Some questions about the existence of the optimal approximation

In summary, the optimal approximation is the best possible representation of a function or data set achieved through minimizing the error between the original and the approximation. Factors such as complexity, chosen method, and desired accuracy level can affect its quality. While theoretically, 100% accuracy is possible, practical limitations and uncertainties make it challenging to achieve. This concept has various applications in fields such as engineering, finance, and data analysis, including modeling, prediction, and optimization.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey! :eek:

I am looking at the following that is related to the existence of the optimal approximation.

$H$ is an euclidean space
$\widetilde{H}$ is a subspace of $H$

We suppose that $dim \widetilde{H}=n$ and $\{x_1,x_2,...,x_n\}$ is the basis of $\widetilde{H}$.

Let $y \in \widetilde{H}$ be the optimal approximation of $x \in H$ from $\widetilde{H}$.
Then $(y,u)=(x,u), \forall u \in \widetilde{H}$.

We take $u=x_i \in \widetilde{H}$, so $(y,x_i)=(x,x_i)$

Since $\{x_1,x_2,...,x_n\}$ is the basis of $\widetilde{H}$, $y$ can be written as followed:
$y=a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 +... + a_n x_n$

(x,x_1)=(y,x_1)=a_1 (x_1,x_1)+a_2 (x_2,x_1)+...+a_n (x_n,x_1)\\
(x,x_2)=(y,x_2)=a_1 (x_1,x_2)+a_2 (x_2,x_2)+...+a_n (x_n,x_2)\\
(x,x_n)=(y,x_n)=a_1 (x_1,x_n)+a_2 (x_2,x_n)+...+a_n (x_n,x_n)

So that the optimal approximation exists, I have to be able to write $y$ in an unique way as linear combination of the elements of the basis.

The system $(1)$ has class $n$, since the $\{x_1, ..., x_n \}$ consist the basis of $\widetilde{H}$.
So the system has a unique solution.>Why does the optimal approximation only exists when $y$ can be written in an unique way as linear combination of the elements of the basis?

>What does it mean that the system $(1)$ has class $n$? That it has $n$ equations and $n$ unknown variabes?
Mathematics news on
  • #2
Hey! (Blush)

>Why does the optimal approximation only exists when $y$ can be written in an unique way as linear combination of the elements of the basis?

In a linear (sub)space every vector can be written as a unique linear combination of basis vectors.
So if $y$ can be written as 2 different linear combinations, those are really different vectors. In other words: $y$ is not a unique vector, so you cannot call it "the" optimal approximation.
>What does it mean that the system $(1)$ has class $n$? That it has $n$ equations and $n$ unknown variabes?

I'm not aware of a concept named class as related to a system of linear equations. Googling for it gave indeed no hits. As I see it, it is ambiguous in this context. It can either mean $n$ equations or $n$ variables. Luckily, in this particular case it is both. :)
  • #3
mathmari said:
>What does it mean that the system $(1)$ has class $n$? That it has $n$ equations and $n$ unknown variabes?
I have not come across the term "class" in that context. My guess is that what it means is that the matrix of coefficients in the system (1) has rank $n$. That implies that the equations have a unique solution, which is what is wanted here.
  • #4
I like Serena said:
In a linear (sub)space every vector can be written as a unique linear combination of basis vectors.
So if $y$ can be written as 2 different linear combinations, those are really different vectors. In other words: $y$ is not a unique vector, so you cannot call it "the" optimal approximation.

A ok! So if $y$ can be written as 2 different linear combinations, that means that there are 2 different approximations, so we do not have the one that is optimal.
I got it!
I like Serena said:
I'm not aware of a concept named class as related to a system of linear equations. Googling for it gave indeed no hits. As I see it, it is ambiguous in this context. It can either mean $n$ equations or $n$ variables. Luckily, in this particular case it is both. :)

Opalg said:
I have not come across the term "class" in that context. My guess is that what it means is that the matrix of coefficients in the system (1) has rank $n$. That implies that the equations have a unique solution, which is what is wanted here.

Aha! Ok!

The system $(1)$ has class $n$, since the $\{x_1, ..., x_n \}$ consist the basis of $\widetilde{H}$.
Why do we conclude to that the class of the system is $n$ from the fact that the $\{x_1, ..., x_n \}$ consist the basis of $\widetilde{H}$?
  • #5
mathmari said:
Why do we conclude to that the class of the system is $n$ from the fact that the $\{x_1, ..., x_n \}$ consist the basis of $\widetilde{H}$?
Good question! We know that $\dim\widetilde H = n$, so the condition for the set $\{x_1, ..., x_n \}$ to be a basis is that it should be linearly independent. Or, to put it negatively, the set will fail to be a basis if and only if it is linearly dependent. That in turn is equivalent to the condition that there should exist scalars $\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_n$, not all $0$, such that $\sum \lambda_ix_i = 0.$ But then $\sum \lambda_i\langle x_i,x_j \rangle = 0$ for all $j$. That says that the rows of the matrix $A = (\langle x_i,x_j \rangle)$ are linearly dependent, which means that the rank of $A$ is less than $n$.

Conversely, if the rank of $A$ is less than $n$, then its rows are linearly dependent. So there exist scalars $\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_n$, not all $0$, such that $\sum \lambda_i\langle x_i,x_j \rangle = 0$ for all $j$. This says that $\sum \lambda_ix_i$ is orthogonal to each $x_j$. Since the $x_j$ form a basis, it follows that $\sum \lambda_ix_i = 0$ and so $\{x_1, ..., x_n \}$ is not a basis for $\widetilde H$.
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FAQ: Some questions about the existence of the optimal approximation

1. What is the optimal approximation?

The optimal approximation refers to the best possible approximation of a given function or data set. It is the closest representation to the original that can be achieved using a certain method or algorithm.

2. How is the optimal approximation determined?

The optimal approximation is determined by minimizing the error between the original function or data set and the approximation. This can be done through various mathematical techniques such as least squares or minimax methods.

3. What factors affect the quality of the optimal approximation?

The quality of the optimal approximation can be affected by several factors, such as the complexity of the function or data set, the chosen approximation method, and the desired level of accuracy. Other factors may include noise in the data and the choice of input parameters.

4. Can the optimal approximation be achieved with 100% accuracy?

In theory, the optimal approximation can be achieved with 100% accuracy if the function or data set is simple enough and the chosen method is capable of achieving this level of accuracy. However, in practice, there is always some degree of error or uncertainty, and the level of accuracy is limited by the available resources and computational power.

5. What are some practical applications of the optimal approximation?

The optimal approximation has various practical applications in fields such as engineering, finance, and data analysis. It can be used to model and predict complex systems, interpolate and extrapolate data, and reduce the computational complexity of algorithms. It is also essential in various optimization problems and machine learning algorithms.

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