Some tips for a better experience of stargazing using 76 mm telescope

In summary: I have learned about the constellations.I am trying to learn more.I have a star chart at home.I also like to listen to astronomy podcasts while I am observing.Which podcasts are you referring to?I don't know.I'll check out some.Thank you.In summary, you should install a sky map program onto your computer, make notes for the objects you view every time you go out, start an observing diary, and use star charts to help you choose what to look at.
  • #1
ayush solanki
I bought the celestron firstscope about 4 to 5 months the beginning I was pretty excited and enthusiastic but as time wore on,I found myself away from the I want to restart astronomy but I would like some tips to make it more fun and interesting so that my scope don't end up again in my closet.I have an interest in astronomy and would like to enhance it.what sorts of more things can I watch with the firstscope.thank you.
Astronomy news on
  • #2
hi there Ayush

Have you installed any of the sky map programs onto your computer yet ?
One of the better and free ones is Stellarium. you can set up the default location to where you are in the world
so that every time you start the program, it will show the sky from your location for that time of day and time of year

you can use it to see the location of deep space objects ... star clusters, nebulae, galaxies etc.
Many will be beyond the reach of your small scope. But as the seasons and sky changes you will be able to log many of the brighter objects

#1 start an observing diary ... make notes for the objects you view every time you go out.
this will give you a way of keeping track of what you have and haven't observed
here's a sample out of my diary

2005Date Time (EST)
Object Constell. Comments
July 2005
From Home
03 1600

Sun Many spots visible clear umbral and penumbral regions visible


Jupiter 2 moons, 4 belts visible good viewing overhead
Mercury low in West a bit fuzzy
Venus low in West, bit fuzzy, looked gibbous phase
Omega Cent Glob; Ex.Brt, clear easily resolved
NGC6121/M4 Glob; Just resolvable
NGC6475/M7 Op Cl;


NGC6405/M6 Op Cl;
NGC6388 Glob; Mag6.7, Just resolvable, small, compact
NGC6514/M20 Trifid Nebula; Fnt, just visible
NGC6531/M21 Op Cl; Brt


2013Jan. 04 … got the CPC925 out to see if I could see Comet C/2012 K5 (LINEAR)
I was out the nite before with binoculars and thought I had found it
But using the scope tonite, I found I had been looking at M37 and or M36
A couple of faint fuzzy open clusters that the binoculars couldn’t resolve
into individual stars but the scope did.

After 2 hours of searching, I finally found it at the location it should be.
This comet was definitely not visible in binoculars as had been reported. It was a very faint fuzzy blob in the scope with a 40mm eyepiece.
Estimated magnitude at ~ 9.5 – 10.
Jupiter also looked really good during this time

May 10 … Partial Solar eclipse. Viewed and Photo'ed from Thornleigh

Aug 16–20 Nova Delphini. The nova appeared with a magnitude 6.8 when it was discovered and peaked at magnitude 4.3 on 16 August.
Viewed from home and from Bobbinhead Rd, jst N of Sydney. Photo’ed from Bobbinhead Rd,Cheers
  • #3
Take advantage of the computer stuff then learn how to find things by 'hand', that should keep you amused for a year or so. Back when I bought my first scope [6" criterion] computer locating had not been invented for amateur scopes. It was all red flashlights, paper charts and setting circles. Yes, that was old school. I was really into variable stars which added more a sense of purpose than just gawking. Finding familiar patches of sky night after night and recording changes in star brightness was intoxicating.
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  • #4
Yeah I did the sky map in my phone.I'll try stellarium and the diary.thank was a great help.
  • #5
Chronos said:
Take advantage of the computer stuff then learn how to find things by 'hand', that should keep you amused for a year or so. Back when I bought my first scope [6" criterion] computer locating had not been invented for amateur scopes. It was all red flashlights, paper charts and setting circles. Yes, that was old school. I was really into variable stars which added more a sense of purpose than just gawking. Finding familiar patches of sky night after night and recording changes in star brightness was intoxicating.

Yea,my scope also is not a Bluetooth supporting one and nor a computerised I too do it manually.
  • #6
Manual locating is part of the fun.
  • #7
Yeah it gives me a satisfaction of finding something on my own which I can't get with a computerised one.
  • #8
What model is the scope? What have you seen? What eyepieces, barlows and other accessories are you using?
  • #9
The model is firstscope.I hv seen moon and Jupiter and a star cluster which i don't know about.I don't use any accessories except the eyepieces which came with it.
  • #11
tfr000 said:
Do you know the constellations? If not, learn them. Once that's done, it becomes much easier to decide what to look at. You will need star charts. Wikipedia's aren't bad:

yes but awkward to use outside at nite :wink:

programs that run on laptop, PC or smartphone eg Stellarium are the way to go these days
as I suggested way back in post #2 :smile:

  • #12
Ok,I will learn them.thank you.
  • #13
You'll also need some kind of app to tell you which constellations are above your horizon tonight. In the old days, we used a planisphere... I still have one.
  • #14
tfr000 said:
You'll also need some kind of app to tell you which constellations are above your horizon tonight. In the old days, we used a planisphere... I still have one.

Yes, that is what the mentioned Stellarium is for :)
you should try
  • #15
Yes,I tried stellarium. It is pretty amazing and map is a nice app too.
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Likes davenn

FAQ: Some tips for a better experience of stargazing using 76 mm telescope

1. How do I set up my 76 mm telescope for stargazing?

To set up your 76 mm telescope for stargazing, first find a flat and stable surface to place your telescope on. Then, assemble the tripod and attach the telescope onto it. Make sure the telescope is securely attached and level. Next, insert the eyepiece into the focuser and adjust the focus until the image appears clear. Finally, point your telescope towards the desired area of the sky and use the slow motion controls to track any moving objects.

2. What are some tips for finding specific celestial objects with a 76 mm telescope?

To find specific celestial objects with a 76 mm telescope, it is helpful to use a star chart or astronomy app to locate the object's coordinates in the night sky. You can also use the telescope's slow motion controls to adjust its position and hone in on the object. Additionally, using a lower magnification eyepiece can make it easier to locate objects and provide a wider field of view.

3. How can I improve the image quality when stargazing with a 76 mm telescope?

To improve image quality when stargazing with a 76 mm telescope, make sure the telescope is properly aligned and the optics are clean. Avoid viewing through the telescope when it is directly facing a source of light, such as the moon or a bright star. Also, allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness to enhance the visibility of faint objects.

4. Can I use a 76 mm telescope for astrophotography?

While a 76 mm telescope can capture images of celestial objects, it is not ideal for astrophotography. The small aperture of the telescope may not gather enough light for detailed images, and the mount may not be sturdy enough to support a camera. It is recommended to use a telescope with a larger aperture and a specialized mount for astrophotography.

5. How can I prolong the lifespan of my 76 mm telescope?

To prolong the lifespan of your 76 mm telescope, always handle it with care and avoid bumping or dropping it. When not in use, store the telescope in a dry and dust-free environment. Regularly clean the lenses and mirrors with a soft cloth to remove any dust or debris. It is also important to properly pack and transport the telescope if you plan on taking it to different locations for stargazing.

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