Somewhat Rigorous thermodynamics?

In summary, the thermodynamics book that the expert recommends is H. Callen's Modern Thermodynamics with Statistical Mechanics. It is a standard textbook on thermodynamics that is easy to read but still provides a rigorous understanding of the theory.
  • #1
Any thermodynamics book that's somewhat mathematical,but is still for beginners?
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  • #2
I guess you feel things are not firm enough in thermodynamics, specially the second law.Right?
  • #3
Shyan said:
I guess you feel things are not firm enough in thermodynamics, specially the second law.Right?
Yes ,any good book?
  • #4
whyevengothere said:
Yes ,any good book?

Its not a matter of book. That's how thermodynamics is.
I think your problem is only about Planck's statement of the 2nd law of thermodynamics i.e. :
Wikipedia said:
Every process occurring in nature proceeds in the sense in which the sum of the entropies of all bodies taking part in the process is increased. In the limit, i.e. for reversible processes, the sum of the entropies remains unchanged

I had the same problem. I always asked myself what is entropy? why should it always increase? why this statement seems that much right that they accepted it as an axiom?
I then found Caratheodory's principle:
Wikipedia said:
In every neighborhood of any state S of an adiabatically enclosed system there are states inaccessible from S
Which provides a geometrical formulation of Thermodynamics using special kinds of manifolds and so makes thermodynamics more mathematical. But at the end, Caratheodory's principle is just an axiom accepted based on observations (in fact based on its equivalence to other statements of the 2nd law) and so is as infirm as Planck's statement.
But then I found the book "Entropy Demystified: The Second Law Reduced to Plain Common Sense" by Arieh Ben-Naim which makes second law natural to intuition.
The whole point is that, in a complex enough system, the underlying simple laws, when applied in a tremendous number of times because of the huge number of particles, give rise to so much a chaotic evolution that the system seems to evolve randomly and this randomness causes something to increase in the evolution and reach a maximum at the end and we call that thing, entropy. To see how this happens, read the book I mentioned.
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  • #5
I'm asking for a thermodynamics book , with quality on par with Kleppner or Purcell, if there is any.
  • #6
Although it might not be accesible, you can try Callen's Thermodynamics (from physics perspective, not necessarily "rigorous" but I've heard good things). I have tried to look for a rigorous thermo book too. Another one, from the math perspective is A First Course in the Mathematical Foundations of Thermodynamics by Owen. Also, I have not read these books, only looked through then. Currently, I am taking statistical mechanics, which is much better, for example why must net Entropy increase? Well Entropy doesn't have to increase, it's only very very very unlikely for it to decrease, because an increase in entropy corresponds to a big increase in available quantum states and it's unlikely for whatever you are talking about to take up exactly only the starting quantum states. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. Or if you need suggestions for statistical mechanics.

Also, on the easier side but most likely will be even less rigorous, Modern Thermodynamics with Statistical Mechanics by Henle looks better than most of the easier books.
  • #7
This is a pretty narrowly focused book on entropy, maybe not what you're looking for (thought I'd mention it since the 2nd law came up). I thought it was pretty good, but not great, still worth considering

I've never read the book suggested by Shyan, but after a quick look on amazon it looks like it may be better.
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  • #8
I've never read the book suggested by Shyan, but after a quick look on amazon it looks like it may be better.
That's not a book on thermodynamics. Its only on entropy and 2nd law. It tries to make 2nd law intuitive through a series of dice games.
  • #9
H. Callen's text is the standard textbook on Thermodynamics. I cannot imagine a better text.
  • #10
dextercioby said:
H. Callen's text is the standard textbook on Thermodynamics. I cannot imagine a better text.

What I don't like in Callen is the deductive approach, which is probably its major strenght at the same time. He postulates entropy and shows that it is consistent will all observations. The advantage is that you get a clear picture of the theory. The disadvantage is that you don't get a feeling which observations made the introduction of entropy necessary and what alternatives where discarded on what grounds.

