Sound loudspeaker intensity problems

In summary, frequency does not affect intensity and the provided formulas can be used to answer the questions. For question 2b and 2c, you can rearrange the equations to solve for the required tension and the distance from the end of the string.
  • #1
These questions are giving me some trouble:

6. A loudspeaker at a rock concert generates 1 x 10^-2 W/m^2 at 20 m at a frequency of 1.0 kHz. Assume the speaker spreads its energy uniformly in all directions.

a. What is the intensity level in dB at 20 m?
b. What is the total acoustic power output of the speaker?
c. At what distance from the speaker will the intensity level be at the pain threshold of 120 dB?
d. What is the intensity level in dB at a distance of 100 m from the speaker?

I don't understand how frequency affects intensity.

Should I use something other than these formulas?:

P = I * 4πr^2

β = 10 * log( I / 1*10^-12 W/m^2 )

2. A violin string is 30cm long between its fixed ends and has a mass of 2.0g. The open string (no finger applied) sounds an A note (440 Hz).

a. Calculate the tension in the string.

f[1] = v / 2L

v = f[1] * 2L

v = (440 Hz) * ( 2 * .3m ) = 264m/s

µ = M / L = .002kg / .3m = .0067kg/m

v = sqrt( F / µ )

F = µv^2

F = (.0067kg/m) (264m/s)^2 = 467N

b. What tension would be required for this open string to sound a C note (528 Hz)?

F = µv^2

Not sure how to approach this…

c. If instead of changing the tension you decide to sound a C note by stopping the string (pressing it against the violin with your finger), how far from the end of the string should it be applied?

L = v / 2f

L = 264m/s / ( 2 * 528Hz ) = .25m

Δx = L[0] – L = .3m - .25m = .05m

Thanks in advance :),

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  • #2
For question 6, frequency does not affect intensity. Intensity is the power per unit area, and it is independent of frequency. The formulas you have provided are correct. You can use them to calculate the answers to questions 6a, 6b, and 6d. For question 2b, you can solve for the required tension by rearranging the equation F = µv^2 and substituting in the values for the mass (M) and velocity (v). The velocity (v) can be calculated by rearranging the equation f = v/2L and substituting in the given value for the frequency (f). For question 2c, you can solve for how far from the end of the string the finger should be applied by rearranging the equation L = v/2f and substituting in the given value for the frequency (f) and the velocity (v). The velocity (v) can be calculated using the equation f = v/2L. Once you have the length (L) for the open string, you can subtract it from the total length of the string (L0) to find the distance (Δx) from the end of the string where the finger should be applied.
  • #3

Dear Dusty,

I can understand how these questions might be giving you some trouble, but I'll do my best to explain the concepts and help you find the solutions.

Let's start with the first problem about the loudspeaker at the rock concert. Frequency does indeed affect intensity, as it is one of the factors that determine the sound energy emitted by the speaker. The higher the frequency, the higher the energy emitted.

To answer the questions, we can use the formulas you mentioned. For part a, we can use the formula β = 10 * log( I / 1*10^-12 W/m^2 ) to find the intensity level in decibels (dB). Plugging in the values given, we get β = 10 * log( 1*10^-2 W/m^2 / 1*10^-12 W/m^2 ) = 100 dB.

For part b, we can use the formula P = I * 4πr^2 to find the total acoustic power output of the speaker. Plugging in the values given, we get P = (1*10^-2 W/m^2) * 4π(20m)^2 = 50.27 W.

For part c, we can use the formula β = 10 * log( I / I[0] ) to find the distance from the speaker where the intensity level reaches 120 dB, which is considered the pain threshold. Plugging in the values given, we get 120 dB = 10 * log( I / 1*10^-12 W/m^2 ), which can be solved for I to get I = 1 W/m^2. Using this value for I, we can plug it into the formula P = I * 4πr^2 and solve for r to get r = 0.159 m, or approximately 16 cm.

For part d, we can use the same formula β = 10 * log( I / I[0] ) and plug in the new distance of 100 m to get β = 10 * log( 1*10^-2 W/m^2 / 1*10^-12 W/m^2 ) = 120 dB. This shows that the intensity level decreases as the distance from the speaker increases.

Moving on to the second problem about the violin string, we can use the formula f[1] = v / 2L to find

Related to Sound loudspeaker intensity problems

1. What is sound loudspeaker intensity?

Sound loudspeaker intensity refers to the strength or power of sound waves produced by a loudspeaker. It is measured in decibels (dB) and indicates the amount of energy transferred per unit time by a sound wave.

2. How is sound loudspeaker intensity measured?

Sound loudspeaker intensity is typically measured using a decibel meter. This device measures the pressure of sound waves in the air and converts it into a decibel reading. Other methods such as sound pressure level (SPL) meters or oscilloscopes can also be used to measure loudspeaker intensity.

3. What factors affect sound loudspeaker intensity?

The loudspeaker's power rating, efficiency, and distance from the listener are some of the factors that can affect sound loudspeaker intensity. The type and quality of the audio source, as well as the acoustic properties of the room, can also have an impact on loudspeaker intensity.

4. How does loudspeaker intensity affect sound quality?

The intensity of sound produced by a loudspeaker can impact the overall sound quality. Too low of an intensity may result in a weak or muffled sound, while too high of an intensity can cause distortion or clipping. Finding the right balance of loudspeaker intensity is crucial for achieving optimal sound quality.

5. Can loudspeaker intensity be adjusted?

Yes, loudspeaker intensity can be adjusted through various means. Most loudspeakers have volume controls or equalizers that allow for precise adjustments to the intensity of sound. Placing the loudspeaker at different distances from the listener can also affect the intensity of sound. Additionally, the audio source can be adjusted to alter loudspeaker intensity.

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