Some Simple Cosmology Questions

  • Thread starter EEWannabe
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In summary, for the first question, the pressure of CMB photons can be estimated by dividing the energy density of radiation by 3. For the second question, assuming a matter-dominated and flat universe, the Hubble parameter today can be approximated by taking the inverse of the age of the new population of stars, estimated to be 19 billion years. However, this value may vary depending on other assumptions about the universe's density.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Estimate the pressure of the CMB photons today. [You will need to choose a reasonable value for the present value of the temperature of the CMB. The radiation
constant is α = 7.56 × 10−15erg cm−3K−4

Assume that a new population of stars is discovered, and their age is estimated to
be 19 Gyr.
From this observational result, derive an (approximate) value for the Hubble
parameter today, and express the result in kms−1Mpc−1

Homework Equations

First question . Energy Density = aT^4.
E(photon) = kT

2nd Question;
v = Hd

The Attempt at a Solution

Hey there, I've left it too late again ! And I have an exam tomorrow so any hints on these ones would be great;

1) Taking the current temperature as 2.7K, the energy density from radiation can be worked out. However I don't really get it when it asks for the pressure? How exactly do I work that out? I've never seen anything like it. The energy of a single photon at 2.7K can be worked out using E = kT, but I don't see how that will help.

2) I don't understand this one at all, what does it mean 19Gyear? Giga years? If so that's older than the universe surely... Any points in the right direction here would be fantastic.
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  • #2
1) Taking the current temperature as 2.7K, the energy density from radiation can be worked out. However I don't really get it when it asks for the pressure? How exactly do I work that out? I've never seen anything like it. The energy of a single photon at 2.7K can be worked out using E = kT, but I don't see how that will help.

I'm surprised that you've never talked about pressure in your cosmology class. Cosmology has 2 important equations: the Friedmann equations, and the equation of state. The equation of state gives you a fluid's pressure in terms of its density. See:

Be careful of the units, since it's conventional to set c=1.

2) I don't understand this one at all, what does it mean 19Gyear? Giga years? If so that's older than the universe surely... Any points in the right direction here would be fantastic.

Yes, 19 billion years. It is indeed older than the universe, which is why you're being asked to find the new Hubble constant for this new, imaginary universe.

The answer depends heavily on the other assumptions you want to make. Is the universe the same as ours, except older? What's the universe's matter, radiation, and cosmological constant density? For a very simple estimate, see here:
  • #3
ideasrule said:
I'm surprised that you've never talked about pressure in your cosmology class. Cosmology has 2 important equations: the Friedmann equations, and the equation of state. The equation of state gives you a fluid's pressure in terms of its density. See:

Be careful of the units, since it's conventional to set c=1.

Ah I see! So for radiation the pressure = energy density / 3? That simple? :D
ideasrule said:
Yes, 19 billion years. It is indeed older than the universe, which is why you're being asked to find the new Hubble constant for this new, imaginary universe.

The answer depends heavily on the other assumptions you want to make. Is the universe the same as ours, except older? What's the universe's matter, radiation, and cosmological constant density? For a very simple estimate, see here:

Hmm I see, so for example, if I assume it's matter dominated, would I just assume that the ageof those stars = the age of that universe? If so;

H = 2/3t , and using 19 billion for t?

Thanks a lot for your help, this is meant to be an introduction to cosmology course, but I've decided I'm not going to carry it on lol ;P
  • #4
EEWannabe said:
Ah I see! So for radiation the pressure = energy density / 3? That simple? :D


Hmm I see, so for example, if I assume it's matter dominated, would I just assume that the ageof those stars = the age of that universe? If so;

H = 2/3t , and using 19 billion for t?

Yeah, but only if it's matter dominated and flat. For our universe, just taking the inverse of H0 gives (by coincidence) an amazingly good value for its age.
  • #5
Much obliged sir!

FAQ: Some Simple Cosmology Questions

1. What is cosmology?

Cosmology is the study of the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe as a whole.

2. What is the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory is the widely accepted scientific explanation for the origin of the universe. It states that the universe began as a singularity and has been expanding and cooling ever since.

3. How is the age of the universe determined?

The age of the universe is determined through various methods, including measuring the expansion rate of the universe, studying the cosmic microwave background radiation, and analyzing the ages of the oldest stars and galaxies.

4. What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a mysterious form of matter that does not interact with light and cannot be directly observed. It is believed to make up about 85% of the total matter in the universe and plays a crucial role in the formation and evolution of galaxies.

5. What is dark energy?

Dark energy is another mysterious component of the universe that is responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe. It is believed to make up about 70% of the total energy in the universe, but its exact nature is still unknown.
