Some technical questions about Birkhoff's theorem

  • Thread starter bcrowell
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In summary: An interesting and relevant point is the following. For a spherically symmetricsystem, the field equations imply that the only unknown function in the metricis gmμ(r). Thus, the metric is completely determined by the mass function (r) andthe matter content of the system. This is true for both the interior and exteriorregions. If we specify the form of the mass function, then the metric is completelydetermined. However, it should be noted that the form of the mass function isnot arbitrary. It is determined by the matter content of the system. In other words,the matter content of the system places restrictions on the form of the massfunction. This is something which is not usually appreciated
  • #1
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Here are two statements of Birkhoff's theorem:

"Any spherically symmetric solution of the vacuum field equations must be stationary and asymptotically flat." --'s_theorem_(relativity)

"Any C2 solution of Einstein's empty space equations which is spherically symmetric in an open set V, is locally equivalent to part of the maximally extended Schwarzschild solution in V." -- Hawking and Ellis

Hawking and Ellis also remark that the C2 requirement can be relaxed to continuity plus piecewise C1.

Question #1: Why do H&E need "locally?" Can anyone give an example where this becomes relevant, preferably one that would constitute a counterexample if "locally" were omitted?

Question #2: Presumably smoothness is needed because otherwise you could stitch together counterexamples out of a patchwork quilt of random stuff; but wouldn't the non-smooth joins violate the vacuum field equations? Or is it possible to have "kinks" in a spacetime without violating the vacuum field equations? Presumably one would have to discuss this in terms of some kind of limiting process, since the field equations involve second derivatives of the metric, which won't even be well defined if the metric isn't a C2 function of the coordinates.

Question #3: I'm tempted to conclude from Birkhoff's theorem that naked singularities in GR can't be spherically symmetric, and this seems to be consistent with the fact that the examples in the WP article on naked singularities all seem to be rotating solutions that clearly aren't spherically symmetric. But I'm not clear on how the smoothness condition applies here. Maybe you could have a spherically symmetric naked singularity with a metric that wasn't C2, and it wouldn't violate Birkhoff's theorem?

Question #4: To me, the essential point of Birkhoff's theorem is that there's no such thing as gravitational monopole radiation. Am I right in thinking that, say, a pointlike source of gravitational quadrupole radiation would be considered asymptotically flat (because the curvature falls off faster than some power of r) but not stationary? The technical definition of asymptotic flatness (e.g., ch. 11 of Wald) is very complicated. Is there some rule of thumb about how fast some measure of curvature would typically have to fall off as a function of r if the spacetime was to be considered asymptotically flat?
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  • #2
I suck at math, so take my answers with a grain of salt or treat them as questions if appropriate.

Question #1: Why do H&E need "locally?" Can anyone give an example where this becomes relevant, preferably one that would constitute a counterexample if "locally" were omitted?
Toroidal empty space. I think the locally means something like "up to topology".
Question #2: Presumably smoothness is needed because otherwise you could stitch together counterexamples out of a patchwork quilt of random stuff; but wouldn't the non-smooth joins violate the vacuum field equations?
I think they would. I don't know if there are possible solutions with a kink in the Weyl curvature, however. Doesn't seem reasonable.
Question #3: I'm tempted to conclude from Birkhoff's theorem that naked singularities in GR can't be spherically symmetric
What about shell singularities? Like crossing shells in a LT dust.
Am I right in thinking that, say, a pointlike source of gravitational quadrupole radiation would be considered asymptotically flat (because the curvature falls off faster than some power of r) but not stationary?
Not static, but stationary, I think.
Is there some rule of thumb about how fast some measure of curvature would typically have to fall off as a function of r if the spacetime was to be considered asymptotically flat?
I think it's enough if it converges to zero, no matter how fast.
  • #3
Thanks, Ich!

Ich said:
What about shell singularities? Like crossing shells in a LT dust.
Are those really singularities in the sense that scalar observables blow up there?
  • #4
I think that the density blows up, but that could be a harmless kink.
  • #5
bcrowell said:
Question #3: I'm tempted to conclude from Birkhoff's theorem that naked singularities in GR can't be spherically symmetric, and this seems to be consistent with the fact that the examples in the WP article on naked singularities all seem to be rotating solutions that clearly aren't spherically symmetric. But I'm not clear on how the smoothness condition applies here. Maybe you could have a spherically symmetric naked singularity with a metric that wasn't C2, and it wouldn't violate Birkhoff's theorem?

Maybe if the singularity is hidden in matter, so that we don't have a vacuum solution near it, although the vacuum solution may be used in the exterior?

FAQ: Some technical questions about Birkhoff's theorem

1. What is Birkhoff's theorem?

Birkhoff's theorem is a mathematical theorem that states that any spherically symmetric vacuum solution of Einstein's field equations must be static and asymptotically flat.

2. What is a spherically symmetric vacuum solution?

A spherically symmetric vacuum solution is a type of solution to Einstein's field equations that describes the gravitational field outside of a spherically symmetric mass distribution, such as a star or planet, in empty space (i.e. a vacuum).

3. How does Birkhoff's theorem relate to general relativity?

Birkhoff's theorem is a consequence of Einstein's theory of general relativity, which describes the relationship between space, time, and gravity. Birkhoff's theorem specifically applies to spherically symmetric vacuum solutions in general relativity.

4. What is the significance of Birkhoff's theorem in astrophysics?

Birkhoff's theorem is significant in astrophysics because it allows for the simplification of calculations and modeling of spherically symmetric objects, such as stars and planets. It also has implications for the structure and evolution of the universe.

5. Are there any exceptions to Birkhoff's theorem?

Yes, there are some exceptions to Birkhoff's theorem. For example, it does not apply to non-vacuum solutions (i.e. solutions that include matter or radiation). It also does not apply to solutions with non-spherical symmetry, such as rotating objects.
