Something I don't understand about taylor series

In summary, the conversation discusses the difference between a Taylor series and a Maclaurin series and how they are related to the Taylor expansion of cot x at a given point a=π/2. It also explains why substituting x=z-π/2 in cot x does not give the correct answer, while doing the same in -tanx does. The conversation also suggests seeking further explanation in a calculus book for review purposes.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let's say I'm asked to find the taylor expansion for cot x, at the given point a = π/2.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

My first thought would be to take the mc laurin series expansion for cotx, which is:
cot x = 1/x + x/3 - x3/45 ...
and substitute x for z-π/2.

According to my solution manual, that isn't correct. By messing around with trig identities, I solved the problem in the following way:

cot x = cot (π/2 + x - π/2) = -tan(x - π/2)
I took the mc laurin series expansion for tanx, multiplied it by -1, replaced x by z-π/2 and found the right answer.

Why wasn't I allowed to substitute x = z - π/2 in cot x, yet doing the same thing in -tanx gave me the right answer?
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  • #2
Because cot x, which is what you're being asked to calculate, isn't equal to cot (x-pi/2), which is what you calculated.
  • #3
Isn't a taylor series development the development of f(x-a)? I wasn't asked to evaluate cot x for x = pi/2, I was asked to evaluate the Taylor expansion at a = pi/2.

I'm self-studying from Boas book and there's pretty much no explanation given on series. If someone would be kind enough to provide me a link to demistify the difference between Taylor and McLaurin expansions, I'd be very grateful*.
  • #4
tamtam402 said:
Isn't a taylor series development the development of f(x-a)?
NO, it isnt. A Taylor's series for f(x) at x= a is a power series for f(x) at the point x= a. That is NOT, in general, a power series for f(x-a).
I wasn't asked to evaluate cot x for x = pi/2, I was asked to evaluate the Taylor expansion at a = pi/2.

I'm self-studying from Boas book and there's pretty much no explanation given on series. If someone would be kind enough to provide me a link to demistify the difference between Taylor and McLaurin expansions, I'd be very grateful*.
  • #5
tamtam402 said:
I'm self-studying from Boas book and there's pretty much no explanation given on series. If someone would be kind enough to provide me a link to demistify the difference between Taylor and McLaurin expansions, I'd be very grateful*.
You might want to check out a freshman calculus book for review purposes. Boas assumes you are already familiar with the basics of these series. In any case, a MacLaurin series is the Taylor series for a=0. The Taylor series about x=a is simply
$$f(x) = f(a)+f'(a)(x-a)+\frac{f''(a)}{2!}(x-a)^2+\cdots.$$ It's a power series in x-a, not f(x-a).

Here's a specific example of the difference. The MacLaurin series for sin x is
$$\sin x = x - \frac{x^3}{3!} + \frac{x^5}{5!} - \cdots.$$ If you substitute, say, ##x=z-\pi/2##, you'd get
$$(z-\pi/2) - \frac{(z-\pi/2)^3}{3!} + \frac{(z-\pi/2)^5}{5!} - \cdots = \sin(z-\pi/2) = -\cos z.$$ If you use the formula above to find the series for sine about ##x=\pi/2##, you'd actually get
$$\sin x = 1 - \frac{(x-\pi/2)^2}{2!} + \frac{(x-\pi/2)^4}{4!} - \cdots.$$
  • #6
tamtam402 said:

Homework Statement

Let's say I'm asked to find the taylor expansion for cot x, at the given point a = π/2.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

My first thought would be to take the mc laurin series expansion for cotx, which is:
cot x = 1/x + x/3 - x3/45 ...
and substitute x for z-π/2.

According to my solution manual, that isn't correct. By messing around with trig identities, I solved the problem in the following way:

cot x = cot (π/2 + x - π/2) = -tan(x - π/2)
I took the mc laurin series expansion for tanx, multiplied it by -1, replaced x by z-π/2 and found the right answer.

Why wasn't I allowed to substitute x = z - π/2 in cot x, yet doing the same thing in -tanx gave me the right answer?

The Taylor series for cot x at x = π/2 is the Maclaurin series of f(z) = cot(π/2 + z) around z = 0. If you try to get it from the Maclaurin series around x = 0, here is what happens:
[tex] \cot(\pi/2 + z) = \frac{1}{\pi/2 + z} - \frac{1}{3} (\pi/2 + z) - \frac{1}{45} (\pi/2 + z)^3 - \frac{2}{945} (\pi/2 + z)^5 + \cdots. [/tex]
The constant term (not containing z) in the expansion is
[tex] c_0 = \frac{2}{\pi}-\frac{1}{3}\frac{\pi}{2} - \frac{1}{45}\frac{\pi^3}{2^3} - \frac{2}{945} \frac{\pi^5}{2^5} - \cdots.[/tex]
Similarly, you can get the coefficient c1 of z1, c2 of z2, etc. However, these coefficients themselves are infinite series, so this is not at all useful.

  • #7
Alright, thanks everyone :)

Related to Something I don't understand about taylor series

1. What is a Taylor series?

A Taylor series is a mathematical representation of a function as an infinite sum of its derivatives at a particular point. It is used to approximate functions and make calculations easier.

2. How is a Taylor series calculated?

A Taylor series is calculated by taking the derivatives of a function at a specific point and plugging them into a formula that includes the function's value at that point. This process is repeated for each derivative, with increasing powers of the variable.

3. What is the purpose of a Taylor series?

The purpose of a Taylor series is to approximate a function and make calculations simpler. It can also be used to find the values of a function at points where it is difficult to evaluate directly.

4. Can a Taylor series be used for any function?

No, a Taylor series can only be used for functions that are infinitely differentiable at the point where the series is centered. This means that the function must have derivatives of all orders at that point.

5. What are the limitations of a Taylor series?

A Taylor series is an approximation and may not always accurately represent the function it is approximating. It also only works for functions that are infinitely differentiable at the point where the series is centered. Additionally, the farther away the point is from the center, the less accurate the approximation becomes.

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