Sorting Products by Weight - Need Advice

In summary, to determine the weight of your products, you can use a scale or balance specifically designed for measuring weights. It is important to calibrate the scale properly and weigh each product individually for accuracy. Whether to sort by gross weight or net weight depends on your specific needs and industry regulations. There are spreadsheet and software programs available to help with sorting by weight, but the accuracy of the data should be double checked before sorting. There is no specific order for sorting by weight, as it depends on individual preferences and needs. The frequency of sorting also depends on how frequently product weights change and the importance of having accurate data.
  • #1
I have a problem that I need some help on. I have some product that I need to separate by weight
Product 1 is 15 grams
Product 2 is 22 grams
Product 3 is 28 grams
Could I use a conveyor to get these 3 items up to 21 MPH, have them shoot off the end on the conveyor, and have them sort themselves by distance traveled before hitting the ground. Or any other ideas??
Thanks in advance for any help you may give.
Physics news on
  • #2
Ignoring air resistance, the trajectory of a projectile is independent of its mass.

Related to Sorting Products by Weight - Need Advice

1. How do I determine the weight of my products?

To determine the weight of your products, you can use a scale or balance specifically designed for measuring weights. Make sure to calibrate the scale properly before measuring and to weigh each product individually for accuracy.

2. Should I sort my products by gross weight or net weight?

This depends on your specific needs and the regulations in your industry. Gross weight includes the weight of the product and its packaging, while net weight only measures the weight of the product itself. If you need to accurately track the weight of your products, sorting by net weight would be more appropriate.

3. Can I use a spreadsheet or software to sort my products by weight?

Yes, there are various spreadsheet and software programs available that can help you sort your products by weight. These programs allow you to input the weight data and then sort it in ascending or descending order. Make sure to double check the accuracy of the data entered before sorting.

4. Is there a specific order in which I should sort my products by weight?

There is no specific or universal order in which products should be sorted by weight. It ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. Some may choose to sort by increasing weight to make it easier to track, while others may sort by decreasing weight for easier handling and packaging.

5. How often should I sort my products by weight?

This depends on how frequently your product weight changes and how important it is to have accurate weight data. If your product weights are relatively stable, sorting once a month or as needed may be sufficient. However, if your product weights fluctuate significantly, it may be necessary to sort more often to ensure accurate data.
