Some Questions about entropy....

  • Thread starter Arman777
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In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between time and entropy, specifically in regards to the change in entropy when a gas expands without the input of heat. It is concluded that in an irreversible change, the entropy of one system increases without a corresponding decrease in another system, leading to an overall increase in the entropy of the universe. Additionally, it is stated that while entropy and heat are proportional for reversible changes, this is not the case for irreversible changes.
  • #1
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I was watching The Feymann online lectures and he talked about the arrow of time.And entropy etc.
I have some questions.
1-Can ve say non-conservative force are time irreversible, but conservative force are time reversible ?
2-So From one , If a non-conservatice force acts on a system that system will lose energy and that energy has something with entrophy.(I think that way ).And It must be defined by some equation
##ΔS=∫\frac {Q} {T}##
here Q is energy lost or another way, ##Δ(ME)=ΔW_{non-conservative force}=Q##
T is the tempeture of the system (I thought this relationship myself so it could be wrong or right )
Here Q be aslo something else like If two atoms colllide some energy will lost.That energy also can be Q.
3-In closed systems ΔS=0 would be zero ?
4-If closed system ΔS=0 then how could we say entropy always increases (I know its not "always" its "almost" always, but in here is İn a closed system.Entrophy will be same for a long time.So entropy didnt decreased so.. ?
5- Seems that there's a strict relationship between time and entrophy.Can we say with time some information lost ? (Or hidden information )
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  • #2
Arman777 said:
3-In closed systems ΔS=0 would be zero ?

No, the real definition of [itex]\Delta S[/itex] is: [itex]\frac{\Delta Q_{rev}}{T}[/itex]. Entropy is a function of state. So what that means is that the entropy change in going from one state to another is independent of how you made that transition. So to calculate the entropy of a new state, you choose a reversible path to go from the initial state to the final state.

So there is a standard example of how this makes a difference.

Suppose you have 1 liter of a gas, and you release it suddenly into an evacuated 2 liter bottle. It's insulated so that no heat goes in or out. What is the change in entropy?

Well, figure out the new state. Since no energy went in or out, we know that the new state has the same energy as the initial state. For an ideal gas, that means that the temperature didn't change, either. But the volume doubled. Since the temperature didn't change, that means that PV is a constant, so that the pressure is 1/2 what it was.

So we went from a state [itex]P, V[/itex] to a state [itex]\frac{P}{2}, 2V[/itex]. To compute the entropy change, we have to figure out a reversible way to go from the initial state to the final state. A reversible way to do it would be to hold the temperature constant and let it slowly expand.

What would be the entropy change in that case? Well, we use:

[itex]\delta U = \delta Q - P \delta V[/itex]

Since there is no energy change (constant temperature), then that means [itex]\delta U = 0[/itex] so [itex]\delta Q = P \delta V[/itex]

Since [itex]PV = NRT[/itex], that means [itex]P = \frac{NRT}{V}[/itex] so [itex]P \delta V = NRT \frac{delta V}{V} = NRT \delta (log(V))[/itex]

So [itex]\delta Q = NRT \delta (log(V))[/itex] and [itex]\delta S = \delta Q/T = NR \delta (log(V))[/itex]

Since the volume doubled, then [itex]\delta log(V) = log(V_{final}/V_{initial}) = log(2)[/itex]

So [itex]\delta S = NR log(2) > 0[/itex]

So this is kind of a weird calculation. You're calculating the entropy change for a sequence of events that didn't actually happen. In this alternate reality, [itex]\delta Q > 0[/itex] (because a gas must take in heat in order to expand at constant temperature). In the real world, [itex]\delta Q = 0[/itex]. But the entropy change is the same in the alternate reality as in the real world---the only thing that matters is what state you end up in.
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  • #3
stevendaryl said:
So this is kind of a weird calculation. You're calculating the entropy change for a sequence of events that didn't actually happen. In this alternate reality, δQ>0δQ>0\delta Q > 0 (because a gas must take in heat in order to expand at constant temperature). In the real world, δQ=0δQ=0\delta Q = 0. But the entropy change is the same in the alternate reality as in the real world---the only thing that matters is what state you end up in.

I didnt understand this part.We are going initial to final so entropy will be positive.But in real world its zero ?
  • #4
Arman777 said:
I didnt understand this part.We are going initial to final so entropy will be positive.But in real world its zero ?