What is very readable, though not a book, is the article by Lieb and Yngvason:
Maybe the mathematically most concise formulation of thermodynamics. Lieb is quite famous as he has solved many open problems in statistical and quantum mechanics, among others.
  • #11
Well, entropy is a somewhat difficult subject. For me the best approach is information theory a la Shannon and Jaynes. For sure, entropy is more general than to be an equilibrium quantity and it's more than just being a mathematical construct with temperature as the integrating factor in the formula
[itex]\mathrm{d}U=T \mathrm{d} S-p \mathrm{d} V.[/itex]
I guess, however, this is the wrong forum to discuss about the foundations of thermodynamics, which in my opinion should be taught as statistical physics from the very beginning.
  • #12
I think what am asking is if wether or not there is a thermodynamics book for the mathematician.
  • #13
I know that but it seems like no one else echo posted does (besides you obviously). I posted lecture notes intended for mathematicians and two of the better non-mathematician books with respect to rigor.
  • #14
So, Thermodynamics for mathematicians!
I don't think the mainstream formulation can be stated that rigorously. So I only can suggest you any book on Carathéodory's formulation. His formulation uses manifold geometry and so is harder to learn, but it seems to be more rigorous.
I don't know of a thermodynamics book that focuses on it.
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  • #15
I have found Gaskell's "Introduction to Metallurgical Thermodynamics" to be excellent, with clear sections on statistical thermodynamics and excellent sections on entropy changes due to phase mixing, and a mathematical treatment of everything from integrating the specific heat with respect to temperature to find enthalpy, Carnot cycles, fugacities and activities, to reaction equilibria in multi-component systems. Unfortunately, I think it is out of print, but it appears that used versions are still available.
  • #16
dextercioby said:
H. Callen's text is the standard textbook on Thermodynamics. I cannot imagine a better text.

Agree. Callen's is a wonderful book, I strongly recommend this book. If the OP wants an even more mathematical approach, maybe he would like this paper: that follows Callen's lines but it all presented in a purely mathematical way.
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  • #17
Things are firm in thermodynamics. The second law is given plain English statements like you cannot transfer heat from a cold to a hot body, or you cannot convert heat solely into work. The brilliant work of Clausius turned these statements into a quantitative second law, much in the same way that Einstein began from the constancy of the speed of light in all inertial frames and ended up with Lorentz transformations.

A free source that gives the derivation is Kardar's notes (lectures 1-4).

For a book on par with Kleppner or Purcell, one could try Adkins
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  • #18
vanhees71 said:
I guess, however, this is the wrong forum to discuss about the foundations of thermodynamics, which in my opinion should be taught as statistical physics from the very beginning.

This is a matter of taste. I am not a professional physicist, so this is an amateur's viewpoint. I would take classical equilibrium thermodynamics as one of the great intellectual structures. To learn it from the point of view of statistical mechanics, instead of a complete subject in itself, is to miss the amazing derivation of Planck - it is amazing because all the classical thermodynamic laws are correct - the Stefan-Boltzmann law and Wien's law all come from classical thermodynamics. There was nothing wrong with it. What was wrong was classical statistical mechanics. Planck's derivation is amazing because it showed that it was statistical mechanics that needed to become quantum, while there was nothing that needed to be corrected about thermodynamics.

Also, in more recent times there is the analogy that Jacobson drew between the Einstein field equations and classical thermodynamics. I think the idea of "entanglement thermodynamics" is promising, but we shall have to wait and see whether that really works out. But here again, it is classical thermodynamics as something that can stand on its own without statistical mechanics, but is complementary to it, that one needs to appreciate the ideas.

This is heretical, but I would even venture that kinetic theory, with Boltzmann's flawed derivation of irreversibility, is more important than statistical mechanics:) Of course, that's just what someone who likes Bohmian mechanics would say:P
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  • #19
I found this: Thermodynamics:
A Dynamical Systems Approach
Wassim M. Haddad, Vijay Sekhar Chellaboina, & Sergey G. Nersesov and didn't like it
is there something similar but better written ?
  • #20
"Somewhat Rigorous"? Is that anything like "somewhat virgin"?
  • #21
atyy said:
Things are firm in thermodynamics.
Of course they are. But for physicists. OP is asking for an all mathematical approach to thermodynamics. Something that a mathematician learns without worrying about physical observations and experiments. We should accept that thermodynamics differs from statistical mechanics or quantum mechanics that way.
  • #22
whyevengothere said:
I think what am asking is if wether or not there is a thermodynamics book for the mathematician.

