Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking for. Could you clarify?

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In summary, "Clarify" means to provide more specific or detailed information about something. In this context, it means to explain your question more clearly so that I can understand it better. Providing an example can help me better understand your question and give you a more accurate answer. Please try to provide an example or more context to help me clarify my response. One way to make your question more clear is to break it down into smaller parts and ask each part separately. You can also try using more specific or technical terms if applicable. Additionally, providing more background information or context can help me better understand your question. As a scientist, it is important for me to have a clear understanding of your question in order to provide an accurate and helpful response
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Here is this week's POTW:

Why can't an infinite group that has a subgroup of finite index $> 1$ be simple?


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  • #2
Hello again MHB community,

I've made a correction to the problem statement. The term "finite index subgroup" has been replaced by "subgroup of finite index $> 1$". This is important, for there are infinite simple groups. For example, given any infinite field $F$, the projective special linear group $\operatorname{PSL}_2(F)$ is simple. Sorry for the typo.
  • #3
Congratulations to the following members for their correct solutions:

1. caffeinemachine

2. Deveno

3. johngHere is a solution by Deveno:

So assume $G$ is infinite, and has a proper subgroup of finite index.

Letting $G$ act on the finite set of (left) cosets $G/H$ by left multiplication, we obtain a homomorphism:

$\phi:G \to S_n$, where $n$ is the index of $H$ in $G$.

The kernel of $\phi$ cannot be trivial, since $G$ is infinite, and $S_n$ is not (thus there can be no injection of $G$ into $S_n$ whatsoever, all the more so a homomorphic injection).

$\phi$ cannot be trivial (that is, the kernel cannot be all of $G$) since $H \neq G$, so that there exists at least one coset $gH \neq H$, thus $\phi(g) \neq \text{id}$-so $g$ is not in the kernel.

Thus $\text{ker }\phi$ is a non-trivial proper normal subgroup of $G$; that is, $G$ is not simple.
Here's another solution by johng:

Suppose the infinite group $G$ has a subgroup $H$ of finite index $n >1$.The number of conjugates of $H$ in $G$ is the index of the normalizer of $H$ in $G$, $[G:N(H)]$ again a finite integer since $N(H)$ contains $H$. Now if two subgroups $H$ and $K$ have finite index, the index of $H\cap K$ is also finite (this index is easily shown to be less than or equal to the product of the indices of $H$ and $K$). So the intersection of a finite number of subgroups, each of finite index, has finite index. Consider $\operatorname{Core}(H)$, the largest normal subgroup of G contained in H; it is the intersection of all conjugates of $H$. So $\operatorname{Core}(H)$ has finite index and hence is a proper normal subgroup.

FAQ: Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking for. Could you clarify?

1. What do you mean by "clarify"?

"Clarify" means to provide more specific or detailed information about something. In this context, it means to explain your question more clearly so that I can understand it better.

2. Can you give an example of what you're looking for?

Yes, providing an example can help me better understand your question and give you a more accurate answer. Please try to provide an example or more context to help me clarify my response.

3. How can I make my question more clear?

One way to make your question more clear is to break it down into smaller parts and ask each part separately. You can also try using more specific or technical terms if applicable. Additionally, providing more background information or context can help me better understand your question.

4. Why do you need me to clarify my question?

As a scientist, it is important for me to have a clear understanding of your question in order to provide an accurate and helpful response. Clarification allows me to better focus on the specific information you are seeking.

5. Is there a specific format or structure I should use to clarify my question?

No, there is no specific format or structure you need to follow. Simply providing more details or context about your question can help me better understand it. You can also try rephrasing your question if you think that will make it clearer.