No, the change in entropy in the real world for an irreversible expansion of a gas to double its volume is: [itex]NR log(2)[/itex]. It only depends on the initial volume and pressure and the final volume and pressure.

If the change had been done reversibly, the entropy change would have been the same, but it would have been compensated by a decrease in entropy of the surrounding system. If the volume of a gas increases reversibly, then the volume of the surrounding gas correspondingly increases. But in an irreversible change, the increase in entropy of one system is not accompanied by the decrease of entropy of another. So the total entropy of the universe increases.

The one-way nature of entropy increase is also illustrated by this example: A gas can irreversibly expand when released into a larger volume, but there isn't a corresponding case where gas spontaneously decreases its volume.
  • #5
Arman777 said:
I didnt understand this part.We are going initial to final so entropy will be positive.But in real world its zero ?

Just to clarify once more: In the real-world example of a gas doubling its volume without the input of any heat, [itex]\Delta Q[/itex] is zero, but [itex]\Delta S[/itex] is not. Q and S are only proportional for reversible changes.
  • #6
stevendaryl said:
Just to clarify once more: In the real-world example of a gas doubling its volume without the input of any heat, [itex]\Delta Q[/itex] is zero, but [itex]\Delta S[/itex] is not. Q and S are only proportional for reversible changes.
I guess I understand.Is my 1 st and 2 nd thinking way are correct ?
  • #7
Arman777 said:
I guess I understand.Is my 1 st and 2 nd thinking way are correct ?

Yes, nonconservative forces lead to entropy increases. Any irreversible change does, and energy loss due to nonconservative forces are an example of an irreversible change. And the other way around, as well: Motion under conservative forces does not lead to entropy loss.

However, there is a little bit of complication involved in the second statement. Often nonconservative forces arise through an oversimplification of a much more complicated situation. For example, we treat a block sliding on a flat surface using friction, and call it a nonconservative force. However, at the microscopic level, friction is a matter of the particles that make up the block imparting energy to the particles in the surface through electrical interactions. If you could give a detailed analysis of this interaction, you would find that it's perfectly reversible, but extremely complicated. When we simplify the calculation by assuming that the interaction between block and surface is characterized by turning the kinetic energy of the block into heat, then we introduce irreversibility as part of the modeling process.
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  • #8
stevendaryl said:
Yes, nonconservative forces lead to entropy increases. Any irreversible change does, and energy loss due to nonconservative forces are an example of an irreversible change. And the other way around, as well: Motion under conservative forces does not lead to entropy loss.

However, there is a little bit of complication involved in the second statement. Often nonconservative forces arise through an oversimplification of a much more complicated situation. For example, we treat a block sliding on a flat surface using friction, and call it a nonconservative force. However, at the microscopic level, friction is a matter of the particles that make up the block imparting energy to the particles in the surface through electrical interactions. If you could give a detailed analysis of this interaction, you would find that it's perfectly reversible, but extremely complicated. When we simplify the calculation by assuming that the interaction between block and surface is characterized by turning the kinetic energy of the block into heat, then we introduce irreversibility as part of the modeling process.

I understand and it make sense,electromagnetic force is conservative force and friction is part of it.

Related to Some Questions about entropy....

1. What is entropy?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. It is often associated with the amount of energy that is unavailable to do work.

2. How does entropy relate to the second law of thermodynamics?

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a closed system will always increase over time. This means that as energy is converted from one form to another, some of it will inevitably be lost as heat, increasing the entropy of the system.

3. Can entropy be reversed?

In most cases, entropy cannot be reversed. The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy will always increase in a closed system, and it is highly unlikely for this to be reversed. However, there are some exceptions, such as in living organisms where they are able to decrease their own entropy at the expense of increasing the entropy of their surroundings.

4. How is entropy calculated?

Entropy is quantified through a mathematical equation, which takes into account the number of possible microstates that a system can have. This equation is S = k ln (W), where S is entropy, k is the Boltzmann constant, and W is the number of microstates.

5. What are some real-world examples of entropy?

Examples of entropy can be seen in processes such as the diffusion of gas molecules, the melting of ice, and the rusting of metal. These processes all involve an increase in disorder and a decrease in the amount of available energy.

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