what your long-term goals are, and whether the school you attend is helping you achieve them or not.

If you are insinuating that I should change undergraduate schools, that is simply not an option for me. I strongly regret going here even though I was accepted to a Big Ten school after high school, but now I have a full ride scholarship and it simply would not make financial sense to go to a different university.

In addition, I do not think the issue is that my school doesn't prepare me for graduate schools, since in the past decade or so we have had two people go on to Ivy League schools and do very well. However, the way that our curriculum is formatted, you do not take many advanced classes (E&M 2, QM 2, etc.) until your last semester, the one after the pGRE. In addition, the way our curriculum is set up, in order to take Mechanics II, I would have had to take it before Mechanics I, so it simply is not an option for me to take.
  • #5

Dear potential graduate school applicant,

First of all, congratulations on your impressive academic achievements and research experience. It is great to see your dedication and passion for physics at such a young age.

To address your questions, I suggest reaching out to professors or graduate students in your desired field of study for more specific and accurate answers. However, I can provide some general advice based on my own experience and observations.

Regarding the advanced mathematics class, it is always better to take it for credit and aim for a good grade. Admissions committees are looking for strong academic performance and taking a class pass/fail may raise questions about your commitment and ability to handle challenging coursework.

As for your publication in mathematics, I would recommend including it in your application. It shows that you have diverse research interests and are capable of applying your skills in different areas. It is not a red flag to have a publication in a different field, and it may even make you stand out among other applicants.

In terms of application fee waivers, they are typically granted based on financial need, so I suggest reaching out to the schools you are interested in and inquiring about their policies for obtaining a waiver. It is also worth noting that some schools may offer application fee waivers for certain groups, such as underrepresented minorities or first-generation college students.

The number of graduate schools an individual applies to can vary greatly. It is best to focus on a few schools that align with your research interests and have strong programs in your field. It is important to do your research and choose schools that are a good fit for you, rather than just applying to a large number of schools.

Visiting schools you have been accepted to is a personal preference. Some people choose to visit before making a decision, while others wait until they have been accepted to multiple schools. If you do decide to visit, try to plan it during a break in your coursework or over a weekend to minimize the impact on your workload.

The physics GRE (pGRE) is one factor that admissions committees consider, but it is not the only one. Your research experience, publications, and letters of recommendation are also important. While a high pGRE score can strengthen your application, a lower score does not necessarily disqualify you. Focus on highlighting your strengths in other areas of your application.

Regarding your letter of recommendation from your mentor at FNAL, it is always a good idea to maintain a positive relationship and keep in touch with your mentors. You can also remind them of your upcoming

Related to Some questions about applying to graduate school

1. What is the application process for graduate school?

The application process for graduate school typically involves submitting an online application, transcripts, letters of recommendation, a personal statement, and standardized test scores (such as the GRE or GMAT). Some programs may also require a resume, writing samples, or a portfolio. It is important to carefully review the application requirements for each school and program you are interested in.

2. When should I start preparing for graduate school?

The timeline for preparing for graduate school can vary, but it is generally recommended to start at least one year in advance. This allows time to research programs, study for entrance exams, gather materials for your application, and request letters of recommendation. It is important to check the specific deadlines for each program, as they may vary.

3. What can I do to make my application stand out?

There are several things you can do to make your application stand out. Firstly, make sure to highlight any relevant experience, skills, or achievements in your personal statement and resume. Additionally, try to secure strong letters of recommendation from professors or professionals who can speak to your abilities and potential. It may also be helpful to reach out to the program or faculty members to express your interest and ask any questions you may have.

4. Is it necessary to take the GRE or other entrance exams?

Many graduate programs do require applicants to take the GRE or other entrance exams. However, some programs may allow you to substitute other tests or waive the requirement altogether. It is important to check the specific requirements for each program you are interested in.

5. How can I fund my graduate studies?

There are several ways to fund your graduate studies, including scholarships, grants, fellowships, teaching or research assistantships, and loans. It is important to research and apply for any funding opportunities that may be available to you. Additionally, some employers may offer tuition assistance for employees pursuing graduate degrees. Be sure to also carefully consider the cost of tuition and living expenses when researching and choosing a graduate program.

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