Sound waves: How do we know it is the fundamental harmonic?

In summary, the rationale behind assuming that the sound wave is the fundamental harmonic is that it is the easiest to excite and usually the most difficult to excite another harmonic.
  • #1
I have done a handful of problems related to sound waves in air columns and one thing I have noticed is that, unless told otherwise in the problem formulation, one always assumes that sound wave that is formed is always the fundamental harmonic and thus the length of the air column comprises a half wavelength. What is the rationale behind this? I thought the shapes were somewhat arbitrary, depening on the context: How is one so sure that it most certainly is the fundamental harmonic? Why couldn't the sound wave have e.g. a 2nd harmonic or a 3rd harmonic shape?

If you blow into a bottle with length 17 cm a standing wave arises. What is the frequency of the soundwave (assume the speed of sound to be 340 m/s).
In this case, the sound wave is regarded as a fundamental harmonic (read: must be regarded as the fundamental or else the answer turns out to be wrong). What argues for doing that?

In a straight tunnel, similar to an air column with both ends open, resonance is achieved at e.g. the frequency 42 Hz. The next frequency which gives rise to resonance is 56 Hz. Calculate the length of the tunnel.
In this example, one cannot assume that the shape of the sound wave is the "fundamental" (i.e. anti-nodes at the ends and node in the middle of the tunnel). Instead, one has to be quite careful and consider the possible shapes.

Can somebody please help me see things clearly?
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  • #2
The first harmonic is by far the easiest to excite, and it is usually quite difficult to excite any other harmonic by itself.

So unless you have some good reason to suspect otherwise, when you only find a single resonance you can reasonably assume that it's the fundamental harmonic; and when you find multiple resonances you can work out the fundamental harmonic.

In practice, you might find it fairly difficult to create the situation described in your second example in which just 42 Hz and 56 Hz are present but the 14 Hz primary is not there and dominating them both.
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  • #3
Nugatory said:
The first harmonic is by far the easiest to excite, and it is usually quite difficult to excite any other harmonic by itself.

Ok, valid argument but how can really be sure that it really is the fundamental harmonic? Why couldn't one argue that it is the first harmonic?

Nugatory said:
In practice, you might find it fairly difficult to create the situation described in your second example in which just 42 Hz and 56 Hz are present but the 14 Hz primary is not there and dominating them both.

Hm, not sure whether I really understood the "14 Hz" bit. But, why can't I here assume it is the fundamental harmonic? Like you said, any higher harmonics are way harder to excite.
  • #4
The fundamental may have length of column = λ/4 (when one end is closed and the other is open)
From the dimensions of the container you should have some idea.
Also, negatory is quite correct, the fundamental is the most likely oscillation to be excited
  • #5
The best way to ascertain that you are near the fundamental resonance is by measuring the dimensions of the pipe. You will not get a resonance in a simple pipe or cavity if the dimension is much less than a quarter wavelength in air. If the resonator is loaded in some way, with a port (hole / tube) in it then it can behave as a Helmoltz resonator at a much lower frequency (like a sub-woofer loudspeaker).
For a 'black box' resonator (no data about its real dimensions), you would need actually to measure its response down to a ridiculously low frequency, to be really sure, I think.
  • #6
You can get to the higher harmonics by blowing harder with many flutes, but it requires some skill. Large harmonics usually have higher power dissipation, so they are harder to excite, it is often a save bet to assume that you are in the fundamental resonance. If you have something else than simple pipes, the vibrational patterns get much more complicated, and the harmonics don't necessarily follow a simple pattern of multiples of a single base frequency.
  • #7
0xDEADBEEF said:
You can get to the higher harmonics by blowing harder with many flutes, but it requires some skill. Large harmonics usually have higher power dissipation, so they are harder to excite, it is often a save bet to assume that you are in the fundamental resonance. If you have something else than simple pipes, the vibrational patterns get much more complicated, and the harmonics don't necessarily follow a simple pattern of multiples of a single base frequency.

That's because they are 'overtones' and not 'harmonics'. It's only a harmonic when it is an exact multiple of a fundamental and, for most resonators (real ones) this is not the case. I always think that the right terminology should be used where possible.

Related to Sound waves: How do we know it is the fundamental harmonic?

1. What is a sound wave?

A sound wave is a type of mechanical wave that is created when a source, such as a vibrating object, causes a disturbance in a medium, such as air. This disturbance travels through the medium in the form of a longitudinal wave, which consists of compressions and rarefactions.

2. How do we measure sound waves?

Sound waves are measured using units of frequency, amplitude, and wavelength. Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz) and represents the number of vibrations per second. Amplitude is measured in decibels (dB) and represents the intensity or volume of the sound. Wavelength is measured in meters (m) and represents the distance between two consecutive compressions or rarefactions.

3. What is the fundamental harmonic of a sound wave?

The fundamental harmonic, also known as the first harmonic, is the lowest frequency at which a sound wave can vibrate. It is the primary pitch that is heard when an object or instrument produces a sound. All other frequencies produced by the sound are multiples, or harmonics, of this fundamental frequency.

4. How do we know that the fundamental harmonic is present in a sound wave?

We can determine the presence of the fundamental harmonic in a sound wave by analyzing the frequency spectrum of the sound. The fundamental harmonic will always be the lowest frequency component in the spectrum, and all other frequencies will be multiples of this fundamental frequency. Additionally, the perceived pitch of a sound is closely related to the fundamental frequency, providing further evidence of its presence.

5. Why is the fundamental harmonic important in sound waves?

The fundamental harmonic is important because it determines the pitch of a sound. The perceived pitch of a sound is determined by the frequency of the fundamental harmonic, and all other harmonics contribute to the quality or timbre of the sound. Without the fundamental harmonic, a sound would have no defined pitch and would sound more like noise.

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