Sound wave relative minima help

In summary: Once you have those two quantities, you can use them to solve for the points where the waves will be at their lowest. Considering the problem visually, as though you could see the waves (picture transverse waves). How long are the wavelengths? And what would you expect to happen at the exact midpoint between the speakers?(At this point the waves from the two sources have traveled exactly the same distance to get to the point, so what kind of interference?)maxima will be observed at all the points where the path difference between the waves is zeo . the perpendicular bisector of the 2 sources will be the locus of the points where maximum sound
  • #1
Two speakers are drive by a common oscillator at 800 Hz and face each other a distance of 1.25 m. Locate the points along a line joining the two speakers where relative minima would be expected (v =343m/s speed of sound)

How would I do this? I think I would just take part of the wavelength but how do you know which parts?
Physics news on
  • #2
Consider the problem visually, as though you could see the waves (picture transverse waves). How long are the wavelengths? And what would you expect to happen at the exact midpoint between the speakers?(At this point the waves from the two sources have traveled exactly the same distance to get to the point, so what kind of interference?)
  • #3
maxima will be observed at all the points where the path difference between the waves is zeo . the perpendicular bisector of the 2 sources will be the locus of the points where maximum sound is observed .
  • #4
gandharva_23 said:
maxima will be observed at all the points where the path difference between the waves is zeo . the perpendicular bisector of the 2 sources will be the locus of the points where maximum sound is observed .

First, the question is about *minima*. Second, maxima occur when the path difference is zero or any multiple of the wavelength. Third, the question is about point along the line joining the two sources!
Please read carefully the can only confuse the person asking if you provide irrelevant information.
  • #5
jesuslovesu said:
Two speakers are drive by a common oscillator at 800 Hz and face each other a distance of 1.25 m. Locate the points along a line joining the two speakers where relative minima would be expected (v =343m/s speed of sound)

How would I do this? I think I would just take part of the wavelength but how do you know which parts?

Do you know the condition for minima? If two waves are emitted in phase and are of the same wavelength, there will be minima if the difference of the distance traveled is lambda/2 or 2 lambda/2 etc...
That`s the first step to understanding the problem...

FAQ: Sound wave relative minima help

What is a sound wave relative minimum?

A sound wave relative minimum is a point on a sound wave where the amplitude of the wave is at its lowest. It is typically located between two adjacent peaks, or points of maximum amplitude.

Why is understanding relative minima important in sound waves?

Understanding relative minima in sound waves is important because it helps us to identify and analyze different characteristics of the wave, such as its frequency and wavelength. It also allows us to distinguish between different types of sound waves, such as harmonic and non-harmonic waves.

How can relative minima be used to measure the loudness of a sound?

Relative minima can be used to measure the loudness of a sound by comparing the amplitude of the wave at the relative minimum to the amplitude at the peaks. The larger the difference between these two amplitudes, the louder the sound will be.

Can relative minima be manipulated to change the quality of sound?

Yes, relative minima can be manipulated to change the quality of sound. By altering the frequency and amplitude of a sound wave, we can change the location and depth of the relative minima, which can result in a different sound quality.

How are relative minima related to the concept of interference in sound waves?

Relative minima are related to the concept of interference in sound waves because they can be caused by the interference of two or more sound waves. When waves interfere constructively, they create a relative maximum, and when they interfere destructively, they create a relative minimum. Understanding this relationship can help us to analyze and control the interference of sound waves to create different effects.