I don't know of any book on thermodynamics which concentrates on mathematical rigour. As vanhees71 pointed out, most books today take a statistical mechanics perspective, though I am of the opinion, that a phenomenological perspective is still interesting, especially for mathematicians.
If I were you, I would read the article by Caratheodory (one of the most famous mathematicians at his time!)
and maybe afterwards the article by Lieb and Yngvason I cited earlier. The second article contains all the stuff you mathematicians like, like all kinds of preconditions.

An interesting read is probably also W. Thirrings course on mathematical physics, vol. 4.
  • #23
Well, although I love maths, I don't think that you get a good understanding about the physics, although it's interesting that you can axiomatize phenomenological thermodynamics as Caratheodory has done.
  • #25
May I suggest to you 2 oldies but goodies:
Intro to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Smith and Van Ness. This book is from the USA, so you won't have trouble finding it. I used to read it when I was an undergraduate student.
Thermodynamic (Thermodynamik), Hans Baehr. This one is from Germany, and is excellent. I have it at home in the original language. I do not know if it is edited in the US. My copy is older than me: printed in 1966

Have fun!
  • #26
  • #27
SuperDaniel said:
Thermodynamic (Thermodynamik), Hans Baehr. This one is from Germany, and is excellent. I have it at home in the original language. I do not know if it is edited in the US. My copy is older than me: printed in 1966

Have fun!

And that's the 2nd edition, in 2006 Springer published the 13th! Now that's a successful book, that (to my shame) I didn't know of. Thanks for bringing it up. :)
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  • #28
I feel like thermodynamics is one of those subjects where you need to learn from various sources. No one book has everything you need. I'll mention two older books that haven't been mentioned yet. One is Methods of Thermodynamics by Howard Reiss (thermodynamics from the point of view of a chemist; I'm thoroughly convinced that chemists understand thermo better than anyone else). The other is Elements of Classical Thermodynamics by Pippard (a physicist's point of view). Pippard's book is supposedly aimed at someone who has studied thermo before, but it's worth taking a look at it.

FAQ: Somewhat Rigorous thermodynamics?

1. What is the definition of "Somewhat Rigorous Thermodynamics"?

"Somewhat Rigorous Thermodynamics" is a term used to describe a level of rigor in the study of thermodynamics that falls between the purely theoretical and the purely practical. It acknowledges that certain simplifications and assumptions must be made in order to apply thermodynamic principles to real-world systems, while also recognizing the importance of accurately representing the underlying physical processes.

2. How is "Somewhat Rigorous Thermodynamics" different from traditional thermodynamics?

Traditional thermodynamics is based on the strict application of mathematical laws and principles, while "Somewhat Rigorous Thermodynamics" takes into account the limitations of these laws and the need for simplification in practical applications. It also places a greater emphasis on understanding the physical mechanisms at work in a system.

3. What are the main assumptions made in "Somewhat Rigorous Thermodynamics"?

One of the main assumptions in "Somewhat Rigorous Thermodynamics" is the concept of thermodynamic equilibrium, which assumes that a system is in a state of balance and that no energy or matter is being transferred. Other assumptions may include idealized behavior of materials and neglecting certain forces or effects that may be present in real systems.

4. How is "Somewhat Rigorous Thermodynamics" applied in real-world situations?

"Somewhat Rigorous Thermodynamics" is often used in engineering and scientific applications to model and predict the behavior of complex systems, such as power plants, engines, and chemical processes. It allows for a more practical and realistic approach to these systems, while still maintaining a high level of accuracy.

5. What are the limitations of "Somewhat Rigorous Thermodynamics"?

While "Somewhat Rigorous Thermodynamics" allows for a more practical approach to real-world systems, it also has its limitations. The assumptions made in this level of rigor may not always accurately represent the behavior of a system, and it may not be suitable for studying highly complex or non-equilibrium systems. Additionally, it may not provide a complete understanding of the underlying physics and may require further refinement or more rigorous methods for accurate predictions.

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